Natural Hair and Dating

Country Gal,

I think you ought to ask yourself whether you want to do this or not. If you do tell brotha man to add a wig to the budget and go. If you don't leave it alone.

Don't try and anticipate what he's going to think up next, because you may be worrying yourself over nothing.

If I was in your situation, I would just go, enjoy the evening and if he mentions perming again, let him know that's not in the future.

good luck!
Country gal said:
Another guy I went out with said he liked my hair. It reminded him of Cicely Tyson. I had a Whitney moment " Oh' hell to the Naw". Are you talking about Ms. Jane Pitman Cicely Tyson?:eek: He was like no I mean it as a compliment.

BTW - This had me on the floor! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
My bestfriend thinks I am overreacting. She thinks he is just treating me to a nice night. She agrees that I need to explain to him the amount of work it took to be natural.

I ask the Cicely Tyson guy does he like my hair. He said he loved my hair.
Just the thought of him mentioning the "P" word, whether it was perm or press says alot. Yes, we all have an image to present to the world, however, who are we to try and alter another person's preference? That would be tipping the scale in that person's favor (but who loses out in the end?).

You chose to embrace your beautiful natural hair with those lovely coils! And anyone else who comes along should accept it as well. I am sure you will stand by your convictions.
Country gal said:
I am scared of loosing my natural texture. Last year I had my hair pressed and it damaged the front of my hair. The front of my hair is straighter than the back of my hair. I would hate for that to happen.

Don't PRESS (no pun intended!) your luck and risk damaging your hair beyond repair for this fool lol!

Wear your hair in a puff pulled back or a bun or whatever YOU want.