Natural Flat Ironed with Aveda Brillant products (pics)


Well-Known Member
(Some of this is copied and pasted from my blog and the links are product reviews)
This is the third (?) time I have straightened my hair since I BC'd last April. I get better at it everytime. I had imposed a no heat challenge on myself that I was going to end in September , but decided to do it earlier since I will be swimming up to 4 times a week in September.

Ok my straightening routine this time around:

  • Shampoo after swimming with Antichlorine shampoo
  • Oil rinse with Red Palm Oil
  • DC with Jessicurl WDT
  • Rinse and rollerset (a pitiful rollerset) using Aveda Brilliant Damage Control and small amount of coconut oil
  • Flat iron with Aveda Brilliant Pomade (choked full of cones!)
  • Pin curled



My hair is pretty much the length that it was before my BC and a whole lot thicker so I'm pretty happy with it. I really like the Aveda Brillant line for straightening hair. It was pretty humid humid here and I had no reversion with the pomade.
It took my over 4 hours to do it, I stopped keeping up after that :lachen:
wow-wee! so pretty and THICK!!! how long has it been since your BC? this is definitely inspiration to go natural right here. :yep:
I noticed your hair in your sig earlier today, and I was loving it. The larger pics are even better though, your hair is beautiful! Good growing! :clapping: