Mystery Product


Well-Known Member
I went to a new stylist this past weekend and got amazing results.
She shampooed, applied a leave-in and setting lotion, and then put me under the dryer for about 40 minutes. Afterwards, she curled my hair with a curling iron.:eek: I was in and out of the salon in 1hr and 30 min.

I must say that I was a little skeptical of her techniques as I am a heat minimalist and a die hard roller setter, yet after all was said and done, I wanted to cry tears of joy.

The next day I went back for a pedicure and I asked her what she used on my hair. She said she uses products by "Eulee"/"ulee". (sp?) I would have asked her to show me the bottle, but she was with a client and I didnt want to appear to be too nosey. This was an Aveda concept salon, so needless to say, they did not carry the product.

I have never heard, nor can I spell the name of this product line, so I cant even do a google search. I am on a mission to get my hands on this product.:sekret:

Can anyone give me the 411 please??
Thank you so much!! I think this is it, but I will ask her just to be sure.

Have you had any experiences with this product line??
No I haven't used it but I've heard of it. The PJ in me wants to buy but I'm holding off until I use up some of my stash. :lol: