Natural Hair Interviews! People needed!


Well-Known Member
If any of you have visted my hair blog you know i post a lot of natural hair inspiration pics on there.

Well i want to start posting pics and interviews of naturals that i know i.e YOU GUYS! Well if you are interested in submitting an interview and your pics, let me know please. I welcome everyone, transitioners and those already natural.

You can send me a pm on here or you can e-mail me at [email protected] with the subject "Natural Hair Interview" if you are interested! Thanks everybody!

Also, if your interested in doing an interview for, email me at [email protected]
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If you need my help I am happy to assist. :yep:

If you need someone for a group discussion or talk show or something like that I can help with that also.
i don't mind dong it either! can talk about setbacks and different difficulties i've encountered! lol
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you guys but school comes first! Anyway, to everyone that e-mailed me, i have replied back. Thanks!
For all those who email me, i emaild you back! Please fill it out and follow the instructions and get back to me. I am still looking for more interviewees!