Natual Ladies I need your help!!!!


New Member
So I BC, love it dearly, but my hair is DRY DRY DRY, nothing is moisturizing my situation and my sexy is NOT being preserved. I've DC twice, i'm sitting my conditioner on my hair now and it STILL feels dry. What is wrong with it or am I doing something wrong.
Cooyah said:
So I BC, love it dearly, but my hair is DRY DRY DRY, nothing is moisturizing my situation and my sexy is NOT being preserved. I've DC twice, i'm sitting my conditioner on my hair now and it STILL feels dry. What is wrong with it or am I doing something wrong.

Cooyah it took my hair a minute to retain moisture when I first bc'd also. Outside of wearing a baggy or bonnet at night I don't know what to tell you. I am sure the other ladies will post some helpful info. I am waiting right witcha.
Cooyah said:
So I BC, love it dearly, but my hair is DRY DRY DRY, nothing is moisturizing my situation and my sexy is NOT being preserved. I've DC twice, i'm sitting my conditioner on my hair now and it STILL feels dry. What is wrong with it or am I doing something wrong.

Have you just been doing conditioner washes since you bc'd? If so you might have to clarify. Also what products are you using? We need a little more info girl...

But I will tell you I went through the same thing when I bc'd and again at the beginning of this summer. I found out my leave-in & conditioner were building up faster than I thought so I had to shampoo more often. I also baggie my ends with a plastic shower cap. Also cholesterol made things worse.
Cooyah said:
So I BC, love it dearly, but my hair is DRY DRY DRY, nothing is moisturizing my situation and my sexy is NOT being preserved. I've DC twice, i'm sitting my conditioner on my hair now and it STILL feels dry. What is wrong with it or am I doing something wrong.

:rofl: (at the bolded area)

But on a serious note . . . What are you using to moisturize? Is your conditioner a "moisturizing" conditioner? How often are you doing it? How do you cover your hair at night to sleep? I agree with Firecracker that the baggie is an excellent way to infuse your hair with moisture. I like to apply leave-in very heavy-handedly a few nights a week and sleep with a satin scarf. If I am especially dry though, I will put a plastic cap on and tie my satin scarf over it.
nurseN98 said:

Have you just been doing conditioner washes since you bc'd? If so you might have to clarify. Also what products are you using? We need a little more info girl...

But I will tell you I went through the same thing when I bc'd and again at the beginning of this summer. I found out my leave-in & conditioner were building up faster than I thought so I had to shampoo more often. I also baggie my ends with a plastic shower cap. Also cholesterol made things worse.

Ok, vital stats.

I BC on saturday, it was moisturized on saturday. On sunday it was flat and dry looking so I thought I had more relaxed ends in their and proceeded to cut some more out. I DC with cholesterol and castor oil mixed. I moisturize with Scurl diluted with water in the morning. It's a no go.

I'm DC now in hopes it will get some moisture :perplexed
After you clarify, I don't find cholesterol too moisturizing, you could try another moisturizing conditioner and as the other ladies mentioned, try sleeping with conditioner in your hair overnight ( I just did this last night). Hot oil treatments are good for lubricating dry hair and sealing in moisture, you can do those maybe once a week with a natural oil like Olive (make sure you get the REAL stuff that usually comes in a dark bottle). Also using an humectant may help, some people add honey to their conditioners and leave in's or glycerin. Natural butters or butter based pomades/lotions/creams are good as daily hairdress to keep the hair soft.
Cooyah said:
Ok, vital stats.

I BC on saturday, it was moisturized on saturday. On sunday it was flat and dry looking so I thought I had more relaxed ends in their and proceeded to cut some more out. I DC with cholesterol and castor oil mixed. I moisturize with Scurl diluted with water in the morning. It's a no go.

I'm DC now in hopes it will get some moisture :perplexed
See...that's the weirdest thing, cholesterol was my holy grail when I was relaxed but now...doesn't do the job and makes it worse.:ohwell:

I think you need to clarify then deep condition THEN get a more moisturizing conditioner if you are gonna be doing cw....something like Elucence or Kenra (I don't keep up with the other conditioner trends but I do remember a thread on it). If you want something to hold you over then try suave (i've used the coconut or milk & honey w/decent results). The good thing about Elucence & suave is that you can use them as a leave in too.

As far as deep conditioning, if you want to use the cholesterol, try mixing suave into it, at least equal proportions or use more condish & less cholesterol. (My fave is Aubrey GPB though )

You're just starting out on the journey will soon find your routine.:)
Are you sure your hair is truly dry? Use to think my natural hair was dry but I had to get use to the feel of my natural hair verus the feel of my relaxed hair. It did take me a while. Check your scalp and check the poristy (sp) of your hair.
ThickHair said:
Are you sure your hair is truly dry? Use to think my natural hair was dry but I had to get use to the feel of my natural hair verus the feel of my relaxed hair. It did take me a while. Check your scalp and check the poristy (sp) of your hair.

oh it's dry, there is no mistaken, if i feel JUST the roots which is like 1/8 of a inch :lol: it feels perfectly fine but the rest is dry and cripsy sounding.

and why didn't anyone tell me i spelt natural wrong :look:
Hey! Welcome to our world!

I find that my hair has not been happy since the sun started shining and even though I've been using UV protectant and wetting/co-washing everyday my hair is not impressed. I've been using cholesterol for co washing and occasionally aveda sapmoss too. What's really been helping if if I add a little bit of MNT yellow moisturising conditioner when I'm "styling" it helps soften it up before I add some shea butter thats been fortified with oils and some glycerin which definitely makes it feel softer.

Have you been putting any product in it apart from Scurl? That made my hair feel like rocks and left that chalky feel on my hands I didn't really like. Are you sure it's undermoisturised and not just hard? I mean my hair sometimes just feels DRY - in the hard crusty sense - but it's still moisturised. Compared to ur relaxed hair natural's always gonna feel a little coarse.

Are you spraying the scurl onto damp hair? I don't bother putting product on dry hair simply because I can't imagine it'd do any good. The ladies suggested some good ideas and like Nurse cholesterol was my holy grail til i BCed and unless I use a good moisturising condish first after I clarify it doesn't do as well. Try mixing some aloe gelly with water and using that as a top up spray once your hair is dry. Sometimes that helps me too =) HTH
Just saw them new posts before mine. Cooyah, it could just be scab hair. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But unless you wanna battle with it all the time it might be better to cut it off
My hard water in my house made my hair look & feel extra dry. I bought a filter & my hair has made improvements. Just a thought...
Ooohh - hard to moisturize hair. AIight - here are my time tested tricks.

1) Clarify - if you have ANYTHING on your hair that is blocking the cuticles, the moisture can't GET into the hair strand, so no matter what you put on top, it's going to be dry. I use 1 teaspoon baking soda +1/2 cup water + enough conditioner (cone-free) to make it stick, wash it through my hair like shampoo, rinse out. Trust, ANYTHING on your hair will be gone.

2) Stop using products with silicone in it - the silicone makes your hair all smooth and pretty by sealing it shut like a layer of acrylic - so, once again, all the stuff you are using to moisturize doesn't actually get into the hair strand, it just lays on top - so your hair LOOKS shiny for a while - but it's still dry as a bone.

3) Oil won't moisturize your hair, only water can moisturize. Oil can help SEAL IN moisture that's already there, but putting oil on dry hair ain't gon do nothing but make your hair greasy. If you use oil, use it on WET hair. Not damp, WET. If you use butters, use it on damp hair - they usually have a little water in them.

4) Are you getting water INSIDE you? You have to be moist yourself, in order for your hair to stay moisturized.

What you might want to try for the next week or so - every other evening, get your hair damp, mix up some of your favorite silicone free moisturizing conditioner and some honey (3pts condish, 1pt honey) slap it in your hair, go to bed. Rinse it out in the morning, and put some oil/butter into your hair. After about a week, your hair will be so moisturized it might start feeling mushy - at that point, switch to doing it once a week.

If that, plus drinking extra water, plus getting your hair WET on a daily basis (our natural hair likes water - it needs water) doesn't might need to check and see if you have hard water that might be leaving residue on your hair. If THAT's not might just be scab hair, and you'll have to slowly trim it off.... but still, doing the above will help.

