Natural 4abc Length Check: Almost WSL


Well-Known Member
I did a length check days ago, and I'm almost layered WSL. I should reach my goal by my 4th nappiversary on February 2012. For more pics, check my fotki (must be signed in):

Here's a comparison between my big chop in February 2008 and now:
Great growth. Congrats... Regi please!! ;-)

Thanks. Here's the regi:

•Prepoo with coconut oil, Wash, Condition w/ Suave
•Moisturize and Airdry
•Retwist edges

Replace above regi with:
•Prepoo, Wash, DC with LeKair, and detangle
•Moisturize and Airdry in braids
•Re-twist hair, wear twists for the next 3-4 weeks
Thanks. Here's the regi:

•Prepoo with coconut oil, Wash, Condition w/ Suave
•Moisturize and Airdry
•Retwist edges

Replace above regi with:
•Prepoo, Wash, DC with LeKair, and detangle
•Moisturize and Airdry in braids
•Re-twist hair, wear twists for the next 3-4 weeks

Thank you, so your PS of choice for your growth has been back 2 back twist? What do you use to twist your hair? I am trying to do the same with braids. My hair didn't like back 2 back twist.:sad:
Thank you, so your PS of choice for your growth has been back 2 back twist? What do you use to twist your hair? I am trying to do the same with braids. My hair didn't like back 2 back twist.:sad:

You're welcome. Yep, I prefer twists back 2 back. They easier and quicker to do. I use a homemade shea mixture (shea butter, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, evoo, and aloe vera gel). Right now, I'm taking a break from twists and wearing a bun for the month of November.
Loola!! Great progress. Your hair is so pretty!
Soo inspirational!

And I love your simple regi ;)
Thanks so much, ladies!! :grinwink: I'm trying so hard not to cut the layers. Holding off until February or so.