Name your favorite Bible person


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besides Jesus.....

I absolutely love Paul! :grin:

You know how some people be like "this is just who I am"....blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm just a mean o hateful person by nature...blah, blah, blah".:nono:

I remind them of my boy Paul. How that one trip on the road to Damascus changed him. If he can go from Saul :kick:to Paul:grouphug3:....then surely they can make a concious effort to change their ways too.:yep:
Rahab is my new favorite. If a woman can go from being a prostitute in a false gods temple to having a relationship with the one and only Gd, then we all can have that. And she was a direct descendant of Christ.
I love Elisha....he was a man who desired to be a servant of God by serving Elijah. His servant heart captured God's heart and that caused Elisha to have the mantle of Elijah passed onto him.

Rahab is my new favorite. If a woman can go from being a prostitute in a false gods temple to having a relationship with the one and only Gd, then we all can have that. And she was a direct descendant of Christ.

Yes, she was King Davids great-great-great grandmother!!!
After reading the book Redeeming Love, I have a new found respect and appreciation for Hosea. If you can follow God's leading to marry a prostitute and time after and time forgive her and love her unconditionally. All I can say is WOW.
Rahab is my new favorite. If a woman can go from being a prostitute in a false gods temple to having a relationship with the one and only Gd, then we all can have that. And she was a direct descendant of Christ.

I remember you talking about a book that deals with this story but I can't remeber thename. Could you please remind me of the title of this? I want to read this book real bad.

After reading the book Redeeming Love, I have a new found respect and appreciation for Hosea. If you can follow God's leading to marry a prostitute and time after and time forgive her and love her unconditionally. All I can say is WOW.

Thanks for reminding me! I am going to read this today.

My absolute favorite person is Paul as well I can read his testimonies time and time again. I absolutely love him and his strong, faith and love, for God and Christ. His chapters are so thought provoking and really snatch my heart. He was full of Christ's spirit indeed so bold always telling it how it is a sin is a sin, love is love and how to conduct a family along with so much more.
I would have to say " David". In fact I have been know to dance right out of my clothes just like David.

Seriousely, David loved the Lord with all of his heart and even though he fall down and made mistakes he always repented and turned back to God.
Hannah, to me she represents faith, hope, courage, and integrity. She kept her promise to God. I also like the story of Ruth. She made alot of changes and God blessed her.
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I remember you talking about a book that deals with this story but I can't remeber thename. Could you please remind me of the title of this? I want to read this book real bad.



This is it. I'm reading my last book my this author. I love her books. I've read 4 so far.
This is hard question, because every one in the bible has affected my life in one way or another but i am going to go for Abraham. His faith is so powerful.

Great thread- klb120475 :yep:
I would have to say " David". In fact I have been know to dance right out of my clothes just like David.

Seriousely, David loved the Lord with all of his heart and even though he fall down and made mistakes he always repented and turned back to God.

Now, that David....that's my boy! A man after God's own heart!:love2:

Saw the movie in the theaters, own a DVD, and have movie stills as my computer wallpaper!:grin:

I loved that movie! Shoot, I gotta go get the DVD this weekend! Such a beautiful love story! Then it had funny parts in it too! :lachen:
This is hard question, because every one in the bible has affected my life in one way or another but i am going to go for Abraham. His faith is so powerful.

Great thread- klb120475 :yep:

Moses - It takes a man of great faith, strength and love for God and people to give up his life (lifestyle and everything) to wonder around in the desert for all those years, to lead a group of murmuriers (sp?) and complainers. On top of that when God told him he would not enter into the promised land he still continued his walk knowing that he would not enter into the promise land. He could have let them folks go, but he didn't. What a great sacrifice.
This is a very hard question.

I love so many people in the Bible. I love Paul because of his boldness and steadfastness and also because he knew what he was talking about in 1 & 2 Corin. girls, he laids it down when it come to sin and being holy; but then I also love David because of his heart and how he shows us to just lay everything before God and to give him your heart and allow him to clean us up.

Girl, I can't pick I just love so many people in the Bible. I just love the word of God.
Moses - It takes a man of great faith, strength and love for God and people to give up his life (lifestyle and everything) to wonder around in the desert for all those years, to lead a group of murmuriers (sp?) and complainers. On top of that when God told him he would not enter into the promised land he still continued his walk knowing that he would not enter into the promise land. He could have let them folks go, but he didn't. What a great sacrifice.

Ya'll ever notice how Moses was a wonderful intercessor? He always interceded for the people, no matter how many times they messed up.:grin: Then the one time he messed up, nobody stood before God and interceded for him.:nono:
Jesus!! Man, Jesus is the man! I love reading about him and many of the things he said and did. He didn't play and some of the things he said wasn't what I expected from what people 'say' about Jesus. Reading about him is so different! (Really important also)

I remember sitting in my theology class watching the Jesus tape and I would say, "Did you all hear what Jesus just said!?!

I really enjoy Ruth, Job, Elisha, and many more.
Jesus!! Man, Jesus is the man! I love reading about him and many of the things he said and did. He didn't play and some of the things he said wasn't what I expected from what people 'say' about Jesus. Reading about him is so different! (Really important also)

I remember sitting in my theology class watching the Jesus tape and I would say, "Did you all hear what Jesus just said!?!

I really enjoy Ruth, Job, Elisha, and many more.

I don't know why "we" can't ever follow directions. I clearly stated name folks beside Jesus.:rolleyes:

You think you slick, gon try and add that last sentence.:grin:
I don't know why "we" can't ever follow directions. I clearly stated name folks beside Jesus.:rolleyes:

You think you slick, gon try and add that last sentence.:grin:

So you noticed that huh! :giggle: I just couldn't help it though. Sorry.