Natural 4b hair help


Sorry a long one!

I am getting married in August 2014 and would like to get myself in tip top shape. I have got my fitness regime in place and now I would like to work on my hair.
I have had a very long standing struggle with my hair where I have major problems with breakage. It seems I have fine, soft hair (according to the hairdresser) which is very easily prone to breaking. I have often wondered if it is related to my eczema??
I have tried most regimes and products over the years, and while my hair is soft, it will not retain length.

So I have decided on having my hair (all natural and about 8 inches long) in a side bun made with an extension piece. What I would like to also have is a sweeping side fringe, which I am hoping to achieve with twist extentions , since I have a round face.

Also I have two weak points at the front of my hair, just where you would have a parting (receeding areas) which I am working to fill in with JBCO. I have had these since my teens.

Ideally I would like to achieve the hairstyle without extensions, so if anyone could give me any tips, you tube, blogs on how to do so, that would be fantastic Also if anyone just put extensions in one part of their hair, I would like to hear about that.

My current regime is a weekly condition wash with Beautiful Textures Deep Conditioner, mixed with an oil (normally olive or JBCO). Air dried in twists with a creamy leave in conditioner, once dried, styled into 2 strand twists. Daily moisturising with a water based spray and leave in conditioner. Also the JBCO for the hairline. At night I sleep on satin pillowcases. My twists stay in the for the week until next wash day.

Thanks for all your help

I don't have any advice but I wanted so say best wishes on your wedding and your marriage.

Does your stylist have any suggestion? Or will you do your hair yourself?
Thank you Havilland,

I would like to do it myself, as I have yet to find a hairdresser that will do what I ask them to do. Also I live in the UK and they are very expensive over here compared to the US.

What about protein, sounds like you need strength and sounds like its too soft and mush thus a protein will fix that problem

Protien breaks my hair, I have tried Apogee 2 step, motions protien conditioner and other types, with no luck. I do add a protien treatment about once a month, just in case I am missing out.

I would not say my hair is mushy, just fragile and soft. It has been the same since little, I am now 46.

Thank you

What other types of protein have you used? I'm not sure how strong the Motions Protein is, but the Aphogee 2-step protein is a heavy-duty protein. It may have been too strong for you. Maybe Aphogee 2-minute would be a better fit for you.

It sounds like your hair needs more strength and elasticity. Do any of the products you use contain plant proteins? Perhaps using products with small amounts of plant proteins and incorporating ceramides into your regimen (I can't link you to the threads because I'm on my phone, but there are several threads on the board about ceramides) would be a good fit for you.

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!

Protien breaks my hair, I have tried Apogee 2 step, motions protien conditioner and other types, with no luck. I do add a protien treatment about once a month, just in case I am missing out.

I would not say my hair is mushy, just fragile and soft. It has been the same since little, I am now 46.

Thank you


There are many strengths of protein, light medium and hard, maybe your hair doesn't like hard protein. Try a light or medium one because it doesn't need strength . Even if you get the aphogee keratin green tea spray, incorporating a little protein will make a world of difference and that's not a hard protein edrushuk
Hello ladies,

I knew there would be loads of stuff I forgot to mention, as I have tried most things. Just realised I have been a member of this site since

OK done the ceramides (Saka products), done the Apogee 2 min. I have just started to be regular with green tea spray (been using it once a day for the last week) so we will see how that goes. Most of the products I have tried have not been bad for my hair, but have not stopped the breakage, as I am not retaining the length. I still see little bits when washing my hair. Oh btw I try most products for a month before giving up on them .

But thanks for the tips, it reminds me of what I have done as I plan to put together a journal of everything I am doing, as there are a few things I might revist.
Do you ever clarify/shampoo? The Beautiful Textures DC contains dimethicone (and a whole bunch of other ingredients) that are not water soluable and need to be shampooed out. Is it possible that product buildup is causing breakage?

Also, what are you using to detangle? Tangle Teaser, Denman, and any type of brushes are damaging to fine hair, IMO. I use the magic star jumbo rake, which is a seamless (this is critical) wide tooth comb. Fine tooth combs have also caused breakage for me.

