Nacidit Honey and Almond/Miel y Almendras Deep Conditioner


New Member
When I first opened the jar, I was skeptical, because the texture was different from the Olive Oil and Avocado. It is a light colored cream that smells like Jergens. I was tempted to mix in honey, olive and apricot oil, but I decided to try it straight, for "research purposes". My prepoo made my hair kind of clump up because of the amla powder, after I rinsed out my shampoo.I was prepared for a long day because honestly I didn't know what to expect. I added my Alter Ego to my scalp as usual. As I applied it through my sections, my hair softened and unclumped as I would expect with the other Nacidits. I sat under the dryer for 15 minutes and I felt I could have stopped there, but I went back for another 15. Upon rinsing, my hair was basically detangled and I was able to quickly set my hair with flexirods with a light spritz of diluted elucence mb and silicon mix leave in.

My Verdict: If Nacidit DCs work for you(Olive, Avocado) then this may as well. It works straight, but I know I will be adding some oil mixture to it as I do with the others, for extra benefits. I would most definitely repurchase, when the PJ stash is depleted.

Nacidit Miel y Almendras
Ingredients: Purified water, cetyl alcohol, lanolin, mineral oil, BHT, BHA, Methyl-propyl paraben, cetyl trimethyl ammonium chloride, almond oil, honey, fd&c certified colors and fragrance
Is this one better than the aloe vera one?

I have never tried the aloe vera one. One of the first dominican conditioners I tried was Capilo Aloe Vera and Tropical Aloe Vera and they weren't really all that moisturizing to me and that kinda turned me off to aloe vera in conditioner, since it can act like a protein.
I don't have the Nacidit Honey & Almond, but I do have the Capilo Milk & Honey that I'll be trying out as soon as I finish up one of my other DCs. Now that sounds delish and I can't wait to try it out. I would have tried it out already, but I'm on a personal "use it all up" challenge.