I am currently transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair, but I was natural from '99 until November of last year. I guess I would have mixed reviews on this relaxer.When I went to get my hair relaxed after being natural for 5 years, the stylist suggested Nairobi Sensitive Scalp. My hair was beautiful; I simply loved it! I have a picture of the back of my hair in my album, but the quality is not too good.
Before I went natural the first time, my relaxed hair was very thin/overprocessed and lackluster. After being natural and relaxing, it was much thicker. Unfortunately, I was unable to maintain touch-ups with that relaxer for financial reasons so I had to use what was on hand. I have run into a problem though, my edges are thinning. I'm not sure whether this is attributed to relaxers or the fact that I just had a baby in May. Either way, I'm giving the relaxers up in the hopes of having some thick, strong, natural hair and filled in edges...(off to buy some MTG). hth