natural could you answer this?


New Member
Why do I keep getting knots in my hair? For some reason my hair knots up so much, and I try detangling it like everyday!! its really frustrating and I am considering relaxing my hair because of it, the knots just keep forming everywhere they are really damaging my hair!

Any tips or advice please or I think im going to just relax this mane of mine.
For some of us, that's just how it is.

I know exactly how you feel though. The only time my hair is truly detangled is when the brush/comb/my fingers are running through it. As soon as I take it out, my hair tangles right back up on itself. There really is no point for me to detangle. And I have the dreaded knots on almost all of my ends. Snip them, and they come right back.

It's very discouraging. Sorry I don't have any advice.
It may help to keep your hair stretched rather than in its natural state most of the time (braidouts, twistouts, buns, or other "no comb styles" such as twists or braids). Yoghurt is supposed to somewhat loosen the curl, as well as coconut milk and lime. I'm not sure of the recipes used but you can do a search. In any case, try using very good moisturizers and detangling in sections only after hair is damp with water, or a detanglier.
Knots are part and parcel of afro hair. You may still get them when you're relaxed. I find keeping my hair braided or twisted keeps them at bay. If you do a search for "knots" you can find other discussions on them and what others do.
Is there a specific reason you need all the knots to disappear (styling purposes or something like that?)

I have just learned to live with them. I can remove most knots from my hair but not all. If a knot seems malicious, I just cut it off. It doesn't really affect my hair any unless I try to fight the knots (tearing them out, combing them, etc). So, if there is no reason you have to get all the knots out, I would just continue doing what you're doing. They're not going to hurt you any. They are mostly shed hair.
Some naturals prefer to avoid cones altogether - and if you're one of them you could use a thick oil like castor instead - but I find that coating/sealing my hair with a serum and concentrating it on the ends really helps.

It lubricates the strands so they can slide past one another rather than tangle and it makes detangling much easier. I don't put it on the entire length though - usually just the bottom half...

Another thing to consider is that natural hair will never be "detangled" the way straight hair will. The strands want to clump and cling to each other b/c that's how they form kinks and curls, instead of trying to separate them, allowing them to clump might be better. I think your trying to keep them completely apart might be helping to cause more of them. Stretched styles are a big help also, especially when drying.
I want the knots to go cuz when i pressed a small portion of my hair all of my strands seem to have knots which cant be good, maybe its my combing technique i get impatient and lazy with my hair and i don't do what I need to do, but castor oil has worker for me in the past. I think that I need to find something that will hold my hair down besides gel cuz the only styles that keep my hair loose after detanlging are buns and my hair wrapped into a alligator grip clip. I just dont think pressing my hair all the time will work for me as it will just mean more maintenance
I wouldn't worry about it. It's neither good nor bad, just the nature of the hair. :yep:

But I hope you find something that can make styling easier for you. Maybe roller sets would work. They stretch out the hair and make it easier to style, with or without knots.

I want the knots to go cuz when i pressed a small portion of my hair all of my strands seem to have knots which cant be good, maybe its my combing technique i get impatient and lazy with my hair and i don't do what I need to do, but castor oil has worker for me in the past. I think that I need to find something that will hold my hair down besides gel cuz the only styles that keep my hair loose after detanlging are buns and my hair wrapped into a alligator grip clip. I just dont think pressing my hair all the time will work for me as it will just mean more maintenance
My daughter's hair does this but her fathers hair does this as well (not as bad as his but its still like that). Im not sure why her ends knot up but I just chalked it up to genetics. Im a transitioner now but when I was natural before I dont remember my ends doing that. But we shall see......