Natural hair is too much work


New Member
YouTube - NOT Happy to be Nappy ~ "**** Natural Hair!"

So this lady on youtube who already made a previous video talking bad about natural hair decided to go natural to see what's good.:nono: Turns out after doing her "research" by looking at a few youtube videos and catching onto the co-washing and wash n go hair terms, she didn't like being natural at all. What I took from this raging video was the simple lesson that natural hair is too much work...possibly for the ignorant.

It's not much work at all for me because I know how to care for it properly after going natural two times. First time was hell, split ends galore but this time around I've got the hang of it. Not everyone can get it right the first time and I understand she may have not gotten it right the first time. The difference is that she is willing to remain ignorant by not finding out more info on why her hair is reacting that way instead of doing so. As far as I'm concerned, maybe it's best if she doesn't join the "natural hair community" (which I happen to think is the most dysfunctional community due to how many hair wars that's going on) so she doesn't spew her bad facts to newcomers.

Anywho, I thought this may be a good discussion. Apologies if this has been discussed extensively before.

Do you find natural hair to be too much work?
Is it only too much work for the ignorant or even when you're knowledgable about your hair does it require so much time and effort and input?
in my case i do not have problems maintaining my hair after i finally got the groove of things but STYLING is my main issue. i still skruggle with this
lmao - why did I know who this was before I even clicked on the link? I found it funny, but it was actually kind of offensive and my hair isn't even natural.

BTW, I *think* her hair was already natural, she just always wears weaves/wigs, etc.
Oh yeah!! :drunk: I saw this there were like 2 other threads on here about this vid. She is funny. :lol:
She said she has been natural for over 20 years.

Not everyone wants to wear twists, braidouts, twistouts, afros, etc. Everyone doesn't get silky flat ironed hair. Some people do have very coarse, tangly hair that takes hours to do. So if you have to deal with a bad flat iron job, and styles that you don't care for, you're going to be frustrated with natural hair.

I was reading a thread on here just yesterday, where a lot of folks on here doesn't like their texture for different reasons.

lmao - why did I know who this was before I even clicked on the link? I found it funny, but it was actually kind of offensive and my hair isn't even natural.

BTW, I *think* her hair was already natural, she just always wears weaves/wigs, etc.
I was laughing my butt off during that video, it wasn't offensive to me at ALL. If she can't figure out how to do her hair it's no skin off my back.

Do I think that being natural is difficult? No, but it would be if I constantly manipulated my hair or changed the look of my natural texture. Every time I play around and do a twist or braid out, I'm like, "This is too much dang work." I applaud the women who wear these styles 95% of the time, because let me tell you, it wouldn't be hair isn't long enough and it's too thick to do only 10 or less twists/braids...when it gets that long I definitely want to try them again though.
Oh boy, I just raised this crazy woman from the dead. Sorry y'all!

Oh, no worries :lol: Soon someone will post a new vid of her up.

I don't consoder her crazy either...not like ya'll remember her?? Lol.
I don't see the problem...she's saying that she finds her own natural hair to be mad work.

And calling her ignorant for feeling that way doesn't make sense to me...if she feels like she can't manage her natural hair, then I don't see how you can feel like she's passing out wrong information. That's her experience with her hair...that's like me saying that the color peach looks good on me, and you telling me that I'm passing out wrong information. :lol:

Since her hair is not on my head, I don't have to deal with it, so I really can't see judging her or anyone else who feels that their natural hair is hard to deal with. I don't know their lives. *shrug*
I don't see the problem...she's saying that she finds her own natural hair to be mad work.

And calling her ignorant for feeling that way doesn't make sense to me...if she feels like she can't manage her natural hair, then I don't see how you can feel like she's passing out wrong information. That's her experience with her hair...that's like me saying that the color peach looks good on me, and you telling me that I'm passing out wrong information. :lol:

Since her hair is not on my head, I don't have to deal with it, so I really can't see judging her or anyone else who feels that their natural hair is hard to deal with. I don't know their lives. *shrug*

I think the OP meant ignorant as in unknowing...and it does seem as if she does not know how to care for her hair.
My hair type is 4a/b which I can handle. The issue with me is that I have sooo much hair( which is even more accentuated by my hair type) that I get overwhelmed and it takes me a long time to do. Even my mother would get overwhelmed. I only relaxed to cut down the hair is still pretty thick. Many people think my hair is natural, or they forget no matter how many times I tell them or they are in shock.
Now I miss my thickness and I want to try to go natural again. I was also considering just cutting down on the time when I relax so maybe relax for 7-10min instead of 15min.
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LOL I thought she was hilarious!!! I wasn't offended and I think she was natural before but she tried to wear it out for a while and it didn't work out, well...some of us are meant for the fro and some of us aren't
Her experience is HER experience. As far as her misguiding newly naturals, I don't think that should be a concern. If some was TRULY serious about going natural..nobody is going to deter them for their hair goals. There is a down side to everything. Besides you said the first time you went natural it was a major problem. If you saw that video back then, you would of probably agreed with some of what she was saying.
LOL I thought she was hilarious!!! I wasn't offended and I think she was natural before but she tried to wear it out for a while and it didn't work out, well...some of us are meant for the fro and some of us aren't

I agree, I thought her delivery was funny as heck and she was just bein herself without the PC disclaimers.

While I'm very glad I went natural and thought my loose natural 4a-ish hair was cute, it was a ton of work trying rock different styles. Detangling wasn't a game and twisting took forever. I was anti-heat back then but if I were to do it over I would've heat straightened sometimes and kept it stretched way more to make styling easier.

