Nappturosity - A Book About Natrual Hair Journey.


Well-Known Member
Have any of you ladies heard of this book before or know of anyone who has read it?

From time to time I recommend books to those starting out on the natural journey, but this one came to me via email and I wanted to know something about it.

Disclosure: I am not getting any type of payment from them nor am I endorsing this book.

Just want to know if any of you ladies have heard of it and/or have read it and what your opinions are.

On the video she mentions something about the book that I had not heard in others and that is embracing the learning of your natural hair like a relationship and learning to love and accept and deal with what YOUR natural hair looks like not what others natural hair look like.

It looks like she has a shop in Indiana, if any of our Indian sistah's have been to her shop please tell us about it. Man, I so wish there was a natural hair care salon in my neighborhood.

Here is the link to tell you more about the book and the salon.

Feedback ladies please! Thanks.
They sent me an email yesterday about this book. I think I might get it. I like the few hairstyles that they did show during the video.
It looks pretty basic - nothing I don't already know after being a member of NP. But if there are some great hair styling options in there then I might buy it just for that.