Nairobi Hair Relaxer?


Well-Known Member
My sister just got her hair done and it looked really good. She told me that her hair dresser took her off Mizani and put her on Nairobi. Anyone heard of Nairobi relaxer?
I've never heard of it and Nairobi is in Kenya. Oh well, maybe some enterprising twit stole the name
My hairstylist just left JCP and is now using the Nairobi relaxer at her new salon. She just loves it and thinks I should try it. Has anyone heard more on it since this thread started?
I have never heard of Nairobi relaxer but I did see Nairobi products shampoo and conditioner in a Hair Cuttery salon a couple of months ago.
I was eyeing the hair dextoxing product line I bet they have the relaxer there too.
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I'd like to know if anyone else has tried the Nairobi relaxer...I have to find a new hairdresser when I take out my braids and the beautician I'm thinking about seeing has suggested that I switch to Nairobi from Affirm...she said Nairobi contains loads of great conditioners for the hair...I have very dry hair and she said Affirm makes it so much, any Nairobi relaxer users???
I am currently transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair, but I was natural from '99 until November of last year. I guess I would have mixed reviews on this relaxer.When I went to get my hair relaxed after being natural for 5 years, the stylist suggested Nairobi Sensitive Scalp. My hair was beautiful; I simply loved it! I have a picture of the back of my hair in my album, but the quality is not too good.

Before I went natural the first time, my relaxed hair was very thin/overprocessed and lackluster. After being natural and relaxing, it was much thicker. Unfortunately, I was unable to maintain touch-ups with that relaxer for financial reasons so I had to use what was on hand. I have run into a problem though, my edges are thinning. I'm not sure whether this is attributed to relaxers or the fact that I just had a baby in May. Either way, I'm giving the relaxers up in the hopes of having some thick, strong, natural hair and filled in edges...(off to buy some MTG). hth
Yes, I've heard of it. There's a girl at my school who uses it and her hair is very healthy, thick and shiny. She has only said good things about it.
The first time I heard of Nairobi was almost a year ago when I worked as an assistant in a hair salon. I've heard only good things about it.
I havent' heard anything about the relaxer but my stylist has been doing rollersets with the nairobi styling foam and it works excellent. I always ask for that foam over the dudleys that they use. it leaves my hair shiny and smoothe.
I USE IT!! ITS THE BEST!! Well I used to, I had to dump my hairdresser cause she started slackin BIG TIME on her professionalism...LONG STORY.

But foreals, Nairobi is the TRUTH.
great thread ladies! my sis is looking to switch relaxers. I am going to email her about the Nairboi relaxer.....thanks ladies!
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EishBuhgeish said:
How does she get it?

I remember you asking about how to get this relaxer in another thread. Well, I tried it last week and I am thrilled :grin: . Girl, you were right, it is the TRUTH!

I finally have a texturized head and I'm happy with it. I asked my hairdresser where to get it, and he said you need a license to order though :perplexed .
Bump... Bump. ..
Does anyone still use this relaxer?
I see Gillian Garcia the stylist on IG and YouTube from New York use this relaxer..