Natural hair update: It's been a while, so here it is!

Your hair looks fab but I'm just so excited to see you! I was away for a few years so I get excited when I see old posters I used to talk to.

Back to hair: thanks for sharing your progress pics! You look great!

HEY LADY! Its great to "see" you too! I'm rarely on myself, so I definitely know the feeling:)
so1913Beautiful soror! You are my one of my hairspirations and have been since I've been on this board! How long is your hair stretched now?
I braced myself coming into this thread and told myself I knew what to expect coz your hair is always beautiful but I forgot to don my bib coz try as I might, I can't help the :drool:

Beautiful :notworthy
Love that cut!!! You are so lucky to have access to Dickey and Devachan Salons. How often are you visiting the salon for trims/cuts?
Love that cut!!! You are so lucky to have access to Dickey and Devachan Salons. How often are you visiting the salon for trims/cuts?

Thanks! fortunately I work in mid-town manhattan, so its very easy for me to schedule an evening appointment during the week and go. I have been aiming to go every 3-4 months and have been pretty much on schedule for about the past year, except for this last run which was 5 months since my last.
Great update! You always have the best hair cuts! :) You were definitely one of the people on the board that inspired me to want to go natural.