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My worse salon experience ever was at Picasso Salon in Manhattan. My appointment was scheduled for 1:000pm. I arrive approximately 1:10pm. I wait in the sitting area for about 20 minutes. The stylist Richard comes to greet me and his assistant comes by to prep me for my relaxer. She bases my scalp with minimal protection. She’s somewhat abrasive on my scalp. Within minutes Richard comes over to apply the relaxer. I inform Richard that I burn very easily, so he states that he will apply the relaxer in two parts.

Anyway, Richard’s applying the relaxer in which I notices he overlaps the relaxer and slaps farrrr to much relaxer on my hair. I’m talking globs of relaxer. Within minutes I begin to burn. I inform Richard, he actually complains and says “Already, I just started applying the relaxer.” Next, he takes me to sink to rinse out the relaxer. He rinses out the relaxer and then proceeds to relax the portion that he was not able to relax because I started burning rather quickly. He rinses me, then washes me, then sits me under a dryer. Once I come from under the dryer, he then proceeds to run the relaxer throughout the ends to correct my under processed sections. WHOA! This is when I’m like, time out, rinse this [** potty mouth **] outta my hair now. I’m rinsed, fortifying applied again, and then I’m neutralized again. After neutralizing, I’m washed with a dry scalp shampoo by Keracare. After this shampoo, a reconstuctor is applied to my hair and I sit for about 15 minutes. I’m then rinsed.

Prior to roller setting a leave-in treatment by Sebastian’s applied to my hair and his assistance proceeds to roller set me. This chick’s roller set was the worst. I’ve done better without seeing the back of my head. When she finished roller setting approximately 8 rollers fell out prior to sitting under the dryer. Richard cusses out his assistance, she claims she doesn’t know how to roller with the rollers given to her. Richard rolls me, and his rollers begin to fall out. At this point, I do not say anything.

I come from under the dryer, made up a story why I had to leave because at this point, I wanted no one in the salon to touch my hair.

This morning, I woke up with some stuff oozing from my scalp and wondering, why the hell did I decide to try someone new. Now I maybe suffering from damaged hair ALLL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because of this horrible experience, I must now take extreme care of my hair. I’m back on vitamins, and I plan to re-wash my hair within three days with a neutralizing shampoo and condition with a liquid protein and keep my hair moisturized as much as possible. Never again will I ever ever ever ever venture out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a matter of fact, PHUCK DAT, I'm relaxing my own hair, I rather be the cause of the damage and these crazy ass beauticians out there. Where do they get their licenses?!?!?!
I went Saturday, June 28th to Picasso Salon located on 34th street bet. 7th & 8th avenue. This guy was actually recommended!!!!!!!
Oh girl. I don't know what to say. I know I've stopped going to salons and learned how to do my hair myself, that way if I jack it up it's no one's fault but my own.

I hope that your hair can bounce back after such harsh treatment.
Sorry to hear about your experience. I hope you're putting something on your scalp so it won't feel too sore or anything.

I am so sorry. That is a BAD salon experience if there ever was one. I agree with Allandra--keep your scalp treated and your follow up treatment that you're planning sounds good. Let us know how that goes and don't hesitate to come back to the board for assistance. I have a feeling that you know what you're doing though
dang, sorry to hear about that. keep us posted on how you recover. i think once you get a wash or two under your belt, it won't be as bad as it seems. that's my hope anyway...
Never again will I ever ever ever ever venture out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a matter of fact, PHUCK DAT, I'm relaxing my own hair, I rather be the cause of the damage and these crazy ass beauticians out there. Where do they get their licenses?!?!?!

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Girrrrl...I AM FEELING YOU! I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I had a similiar experience years ago with a caucasion putting an S-curl in my hair and leaving it on for 45 minutes and me having to shave my head bald. This is just one of the reasons why I left beauticians alone. I vowed that NO ONE will understand my hair better than I will. I think you have finally made your first step to becoming your own haircare professional.
So sorry to hear about your horrible salon experience. I know that you are smokin' hot right about now
! Good luck to you, everything will work out. Make sure you give your hair LOTS of tlc
I'm sorry too. Everything I wanted to say has already been said. I hate salons especially the 'high class' ones that only want to see how much they can charge and don't know ish about hair care.
Sorry you had such a horrible experience. I too hope you have a speedy recovery.
As far as their licenses, EVERY beautician I know has informed me that out of the thousands of hours they spend on learning about hair, only a few are spent on our hair. Heck, I am HIGHLY intelligent and it has taken me almost two years on hair boards (down to this one only) to figure certain things out about MY hair and I'm still learning! I like reading about good hair dressers, but none of them are near me and I feel you about venturing out. The last lady I went to claimed she was into healthy hair but chastised me for taking vitamins. Completely burned the back of my hair with chemicals and kept finding ways to add fake hair to mine instead of just allowing it to grow. Her styles were very cute - her technique HORRIBLE.

