Is your hair type 4 or 3? If you're a 4, I may need to get some of this!:lick:

Girl I am DEFINITELY a 4!!! LOL! If you check out my fotki, you can see my fro and tell that it is quite 4a/b and I love all of my naps! I will never go back to a relaxer. My hair is too soft for the chemicals. My natural hair looks healthier and thicker. I've had a hard time finding products but thanks to this forum I now know what ingredients to look for and can recognize when things are not working for my hair.
Why does this make my curls pop, shine, and lay down without feeling weighted down and greasy! I love this product. It works better than Kinky-curly & Miss Jessie's for my hair. AND it ONLY cost $3.96!!! I can't wait to post pics. It is being introduced to Wal-mart. Here is a link to the site.
They have this at my Walmart I saw it today but I'm on a product purchasing break so I did not purchase it...please naturals continue to post your results and how you use the products. It apears my Walmart has the entire line!!