Good luck sis!
Cooyah said:
why didn't anyone tell me i spelt natural wrong :look:

LOL, Girl you are crazy!:rofl:

You've gotten some great advice. I wish you the best. My hair loves the Dove conditioners, especially the one in the blue bottle (Conditioner Therapy, for hair with more severe symptoms of dryness or damage) and be careful with protein, many naturals don't need much. Also have you tried twists are small braids? Whenever my hair gets like what you are describing I braid or twist it up with some Oyin's shine & define, seal with an oil or serum and a few days later I'm all good. Sometimes our hair just wants to be left alone.
I agree with dimpalz, it's scab hair. When I first BCed I had this same problem. I stop using shampoo with SLS and conditioners with cones but, it wasn't until I trimmed my end twice before the ends stop feeling dry. Currently I wash my hair every other week with a Black soap shampoo I made from a recipe I got from someone else's fotki. I condition my hair with Nature's Gate or AO, apply shealoe while it's still damp and don't do anything else to it until I wash again.

Good luck
Using too many products can cause dryness. You really don't have to use many products on your hair after doing the BC. By the way, not every conditioner is moisturizing... some can have a drying effect or cause buildup.

Anyway, congrats on your BC! Happy hair growing and have fun! :)
Try a couple of different mixtures that I've seen work for ladies on these boards:

- Glycerin and water, sealed with some sort of Cones (i.e. Keracare Silken Seal)
- Leave In Moisturizers (some popular ones on these boards include ORS Olive Oil Lotion, Keracare Oil Moisturizer with Jojoba Oil, Giovanni Direct Leave-In, Keracare Lite Oil Moisturizer...I use Abba Nourishing Leave-IN)
- Use a combination of leave in moisturizers and oils...first the leave-in to coat and provide moisture and then the oil (coconut, jojoba, castor, or olive oil) to seal
- Add honey and/or olive/jojoba oil to your conditioner.
- Try using a cholesterol treatment and setting it by using a hot wet towel for 20 minutes (cholesterols: LeKair, LustraSilk, Hollywood Beauty)
dimpalz said:
Just saw them new posts before mine. Cooyah, it could just be scab hair. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But unless you wanna battle with it all the time it might be better to cut it off

ITA with dimpalz. Try clarifying then using a honey and olive oil mix. After you wash that off, if your hair is still dry I would say it's scab hair.
nappywomyn said:
Ooohh - hard to moisturize hair. AIight - here are my time tested tricks.

1) Clarify - if you have ANYTHING on your hair that is blocking the cuticles, the moisture can't GET into the hair strand, so no matter what you put on top, it's going to be dry. I use 1 teaspoon baking soda +1/2 cup water + enough conditioner (cone-free) to make it stick, wash it through my hair like shampoo, rinse out. Trust, ANYTHING on your hair will be gone.

2) Stop using products with silicone in it - the silicone makes your hair all smooth and pretty by sealing it shut like a layer of acrylic - so, once again, all the stuff you are using to moisturize doesn't actually get into the hair strand, it just lays on top - so your hair LOOKS shiny for a while - but it's still dry as a bone.

3) Oil won't moisturize your hair, only water can moisturize. Oil can help SEAL IN moisture that's already there, but putting oil on dry hair ain't gon do nothing but make your hair greasy. If you use oil, use it on WET hair. Not damp, WET. If you use butters, use it on damp hair - they usually have a little water in them.

4) Are you getting water INSIDE you? You have to be moist yourself, in order for your hair to stay moisturized.

What you might want to try for the next week or so - every other evening, get your hair damp, mix up some of your favorite silicone free moisturizing conditioner and some honey (3pts condish, 1pt honey) slap it in your hair, go to bed. Rinse it out in the morning, and put some oil/butter into your hair. After about a week, your hair will be so moisturized it might start feeling mushy - at that point, switch to doing it once a week.

If that, plus drinking extra water, plus getting your hair WET on a daily basis (our natural hair likes water - it needs water) doesn't might need to check and see if you have hard water that might be leaving residue on your hair. If THAT's not might just be scab hair, and you'll have to slowly trim it off.... but still, doing the above will help.

Good luck sis!

Excellent advice. I'm about to print this out and post it on my bathroom mirror.