nappies who blow dry their hair


New Member
are there any?

i need some advice on how to do it properly on low heat. i currently stretch my hair in either fat twists or braids. however, my hair is so coily that it still knots up (some of the coils never seperate). im looking for a method that will COMPLETELY remove the curl in my hair and seperate the hairs that clump together when a coil forms. now im not talking about getting it straight or pointed down or anything... im talking BAA that sticks up every where. theres no question that i want to keep it nappy. i feel that my current detangling and separation techniques are not enough to keep the coils at bay

if you have really coily hair, what is your technique to get rid of the coil if you dont use heat?
most of the time I just do a braid out. On the rare occasion I do blowdry, I wash my hair in braids and then let them dry a little. While they are still damp I unbraid each one one at a time, put leave-in in (I am still looking for a heat protector) and then blowdry that section which is already stretch. Then I rebraid the blowdried section and move onto the next braid. That remove the curl for me. I am on the border of 3c/4a so I can't vouch for it working on 4b or higher hair but give it a try!
ETA: I use a vrush with the dryer instead of a comb attachment which I think helps (its a round bristle brush)
thanks! i only have a boar bristle brush that i think would work :/ im planning on doing it at a really low setting until its mostly dry. im also looking for a better way to trim my hair and this is the only thing i could think of other than cutting my hair while its twisted
i detangle sections of my hair with my wide-tooth comb, then go back over them with a small-tooth comb and braid them up. smaller teeth help break up the clumps better IMO, but you have to get most of the big tangles out with the larger-tooth comb first.

i used to make a good BAA without heat by doing the above, then letting my hair dry overnight and brushing it out the next day. but, i would guess blowdrying would have the same effect only faster.
if you want to get it straight, my advice would be to either (a) braid it the day before (i believe a few people do this method with excellent results) and work your way through it slowly or (b) blowdry on super wet hair. When I say wet, I mean 'do not airdry or wrap hair with a towel. go straight to the blowdryer and collect $200':lol:

i find my hair hardest to blowdry when it is starting to dry
so i tried it today (about 2 days post detangled). it wasnt all that bad

i dont want it straight- just less coily. i started off in test sections first. i would hold the dryer up while holding the hair taut for less than a minute (no combing or brushing. i just pulled on it!! lol). i realised that my hair was getting too straight/ straighter than i wanted it to be.

i ended up blow drying it until it felt mostly dry (using the pulling method lol). i put the stretched hair in fat twists. it took less than 45 minutes for my entire head. HOWEVER, THE STUPID COILS ON THE TOP OF MY HAIR STAYED CLUMPED UP!! im going to have to do more work in that area i guess

i used to do the braid thing but it took too much time. i did the roller set method (heat and no heat) but the prep time alone took WAY TOO LONG and there was MORE heat involved. im looking for a routine where i can wash, dry, and style my hair in about an hour (under 2hours no doubt)... while keeping it nappilicious at the same time :) im not worried about too much damage either because the way i did it and at the amount of heat i used, it shouldnt be much different than putting the hair in braids on a hot day :/

this may be it :) i welcome any more suggestions!!