I think every woman should experience her natural texture because you often gain knowledge that makes it easier to grow healthy hair over your lifetime. However, if I ever take down my locs I'll probably try a relaxer before staying a loose natural :look:
Do you find natural hair to be too much work?
Is it only too much work for the ignorant or even when you're knowledgable about your hair does it require so much time and effort and input?

Yes, I personally find my own natural hair to be too much work. For me its because I don't have a defined curl pattern, its very random, so I don't ever wear it out. My hair is very compact and fine so I find it very difficult to comb through especially when its wet. I just feel like I'm ripping my hair out especially when I go to straighten it.

I think it just depends on the person. You can have knowledgeable natural hair ladies that feel that their hair still requires more time an effort than if they were natural. And you have natural hair ladies that are not as knowledgeable and its a breeze for them to take care of their hair.

I feel like my hair so much easier to maintain and deal with when I'm relaxed. When I had my hair natural I always blowdried it. It was a nightmare for me to comb through if I let it air dry. But when I am relaxed I don't ever use a blow dryer or too much direct heat except for a hood dryer. I am also more likely to shampoo and condition more frequently when I am relaxed.
I agree with her. It is time consuming to do natural type 4 hair. At least for me it is. No lie there. However, I'm in it for the long haul and I'm getting better at doing my hair and caring for it. I understand what she means though.
I have 4a/4b hair that is much healthier since I have gone natural. August makes 3 years natural. Did not big chop, doing a long term transition. I love co washing, deep conditioning and playing mixologist. But am having a hard time styling. I want to wear my hair straight but in the heat it reverts. I don't use much heat in the winter. Am wearing it mainly in a bun, but am sick of buns. Not looking forward to the summer heat reverting my hair.
I was in the group that didn't find her hilarious.

However, as a natural, I don't necessarily find that its more work only that I am MORE involved than I was before. When I was relaxed, I was more than happy to leave the actual work to my stylist. At home I did the minimums and did not do any extra to enhance my hair or its growth.

Now, its a different story. I am involved with every aspect of my hair from choosing the products and evaluating their effectiveness to styling. So yes, in that sense, its more work than before. But the payoff to me is better as well. My hair is finally starting to reach some of my basic goals and my styling skills are slowly improving along with it.
I think the OP meant ignorant as in unknowing...and it does seem as if she does not know how to care for her hair.
I did. That's the definition of ignorant. Unaware and not knowing.

People just usually turn it into a negative turn. A lot of people are ignorant on a lot of things, it doesn't mean we're stupid or anything defamatory.

I don't see a problem with me calling her ignorant, she is. She does not seem to know how to care for her natural hair in it's exposed state and I just call it how I see it.
not all 4a/b are the same

not every person who does a bc will have nicely defined curls or coils, or waves when pulled back, or hair that can even be pulled back in a pony

not every person has natural hair that can even be combed easily - never mind finger combing - even when wet.

I am truly stepping away from Dickey's hair typing because it does a disservice to the many woman who are once again left out when they don't fit the mold.
I think natural hair is beautiful but it was too much work for ME. I couldn't find natural styles that I liked on me, it took forever to detangle, finding products that worked well on my natural hair was an extensive & costly process,:nono::nono: relaxed with long stretches suits me & my lifestyle the best.

I do plan on going natural again one day before I die. Not anytime soon though.
I thought the video was funny. You cant take offence to every person on youtube that says things you dont agree with. Personally from someone that has once been relaxed I think being natural is sooo much easier.. I buy less products. Dony have to worry about a relaxer or wasting my saturdays in a salon. Now, all I do is wash, Dc and twist and air dry... Simple enough

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I don't see the problem...she's saying that she finds her own natural hair to be mad work.

And calling her ignorant for feeling that way doesn't make sense to me...if she feels like she can't manage her natural hair, then I don't see how you can feel like she's passing out wrong information. That's her experience with her hair...that's like me saying that the color peach looks good on me, and you telling me that I'm passing out wrong information. :lol:

Since her hair is not on my head, I don't have to deal with it, so I really can't see judging her or anyone else who feels that their natural hair is hard to deal with. I don't know their lives. *shrug*

Nah not crazy..but the difference is..she was *born* with that hair. Which is different than having the ability to switch colors. if it were 500 years ago, how would she "deal" with it?
To my surprise, I enjoyed my texture. Many ladies are responding that they are Type 4, I thought I was, too. But I think curl pattern is only one factor: there's thickness and density, also.

I did not take her video too much to heart, she may have been frustrated, or she could be an aspiring comic or a bit of both. However, she has the perfect texture and head to wear it close cropped and that's too bad that a stylist did not point that out. She would have looked really cute.


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Slightly OT:

To my surprise, I enjoyed my texture. Many ladies are responding that they are Type 4, I thought I was, too. But I think curl pattern is only one factor: there's thickness and density, also.

So true! Thank you so much for this post! I looked at my hair (so many different textures) and compared it to someone else's type 4 (which to me looked like a 3) and thought.... am I mislabeled? What's really going on? :lol:

I expected it to be ghoulish because of the hype of how hard it is to manage 4a/b hair... but in all reality it's been pretty easy thus far. I can finger comb, don't have alot of tangles (a few in the crown but nothing serious), my reggie is super simple, and I'm pretty happy. :yep:

I think it really is a YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) type of thing. Products are just one aspect, styling is another, you have to be competent enough to "read" your hair correctly, and not keep using something just because other people like it.