Natural hair easier for working out

Fox News??? :perplexed

I can't bring myself to click on the link. Just that thought of what may have been said makes me feel weary. Any type of hair gets messed up and sweaty working out, but if you're motivated, you can make it happen, whether natural or relaxed.

Ponytails/puffs, buns, co-washes...I wrap my hair when I work out & I wash 2 times a week when I work out heavily. If I am stretching, a bun or ponytail works just fine.
That was soo cool. I still have a few years until I have to worry about looking professional in the board room. But I hope when that day comes, Inshallah, I wont have to worry about the wearing my hair natural.
I don't even know what to think... it's an interesting topic to me as a woman of colour; it is a real issue for a lot of women, but why on earth is it on the news? There are all kinds of natural and human-made disasters that barely warrant attention, and Fox News can dedicate 5 whole minutes to the dilemma of exercise and hairstyles? :perplexed
that was an interesting story. and the anchor lady's har looked very cute in curls. i prefer it over the straight 'do. i have to say for myself that i've been going to the gym less often since i took out my braids... but i didn't altogether stop going to the gym! i think part of it for me is not wanting to get up at 7am to head to the gym before work... ;) but i do worry about sweating and not having my hair look nice afterwards. i guess if you wore a high bun like that other girl in the video, one would be fine.

i do think it's interesting that they did a story on it, despite there being worse things happening in the world. ;) it's just a way to bring attention to the small factors that contribute to health, and make you think about how you can get in that extra work out. i myself am going to map out my schedule so i can go back to the gym twice a week despite my being relaxed. :D
I don't even know what to think... it's an interesting topic to me as a woman of colour; it is a real issue for a lot of women, but why on earth is it on the news? There are all kinds of natural and human-made disasters that barely warrant attention, and Fox News can dedicate 5 whole minutes to the dilemma of exercise and hairstyles? :perplexed

...And...I don't get why we have to explain ourselves away to other types of people with different hair...(the focus), like it's a disability or something.
Fox News:spank: Why would this be an issue?:sad:
I wear my hair however I please and if others don't like it...:buttkick:
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That's funny, most of the famous black women in the sport industry are relaxed...:rolleyes: Was Fox News running out topics:lachen:
...And...I don't get why we have to explain ourselves away to other types of people with different hair. ...

I was a little disturbed at the end of the report when the reporter asked the viewers whether her curly style "looks professional." Is Fox going to have a poll? Will she have to keep her hair straightened if the audience doesn't like it? :perplexed
I don't even know what to think... it's an interesting topic to me as a woman of colour; it is a real issue for a lot of women, but why on earth is it on the news? There are all kinds of natural and human-made disasters that barely warrant attention, and Fox News can dedicate 5 whole minutes to the dilemma of exercise and hairstyles? :perplexed

that's exactly what I thought of when I read the op's post. Why is fox doing news about our hair? It's like they (fox) are obsessed with our hair.
It must have been a slow news day... I mean really, I can see a debate about this issue on BET or TV1, but not during their news segments, come on Fox, REALLY???? Are you all tired of talking about the pirates? Was there nothing else to talk about??? The health aspect I can appreciate, but to do an entire segment on black hair...I'm not appalled or offended per se, but when was the last time anybody's hair made the news?!?!?

Either way, I worked out when I had relaxed hair and I work out with my natural hair. I will admit that I was concerned about my wrap with my relaxer and now I don't even think about it. Michael Baisden talked about something similar a couple of weeks ago, but I feel that his show is a more acceptable outlet for this conversation or a "poll" as opposed to a "credible" (allegedly) new source. jmo
I enjoyed it and I'm glad its being discussed on any news outlet!
'Our hair' needs to take a back seat to our overall health!:yep:
I don't even know what to think... it's an interesting topic to me as a woman of colour; it is a real issue for a lot of women, but why on earth is it on the news? There are all kinds of natural and human-made disasters that barely warrant attention, and Fox News can dedicate 5 whole minutes to the dilemma of exercise and hairstyles? :perplexed

Doesn't your local news have special segments? This was a segment on Fox Chicago, not the national network. The nightly newscast is 90 minutes so they have plenty of time to devote to other topics, not just disasters.

Anyway, I enjoyed it. It was actually a 3-part series, not just the 5 minutes in the clip. I missed tonight so I'm not sure if their was a final part, but I saved the other 3 parts in my dvr. Robin's hair looked much cuter as the week progressed.
Oh please. Most black women in the states are actually relaxed, so they don't have to worry about reversion. Also, most people who go to the gym are not exerting themselves to the point to drenching their hair completely with sweat. My mom works out with a simple hair net on, and manages to maintain her hairstyle. Lets not forget that a lot of women have on some weave or braids.

And just to add, where I am from (Nigeria), it is really hot. Most people can't afford air conditioning, sweat everyday and their hair still looks fly.

