My zany way of measuring my new growth (please don't laugh).....


Well-Known Member
Ok, so yesterday I was trying to measure my growth progress in my stretch, and it was frustrating because I couldn't get accurate measurements, so I gave up. But then, I saw a single shed hair on my sink countertop (I knew it was a shed hair because it had the white bulb tip on there) , and the structure was perfect for measuring! I mean, the relaxed hair was straight, and then the new kinky growth was a perfect corkscrew underneath that, like night and day. So I took that hair, measured the unstretched length of the corkscrew, and then stretched it out to measure the stretched length of the corkscrew. Voila! :lol:

I proceeded to part different sections of my hair, the left, right, the back, the center, and the temples; select one strand from each section, and pluck it out. I only used about six strands, and each time it was so easy to measure. I was able to see how the different sections of my hair were growing at different speeds, and the difference in texture of the different areas of my head.

I know some people may be cringing now (Whaat!! She pulled out her own hair!!!! :eek: :eek: :naughty: ) but like I said, I only pulled out six strands. I lose more than that during a co-wash! And it's not like I'm going to be pulling out strands every week or something. I have very little shedding and very thick hair, so I don't think I'll en-balden myself (is that a word? :lol: ) by doing this. I'll take the hairs my head naturally sheds as part of my hair cycle and measure those, and only do a plucking maybe twice a year or something.

By the way, my hair's grown really nicely! :woot: :woot: :woot:
I thought I was bad. I have one gray hair at the front of my head. And thats the one I measure. It helps keep me consistant.:lol: