Natural Hair need help


New Member
I am new to the forum and have alot of questions. I have gotten a chance to look over some of the previous threads and they have helped me alot. I currenlty have natural hair that I get blow dried straight by the dominicans when I want a different look and it is a little past my shoulders. My goal is to grow it out to at least my bra strap.

I just don't know where to begin or what regime would work for me. My hair type is really weird. It is straight in the front and curly in the back. I have been growing it out now for about 5 years without a perm. I have been thinking of texturizing it.

I have seen a few regimes but dont know which would work for me. I currently use pantene pro-v shampoo for natural or relaxed hair, humectress as my conditioner, motions "nourish" leave in conditioner and dark and lovely moisture seal daily moisturizer. I take Ultra Mega gold supplements and liquid protein. I know this is alot to take in but thanks for your help in advance.

I am asking you ladies because your hair looks so beautiful. Thanks again
Welcome to the Board!! I'm still a newbie myself, but have been trying to soak up as much info as I can.
I'm learning that the actual products we use do not seem to be as important as the consistency and actual care we give our hair. You do not need to follow anyone's specific routine to get results, it's more about the actual tlc you give your hair. Products just seem to help when we are battling a specific problem such as breakage, shedding, dry ends etc. There more like guidelines/friendly suggestions of things that worked for others.
Your regimen looks fine to me, except I didn't see a mention of deep conditioning, which I've learned is a pretty important step. And if you experience breakage you may want to do a heavy protein treatment every 6wks or so. Or just do a light protein weekly...
I've learned from other naturals:
- never comb hair dry - usually only comb with conditioner in it
- use wide tooth combs
- always keep hair moist
- low/no manipulation - don't comb it everyday, less combing the better
- avoid heat to retain length/ keep ends protected

I do have some member regimen advice posts in my journal. They give tips and post what they use. It may be a good starting point.
thanks alot for your help. I visited your journal and it was very helpful. Also, I comb my hair quite often...that is something that I will not do now. Thanks for the advice. I appreicate it.
Less is more when it comes to natural hair.

you need


a good conditioner like "Herbal conditioner" from a health food store

a good shampoo like Creme of nature

and a good moisturiser (sp) like carrot creme

I have a products section in my album.....

oh and I don't do heat....

I do excercise like a psycho and I try to eat right lol.
Glad I could help. As you saw I'm still figuring out by trial and error. I really don't need 1/2 the products I have but I've always been a product junkie. I just like experimenting. There are only 2 products I'd recc. black castor oil and cholestral cream. I really like there effect and it seems to work on a variety of textures.
You really don't need a lot of stuff - like I said it seems to be more about the care and handling.
Thanks for the advice. I got a chance to visit your album and your pictures look great...especially the May 05 where I really got to see your hair. Beautiful.
i'm natural too.

I do daily co washes and add liquid aloe vera to my conditioner

I use a glycerin/water mix as my leavin/moisturizer

I shampoo, deep condition weekly

I do a weekly pre-shampoo treatment of either castor oil or jamaica black castor oil for 2 to 3 hours.

I deep condition with cholesterol weekly.

I oil my scalp at nite w/ evening primrose oil, rosemary oil, sweet almond oil, wheatgerm oil, apricot kernel oil, jamaica black castor oil or shapley's m-t-g.

I sleep w/ a thin plastic cap and silk scarf at applying my oil. Hope this helps.