I guess the main question being asked is if it is considered professional to walk around with curly hair; and my answer is yes
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(Regarding how ethnic hair holds styles better/longer than finer hair) ".... that's one of the advantages of having ethnic hair, thank goodness there's one."

Uh huh.

But I do agree natural hair is SO much easier to maintain. I workout every morning and 3x in the evening and when I straighten my hair, I don't even reach my destination before I have to stick it in a frizzy bun. And I will NOT compromise my health for my hair :nono:
First, lol @ "It's not a cut, it's a curl...".

Oh please. Most black women in the states are actually relaxed, so they don't have to worry about reversion. Also, most people who go to the gym are not exerting themselves to the point to drenching their hair completely with sweat...
You're joking, right? There have been more threads than I can count on "what I should I do with my hair when I workout threads" posted on LHCF from relaxed members. I know because I posted in more than a few. I even saw one specifically for naturals today.

Before I started transitioning I always looked for ways to keep my hair from reverting when I was relaxed. I definitely skipped a ton of workouts because I didn't want to mess up my hair. Silly me...

I enjoyed it and I'm glad its being discussed on any news outlet!
'Our hair' needs to take a back seat to our overall health!:yep:
Me too... It was kind of random, but I enjoyed the overall message.
I do understand this.. Being in the military we workout fairly hard and my hair is drenched afterwards. I have resorted to wearing my hair just pulled back and the ends braided. I have flirted with the idea of going natural again, not necessarily because of this but it is a factor.
I work out all the time, and the ONLY time I allow my hair to influence my workout is the day before my relaxer so I don't burn. I feel more confident from my body being on point than I do from my hair being on point (not that you have to choose, because I strive for both, but if I have to choose, I choose my body every day). I have family members with health issues from being overweight, so I am very food/exercise conscious. Plus, I too am in the military, so my hair is back 5 days/wk anyways.

I thought the article was interesting, though...I think both her hairstyles are professional...white women have curly hair and go into the boardroom, so why is our hair unprofessional when it is curly? If she hadn't pointed out that her hair was different, I actually would not have thought anything about it. Neatness and natural color, in my opinion, is what determines if it is "professional" or not, not curly or straight.
Could you imagine having a salon at the gym you work out in? I'd be too busy getting my hair did to work out!:lachen::yep:
I liked the story. A great break from the doom and gloom fear that they pump into people about the economy. One of the main reasons I went natural is because I sweat so much during a GOOD workout and as a relaxed head I was being deterred from that. A 3 mile run and I'm drenched! I choose my health over straight hair anyday.
One thing I loved about being natural was wash and go hair!

I did stay in better shape then. But I'm going back to the gym regardless.

Hair always comes second to getting in shape.

Also, the Gold's gym I'm joining tomorrow has so much AC that I sweat lesS
I won't click and you can't make me.

No, I just find it more than a little weird that Fox News is talking about our hair. I don't trust Fox when it comes to anything Black...

...And they had a damn poll about curly hair. GTFOWTBS! What right do they have to decide whether Black hair is professional. It's the hair that grows out of our heads.
Ladies, Fox CHICAGO is not like Fox (National) News that we've come to despise. As a Chicago native, Fox CHICAGO is my #2 choice for news. I really enjoyed the segment, and Robin Robinson is very brave to bring this to the attention of others.

I work at (fairly conservative) bank and the days I don't have a roller wrap or a straight style I get sideways looks. I have always enjoyed Robin, and here another reason.
I was not sure what thread to post this in. Fox News recently did a report on natural vs relaxed hair. What do you guys think? It has a video attached as well. Hope this has not been posted already.

I watched the video..I thought it was good..but I dont know.

There are a lot of relaxed/pressed women that I see working out around my area. FOR ME is easier for me to workout with natural hair than when I had relaxed hair. Easier to maintain..
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I actually had an easier time working out with my hair being relaxed rather than natural. If I cowashed as a relaxed head my hair easily could get tossed back up into a bun now my hair gets even a hint of anything (water or product) and it curls. When I relaxed I could do a wet bun after working out in 10 minutes and my hair never reverted faster than if I wasn't cowashing. As a natural head a wet bun takes about 30-45 mins.
I never got the relaxed hair avoid workout thinking either. I can understand that line of thinking if you are pressed because of total reversion of straightened hair, but relaxed hair doesn't revert.
With relaxed hair you can sweat like a pig, swim, lift weights and there is no reversion so why the hesitancy to exercise????
Ladies, Fox CHICAGO is not like Fox (National) News that we've come to despise. As a Chicago native, Fox CHICAGO is my #2 choice for news. I really enjoyed the segment, and Robin Robinson is very brave to bring this to the attention of others.

I work at (fairly conservative) bank and the days I don't have a roller wrap or a straight style I get sideways looks. I have always enjoyed Robin, and here another reason.

Just thought this needed to be repeated.

anyway, I thought the segment was interesting.