I think pinpointing when you get breakage is key. For example, if it's while detangling, looking into detangling methods - whether you detangle with conditioner in, under running water, etc.

Another idea is adding an oil to seal, which can help hold in moisture and add emoillience.
KittyMM, thanks for the message, I only detangle with my fingers as most brushes and combs cause havoc. I doubt it is the Beautiful textures as I have been having this problems for decades. I feel it is something specific to my biological makeup, but have to keep on trying to bring it under control.

Oil sealing is something I did try but not for long, I should start doing it again. That might help.

Thanks again.

Congratulations on your upcoming big day. I hope you find a solution to your hair issues soon. The only advice i could add is to take a good multivitamin, and make sure that your diet is well balanced. We can use all the products that we want, but if the hair is growing out of your head unhealthy and weak, there's a good chance it can't grow long. Good luck. Keep bumping this thread as the ladies in here i am sure will help you get through this.
KittyMM, thanks for the message, I only detangle with my fingers as most brushes and combs cause havoc. I doubt it is the Beautiful textures as I have been having this problems for decades. I feel it is something specific to my biological makeup, but have to keep on trying to bring it under control.

Oil sealing is something I did try but not for long, I should start doing it again. That might help.

Thanks again.


If you feel that way, maybe a medical check up might help. It could be an hormonal issues, or just a matter of correcting some blood levels like iron or ferritin.
Hello Ronie,

I live in the UK and we don't have access to blood & hormonal tests as I think you do in the US. I have previously had blood test where my iron was checked when I was having fibroid problems, they gave me iron tablets. Since then I have had a hysterectomy. I would not be able to get a hormonal test unless I was really ill, breaking hair does not fit into that category. I am taking a multivitamin and regularly eat meat. I am hoping the fitness regime will promote healthy hair from the root.

It is all very frustrating. If it wasn't for the wedding I would just focus on keeping my hair healthy and not length.

Thanks again

Have you tried Henna



Use of henna has many benefits other than colouring the hair. Because it coats the strands of hair with the Lawsonia it makes the cuticles lie down flatter, which can result in smoother shinier hair with less tangling.

Also a lot of people notice that use of henna on their hair is almost like a protein treatment, in that it makes the hair stronger and more resilient to damage and breakage – hence why I used it once as a pre-braid extensions treatment. Remember I said like a protein treatment, henna is not protein and is therefore not a replacement for a protein treatment if your hair is in need of one; you still need to make sure you have one.

Another effect of henna for more highly textured, curly, or coarse hair types, is a loosening and softening of hairs curl pattern, more ‘hang time’ with the hair – that is rather than hair standing straight up from the scalp it now hangs downwards, and also users notice they have a lot less shrinkage when hair dries.

People with fine, thin limp hair also notice that constant henna treatments give their hair more body, density, shine and all round bounce, again this is because the regular coats of henna will build up the hairs structure and result in thick stronger strands.
Hi ya Danniegirl,

Yes I have done the henna thing before, I think I have a few boxes again, so might give it another go since it is a few years since I tried.

Thanks for the suggestion.

hope your well, Congratulations on your engagement.

I just wanted to give you my experiences. I have quite fine hair that didn't retain length easily either. my regimen was quite similar to yours. wash and condition once a week moisturise and seal daily. twist once a week etc.
Doing three or four things altogether really turned it round for me

Firstly I trimmed off about and inch and a half of damage (for obvious reasons)

Secondly i used minibraids, keeping them in for about a month-6 weeks at a time.
it's a great way to protective style your hair without any added weight. you can retain 100% with these. The minibraid thread has lots of details or you could visit for lots of details or even look a manter26 's past posts (she runs the site).

