Natural Hair-How often are you trimming if any?


New Member
I do not plan to trim, just dust the ends in the summer, once I get the desired overall thickness that I want. Some people do not trim at all, and some wait until they get their desired length. If you have totally natural unprocessed hair, how do you feel and what if any are your trimming schedules?> My goal is waistlength/rounded naturally or V shaped NO layers and NO bangs and I do not plan to lose inches with unnecessary cutting and trimming. If I get any split ends, I will take care of them on an individual basis. Since my hair is up and wrapped 98 percent of the time, my ends stay really healthy. Bonjour.
I'm following Wanakee's theory on trimms, but I'm trying to dust the ends myself to just get the splits and keep max length b/c hairdressers always cut more than you ask for. I'll get a trimm to even things up when I'm at my next goal.
I waited for 4 months before I got my hair trimmed after being natural. I think I will keep up the four months, while doing matainence cuts to help the back of my hair catch up with the top.
I really wasn't trimming until my hair got really damaged. Now when I trim it is just to see a few hairs falling. I don't really plan to cut at all with the braids.
Is Wanakee the one who said that you should trim an inch every 6 weeks no matter what? I may have the numbers off, but to me trimmng just for the sake of split ends that you MIGHT get seems kinda drastic. I trim for shape and if there are splits, I take care of them individually.