natural for less than 2 years & wanting to relax (just thinking outloud)


Well-Known Member
i'm pretty bad about keeping a hair blog/fotki updated but, I've been thinking about relaxing my hair.

Its been two years since my last relaxer. i chopped off the last of my relaxed ends last summer, & have been wearing my natural hair out since last spring.

i have straightened my hair a lot since coming back from London, so I have a lot of heat damage. My hair just doesn't look good anymore.

I was thinking about getting a relaxer at the end of the quarter, but I may do it sooner. I think I will get it braided up next paycheck and then relaxed a week after taking it out.

I'm pretty bummed that I failed at the whole natural thing, I was kind of thinking that going natural would prove that I'm no longer that 5 year old girl who desperately wanted hair like my [white] mom's. :-/

thanks for reading :)
Well I certainly don't think you failed at being natural. You just didn't do what was necessary to make sure you didn't damage your hair with the heat. That is something that can be learned and not that difficult (use heat protectants, low heat, roller setting, ceramic irons, etc.).

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to relax heat damaged hair. Relaxing in itself is damage, so the already damaged areas will be worse off no matter what you do.

Maybe you should braid your hair up and research techniques to keep your hair natural and healthy. You will probably have to cut off some (because the damage is irreversible), but with some protein and deep conditioning, you can turn your hair around and get it as healthy as possible.

There is so much more to being natural than just straightening, and if you haven't explored everything then you really haven't given it a fair chance.
Well I certainly don't think you failed at being natural. You just didn't do what was necessary to make sure you didn't damage your hair with the heat. That is something that can be learned and not that difficult (use heat protectants, low heat, roller setting, ceramic irons, etc.).

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to relax heat damaged hair. Relaxing in itself is damage, so the already damaged areas will be worse off no matter what you do.

Maybe you should braid your hair up and research techniques to keep your hair natural and healthy. You will probably have to cut off some (because the damage is irreversible), but with some protein and deep conditioning, you can turn your hair around and get it as healthy as possible.

There is so much more to being natural than just straightening, and if you haven't explored everything then you really haven't given it a fair chance.

I completely concur!!!!
If relaxing is what you decide to do then I suggest giving your hair a rest from the heat for a few months ( braids sound like a good plan) and then when you are out of the braids, take about 6 or 7 weeks and do some serious protein and moisture treatments.

Hopefully this way you can get your hair prepared so that your relaxer will turn out good.
thanks :) i've only been back in the states for less than 2 months & have been using heat about once every other week (so i've straightened like 3 times). usually for my natural hair i do a wash & go puff. i'm still on the fence. i want to be able to wear my hair easily straight, but also do my wash & go puffs... hm
thanks :) i've only been back in the states for less than 2 months & have been using heat about once every other week (so i've straightened like 3 times). usually for my natural hair i do a wash & go puff. i'm still on the fence. i want to be able to wear my hair easily straight, but also do my wash & go puffs... hm
i think every little girl wants somethings like their mom - nothing wrong with that in my humble opinion - i agree with those who say - take care and deal with the damage first before putting a relaxer in, but dont feel bad about wanting to wear your hair straight - and if you admire your mom's hair, is there really anything wrong with that? she is your mom....
IMO...relaxing damaged hair will not be a solution, infact it might make things even worse for your hair. Relaxing itmight weaken the hair even more and cause it to break. I think you should wait until your hair is healthy and strong enough to be relaxed.
it sounds like you already made up your mind. i wish you the best in whatever you decide.
with that said i would not relax heat damaged hair.