Thirdly i used protein every wash
you said you didn't like protein. You just have to find the right one for you. even if it doesn't do anything instantly, the benefits are cumulative (just like damage is cumulative)

finally i dusted my ends regularly. after every new set of minibraids i would take a couple of millimetres of the ends. This made the world of difference

The most vital step for me was the minibraids. hope you find that useful.
is it possible to see a pic of your hair?
Have you ever thought about getting a hair analysis? It can be pricier for a good one, but then you can narrow down the issues. I only know if the u.s companies, but mailing hair strands shouldn't be too expensive, and they email back results. For the ones with a phone review, you might be able to arrange something, like a Skype call or a free call in number.
Congrats on the upcoming wedding! Gives me hope @ 40 looking for love again. :)

You should join us in The Original Fine Hair thread. It's pretty active and there's lots of natural 4b mush heads there (like me!).

First, have you considered hormonal issues? You are prime peri-menapausal age and the decrease in hormones definately does cause issues with hair breakage and loss.

Second, when was your last trim? Fine haireds need to dust (about 1/4" frequently about every 2 months) as our ends are fragile and fray really easily.

Third, try other types of proteins. I went through a few before I found the TYPE my hair would accept, otherwise I had dry hay for hair! There's silk, keratin, collagen and other vegetable types. Wheat based proteins caused my hair some damage but my head seems fine with these listed above. So when you go out to look for proteins read the labels, get samples if you can and do a test patch.

Fourth, I also have eczema! I had to treat my scalp first before my hair would grow and stop breaking. I also think I had a little fungal infection going on too (ffrom washing in braids/cornrows) One week of miconazole nitrate cleared it right up--though my intention was faster hair growth, I had the benefit of a less flaky itchy scalp. So try that.

Tea rinses are a godsend for eczema relief! And avoiding heavy chemical products might keep the eczema from flaring. I found I'm allergic to most things (so my eczema is more like allergic reaction) so besides conditioners and a clarifier, almost everything else I have to make :/ Sucks. I do use the Aphogee 2 min, but it seems to be causing flares :( All that to say, consider that your scalp may be reacting to products which will inhibit growth and retention. Leave a dab of product on your scalp and see if it begins to itch and flake...

BTW, my retention is fine now even with spider-web fine strands. I dont use leave-ins. I just tea spray and seal with a natural butter or grease. It's a 180 from when I first came to LHCF. Good luck!
The other ladies have give you great advice. I agree with DarkJoy and llan's suggestions, and I think it's important to mention that your weekly twisting method may be too much manipulation for your hair.

> I have fine strands that need protein regularly, and it took a while for me to find the product that provided enough strength and moisture for my hair to feel "right".

> When I twist my hair, I leave it for 3-4 weeks at a time. Redoing such an intricate style weekly would probably leave me bald. :lol: Nonetheless, I take a break from twists and gently bun my hair.

> Revisit ceramides in the form of the pure oils, such as wheat germ or hempseed oil. You can use these to seal, massage your scalp, hot oil treatment, oil rinse, add to your conditioner, etc.

> I think fine haired ladies need to use scarves or bonnets. A satin pillowcase is nice, but a scarf or bonnet decreases the surface area of the hair; you are less likely to cause breakage from movements.
Thank you NappeNelle, Darkjoy, uofmpanther, ilan for all your tips. I am going to take them onboard and take my regimen back to basics. It is difficult cause I hate the way extension feel in my hair, and I don't feel that my twists would last a month, but 2 weeks is doable.

I will print out this message, I have already done so with the fine hair messages and put a plan into work. If I can get 4-6 inches by August 2014 that would be amazing.

Thanks again Susanna
Re. The eczema, don't knock straight-up grease. I know naturals are supposed to avoid petroleum but eczema ladies run towards it. Vaseline is hypo-allergenic and fragrance free, unlike some of the fancier or even organic products. it keeps your scalp moisturised after washing. Great for greasing your scalp.
Did you know you can use aqueous cream as a shampoo? It makes a better shampoo than it does a skin moisturiser, it's got sls in it. so i don't actually use it on my skin at all.
another thing to use to soothe itchies is eurax. It's amazing. It should be called itch-be-gone.
Ilan, my scalp is fine, my eczema is on my body mostly. I dont have any itching on my scalp. But great tips that I follow when I have flare up.

