Natural hair: Brittle, dry frizzy ends


Well-Known Member
So my hair is not that long anyway ( 1.5 inches), but I was twisitng my hair because i want to try the crown and glory technique. So as I was twisting, the last 1/4 inch of my hair is frizzy, brittle and dry while the first inch is strong and silky like. Any suggestion on what I can do to treat the problem?

Should I cut it or do I just continue to deep condition it with mositurizer?

Also while I'm in twist should I put carefree curl 99% oil free creme until I was next week?
Were you ever relaxed? If so, this may be what many nautrals who have gone from relaxed to natural refer to as "scab hair"....

Basically it's hair that is still "sickly" from years of relaxing...I'll let the naturals give more details but based on their accounts it sounds like this may be the culprit....
yeah I did have relaxed hair, you referring to scab hair I know al about it. But I think I cut it all off already, I think my ahir was like this from the summer heat mixed with color rinses... ( i didn't know how to properly mositurize my hair after my big chop)

So do I need to cut it again?
I'm wondering if those ends could just be leftover relaxed hair. Maybe you need to trim a little bit again in a few months. In the meantime, maybe try deep conditioning and keeping the ends moisturized with a creamy moisturizer.
Only use cutting as a last resort. I'm 4a natural, and when my ends get dry, I just follow my same washing regimen, extending conditioning time and really focusing on my ends:
- Hot oil treatment with olive oil or VO5 (concentrating on ends) for 30 minutes with plastic cap
- Wash with moisturizing shampoo (I loooove Cream of Nature Professional for Regular Hair, but you should do a search for alternatives)
- Deep condition with very moisturizing conditioner, concentrating on ends (I also loooove Cream of Nature Nourishing Conditioner, but you should do a search for alternatives), and leave on with heat for at least 30 minutes under hooded dryer on warm
- Follow up with leave in (use whatever you like best)
- While hair is still damp, apply oils along the length of your hair, concentrating on ends
- Style as usual - preferably without heat

Also, be sure you're wrapping your hair EVERY night either in a silk/satin scarf or placing a satin bonnet over it as well as moisturizing your ends frequently (if wearing a kinkier style, maybe try some type of creamy moisturizer; if wearing a straight style, steer clear of water based moisturizer and use a light oil).

Hope this helps, and good luck.
hairlove said:
I'm wondering if those ends could just be leftover relaxed hair. Maybe you need to trim a little bit again in a few months. In the meantime, maybe try deep conditioning and keeping the ends moisturized with a creamy moisturizer.

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Sometimes even the smallest trims can make a difference for your hair.
I say either cut, or moisturize, wait and then cut. When I first went natural, my ends were frizzy and hard, I just moisturized the heck out of them, and when my hair got longer, I cut it off. I didn't want to cut my hair when it was so short so I would let it grow a bit and then cut, but if you want to maintain a twa for a while go ahead and cut the ends.
thanks everyone. I know it's not relaxed hair because I cut all my a just about off when I big chop and about 2 weeks ago, I got an inch cut off again. I going to try the routine miss-Brown suggested buy deep conditioning it and really focusing on my ends. My twa is cute, but it's not me for long ( I want my hair to grow). I think I just have to be focused and really take care of my hair by mosituring regularly by deep conditioning. thanks.

@Miss Brown- do you do a hot oil treatment every week until my ends improve?
Shinka said:
@Miss Brown- do you do a hot oil treatment every week until my ends improve?

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If you're asking if I think you should do hot oil treatments until your ends improve, then my answer is yes. You may even want to consider just making them part of your regimen, as a lot of naturals and relaxed heads do here. If these are definitely not relaxed ends, the hot oil should make a marked improvement in their condition.

In my experience, the only drawback with hot oil is that it is so coating that you will probably need to clarify a little more often. Just a heads up.
Talking of those dry ends reminded me of something I read from a Wanakee pamphlet (or was it her website) way back. It was in support of why sealing ends or wearing protective styles was important. She pointed out that the ends always tend to be frizzy and dry and that even if you were to trim those sad ends off, very soon the new ends, if exposed to air, would start to take on the same appearance as what you just got rid off.

So unless you're happy with regular trimmings, I would suggest you just super-moisturize your hair and follow the hair care regimens recommended on this forum until your hair is long enough to put in a bun. And then if you like, you can trim those ends off and start off with nice frizz-free ends that rarely come into contact with air.

Have you tried S-Curl activator on your ends? It seems to provide longlasting moisture for most people and may help keep your ends from looking or feeling dry. Frizz-ease serums or jojoba oil are also worth trying.
thanks for all the info. I think I going to follow the crown and glory technigue ( hot oil treament with EVoo,washing with CON and deep conditioning with UBH conditioner 1x a week) and twist or braid my hair again. But everyday I'm going to rinse my twist and spray dew on them in the morning. At night I going to rinse and put carefree curl creme on each twist ( don't have time to do this in the morning). This will be my three month challenge. So I see how my ends improve over the three months. I;m not going to cut them because I'm trying to gain lenght.
hey everyone im trying to get my hair back to natural becasue its currently relaxed now but i havent done it for 3months so far i just goto the salon every 2and half weeks to falt iron it.My hair is currently collarbone length with bangs i wanna grow my hair below my breasts without relaxing from now on ill just falt iron so the textures wont break
Miss Brown said exactly what I was going to suggest, except I mostly conditioner wash, I use a shampoo (that doesn't contain sodium laureth sulfate or ammonium laureth sulfate)about once a month.
I remember when I first chopped, I didn't go anywhere without my trusty spray bottle. My hair was very thirsty then. IC gel helped to lock in moisture too. It's a shame since my hair has grown that gel doesn't work for me anymore. Butters and serums work best for my hair now.
kity36 said:
hey everyone im trying to get my hair back to natural becasue its currently relaxed now but i havent done it for 3months so far i just goto the salon every 2and half weeks to falt iron it.My hair is currently collarbone length with bangs i wanna grow my hair below my breasts without relaxing from now on ill just falt iron so the textures wont break

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