Natural hair that looks raggedy when straighten...


Well-Known Member
Now I see beautiful natural heads that look great when the hair is in it's natural state but as soon as it is flat ironed or pressed it looks a mess cause it has never been trimmed.

I got my hair trimmed 6 months ago and when my hair was flat ironed the ends were perfect but my hair was like 4 inches shorter!

So my question to you ladies is do you prefer the length or the evenness and health of the hair? If you never straighten your hair eveness may not matter.

I am itching to get another trim just so my ends don't get messed up again but at the same time I'm scared it will be super short again. Also I only straighten it once this year and will do it again for the next trim but since it's not usually straight not sure if it's necessary. Not sure what to do.
I've been trimming/dusting my hair every 6 months ( as needed). I'm not 100% natural I have a few inches of permed ends in certain areas, I haven't worn my hair straight in about 2-3 years, but I've always been one who likes my ends to be neat. I can not stand raggedy ends natural or permed. Why not dust your ends every so often to keep the ends fresh?
I've been trimming/dusting my hair every 6 months ( as needed). I'm not 100% natural I have a few inches of permed ends in certain areas, I haven't worn my hair straight in about 2-3 years, but I've always been one who likes my ends to be neat. I can not stand raggedy ends natural or permed. Why not dust your ends every so often to keep the ends fresh?

Yes, when I was relaxed I would get trims every 4 months I believe just to keep my ends fresh. Now that I'm natural I don't really notice my ends when my hair is in a fro so I don't know how critical it is to trim but after my first trim 6 months ago my hair was much healthier so I wanted to keep it up. I just don't want to lose the length.
I trim very little hair about a .25 of an inch every 4 months and I am still making great progress. I never trim my hair when curly because when I straighten I like my ends to look even. Also I self trim and I think I might cut off too much hair if it is curly especially since I have two different textures.
I don't wear my hair straight very often (maybe 3-4 times a year) so I'm not that concerned about the ends being even. The last time I straightened was the first time I had the ends straightened out and I kind of regret it because my twists and twist outs fall differently now.

I guess it just depends on how you wear you hair.
Now I see beautiful natural heads that look great when the hair is in it's natural state but as soon as it is flat ironed or pressed it looks a mess cause it has never been trimmed.

I got my hair trimmed 6 months ago and when my hair was flat ironed the ends were perfect but my hair was like 4 inches shorter!

So my question to you ladies is do you prefer the length or the evenness and health of the hair? If you never straighten your hair eveness may not matter.

I am itching to get another trim just so my ends don't get messed up again but at the same time I'm scared it will be super short again. Also I only straighten it once this year and will do it again for the next trim but since it's not usually straight not sure if it's necessary. Not sure what to do.

I don't trim my hair. I do dust and S&D. I'm almost entirely in nonstraightened styles (exception is the occasional blow dry) during the summer. Perfect blunt cut ends don't matter.

When I do straighten, I rarely, if ever wear it 100% straight, there's always some waviness or curl so even if I do have perfect blunt cut ends, you'd never know that either. My hair's always in some form of set style whether it be bantu knot outs, pincurls, braid/twist outs.

Perfect blunt cut ends still don't matter. If however, there are large (4+") sections of various lengths or one particular section keeps breaking, then I'd suspect there was a breakage problem and a hard cut and a regimen change would be necessary.

Just my thoughts, everyone's mileage varies though ;)
i dust my hair every 6-8 weeks. i don't know if i will ever straighten my hair, so blunt even ends are not a concern for me. my hair grows in layers anyway.
I dust my ends every few months to keep my ends healthy. I don't wear my hair straight very often but I do plan to moreso as it gets longer. However, even then I wouldn't trim my hair to make it even, I would only dust/trim to have the ends healthy. Even when wearing my hair straight I would probably have it curled so wouldn't need it even. 4" to me sounds more like a cut than a trim. If you are dusting all along, then major cuts like that should not be neccessary unless something really extreme happened.
The title of this thread made me chuckle. I know what you're talking about OP. I don't really have a schedule for trimming I just look at my ends and search and destoy when I straighten.

But keep in mind you dont have to straighten to trim your hair you can twist and trim a little off that way.
I'm never gonna straighten my hair again so I'm not bothered. But when I do trim my hair I do try to make sure it's even.
I only straighten 3x a yr & haven't trimmed since 10/09. Even when I use heat I do not go for the bone-straight look, and I never straighten the last 2-3inches (wet ends and pin curl) so no one can really tell if my ends are perfectly straight. Also, my hair grows in a "V" no matter what so I just leave it alone. The only reason I would trim would be to eliminate a sharp tapering/"tail" or split ends.
I rarely straighten my hair but I don't like the rough feel of old ends so I try to keep up on my trims. My hair grows pretty quickly so losing length to have healthy ends isn't a bit issue for me.
I'm not going for a blunt shape. I would like a nice U shape tho:yep:

I JUST dusted my ends last more trimming for a while.
I trim every 4 months and dust when needed.

I do want to note that what can be perceived as raggedy ends may just be dry ends. If the hair is blow-fried, the ends have a harder time recouping, thereby making the roots look smooth and straight while the ends look raggedy and dry.