Mysterious Long Strand: Anyone can relate?


New Member
Hey Ladies,

A few days ago I found a long mysterious strand amongst my hair. I stretched the strand out and found that it reached a few inches past my BS:eek: . So at first I thought that the strand was a shedded strand that probably caught on to another hair. So I pulled it and I felt it pulling my scalp:confused: .

So I said Okay, lemme trace where it is coming from. And it actually did come from my scalp. Which is good to me but it had me confused. It may have been a peice that I accidently neglected to cut from my minichop in May. Which kinda sickens me to see where I could of been. How in da hale did one strand grow to midback length amongst the rest. I plan on trimming it to one length. My sister says I should pluck it out and place it in the bible. But I am scared that the follicles may be irritated in the area from plucking it out:cool: . But either way it goes it will be trimmed.

Any ladies can relate? What would you do?
I have a couple of them and they are always perfectly straight or wavy too. I wish they would stop. They are several inches longer than the rest of my hair when it's stretched and they are random.
Me too, I discover one long strand one day, when I was streching my hair with my hands to measure it, the strand was almost at bra strap while my hair was 3 inches above that length!
:lol: this reminds me of the Unpopular Hair Opinions thread when someone complained about 20 individual strands of hair touching bra-strap is not bra-strap. Please, there's nothing wrong with an extra long-strand, at least that gives you proof that your hair does have potential. Just trim it and keep lookin to the future.
Gosh, that's never happened to me before! I understand your pain..... to think that all of your hair could have been that length. :eek: But I think its a good plan to trim (rather than pluck) the strand along with the rest of your hair........ and also, as you said, it's quite exciting to know that your hair can and will soon be that length again! Very encouraging. :)
I can definitely relate.Last night I took one of my braids out just to see how much my hair has grown. Well, I saw this long strand and I figured it was apart of my weave hair. I pulled the strand and to my surprise it was mine. This strand measured 9 inches. The shortest length my hair measures is 6 1/2 in.and the longest 7 1/2 inches. That being said i was very surprised:)
I've noticed that too! My hair is around shoulder length and a few inches past but I have a strand that reaches APL. It's weird, but the good thing is that you know all your hair can reach that point.
MizaniMami said:
Hey Ladies,

A few days ago I found a long mysterious strand amongst my hair. I stretched the strand out and found that it reached a few inches past my BS:eek: . So at first I thought that the strand was a shedded strand that probably caught on to another hair. So I pulled it and I felt it pulling my scalp:confused: .

So I said Okay, lemme trace where it is coming from. And it actually did come from my scalp. Which is good to me but it had me confused. It may have been a peice that I accidently neglected to cut from my minichop in May. Which kinda sickens me to see where I could of been. How in da hale did one strand grow to midback length amongst the rest. I plan on trimming it to one length. My sister says I should pluck it out and place it in the bible. But I am scared that the follicles may be irritated in the area from plucking it out:cool: . But either way it goes it will be trimmed.

Any ladies can relate? What would you do?

i always find these, it really means that your hair is reaching there...or your right u cudda just missed it out from you chop in may.

plucking it wot hurt you follicle, i often pluck out my lanky hairs, but i think u should leave it there, they kinda cute :cool:
I can definitely relate! I've got a piece that consistently grows to BSL, not matter how much I trim it even. I'm just happy that my hair can get that far!