Natural and Colored?


New Member
Now the main reason why I started transitioning is because I wanted to color my hair (a permanent color) without the insane damage that I got as a relaxed head. But as I've lurked on this board more I hear a lot about crazy damage, stretched out kinks, having to BC again... Is coloring natural hair just as bad as doing relaxed!? Because hell if its going to break off anyway, I might as well not even bother! :nono:(at 12 months in, its a bit late to figure this out though :wallbash:)

Anybody have experiences in this kind of thing?
You can do it, but not often, like every 6 months if you're going to use a box color, and keep it up with henna, thats what i did, I colored my hair may like 2 or 3 times in 3 years and then i just stopped and used henna and the color is there, but more healthy and shine, but if you use a box color out the store, you have to keep deep conditioning, it will prob take like 3 to 4 deep conditions to get it back moistruized...
I think you can do it. I know personally color was a motivator behind me going natural too- cause I realized (too late :blush:) that I couldn't do color and relax. I think my natural hair woud do fine with color, but the thing is now I see how healthy and resilient my uncolored natural hair is compared to my colored natural hair, that I am just not tempted to color my hair anymore (even though I think the hair can take it)
I color my hair and I don't experience any breakage or dryness. I do it every 4-6 months. I Do a serious moisture DC a week before, a serious protein DC directly after, properly moisturize and I'm fine. Hope that helps! I did the same thing when I was relaxed and I didn't have any problems. Hope that helps!