Glad that you are going to self-relax. Very good idea (I'm going to too!) and I am sure you won't have any further bad experiences.

Good luck!
I'm sorry to hear about your experience....that's why black people need to figure out how to do their own hair. Personally, I have NEVER been to a salon in my life, and my hair is healthy and strong. The only person I trust to to my hair is my mom. That's it. Keep us updated!
Sorry about your salon experience. And like Allandra stated put something on your scalp. Neosporin works wonders!

Sorry about that AmilLion. I would like to start applying my own relaxers, I have a friend who does her own and her her hair is da bomb. But I'm so scared that I will leave it on too long or not long enough and will break out my hair. My hair is braided for the summer so I have a while to get up the nerve.

Girl! I am soooo sorry you had such a terrible experience. I've been there so I know how distraught you must be - sesp. when we're talking chemicals and not just a bad rollerset or something. I hope your hair recovers quickly and with minimal residual damage. Wash it ASAP. Your scalp will feel worlds better.

Thanks guys for the encouragement. This was finally the last straw. No one but myself will touch my hair. I've always feared relaxing my own hair in fear of overlapping relaxers and leaving them on too long. But from my personal experiences, I would do a hella of better job than these soo called beauticians, even the very ones we rave about.

I feel like, if it's not one thing, it's another. Either they relax you improperly, pump/spray too much junk on your hair or rather than trimming, their cutting. I'm done and frustrated.

As planned, tomorrow I will be rewashing my hair with a neutralizing shampoo and following with a reconstructor and following w/a moisturizing conditioner. I wish me luck!
Girl, good luck for real. I remember all the scalp burns I used to get when I was relaxed and my stylist left it on too long. It happend so often that I thought it was standard.
Anyway, your handle says you're natural. Was this relaxer applied to virgin hair?
Im sorry to hear about that terrible experience. Just keep your scalp moisturized and wash your hair as soon as possible. Keep us posted.
Amillion........Like the others I am really sorry to hear about this situation..its sad girl but many of the salons in manhattan are not as good as they may LOOK or SEEM...i have lived in ny all of my life and had a friend who use to like to try the salons downtown and if you see her hair now you would see the results..i find that often times many of these hair stylist have had bad traning in beauty school maintaing healthy hair...but all i will say now is...b4 u go to any salon...really ask yourself what u want them to do..and talk to them ABOUT HOW YOU WANT IT DONE...AND WHY... i tell my beautician exactly what i want and need..also many of the salons in manhattan are not use to doing relaxers..they may be trained in it..but they dont do it often enough to understand the technique...girl it will be okay...
No wonder you want to do your own hair! I'm sorry to hear about this experience. It makes me wonder what in the
these people learn in beauty school?!
As far as their licenses, EVERY beautician I know has informed me that out of the thousands of hours they spend on learning about hair, only a few are spent on our hair.

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I wonder why? Considering black women spend more time and money on their hair than anyone else...
AmilLion, I wouldn't wait 3 days...I'd have shampooed with the nuetralizing shampoo as soon as I got home...followed by a weak acv rinse. This is exacly why I stopped going to salons for anything other than a cut(which I found someone to do, so I don't need to go for that anymore). A long time ago, someone told me I needed a body perm because my hair is so flat in the winter(this was during the 80' know 'big' hair...). I did as you and informed him I burn easily and that my hair takes to anything easily. I was burning immediatley(I didn't know anything about basing my I didn't question that). I told him it was burning...he kept telling me to wait, I finally got up to rinse myslef anf he then finished rinsing me. I got home and I had a place in my from front hairline and in the crown area of my hair that felt hard. I called him and he said just to rub some vaseline in those area. My hair started falling out in handfuls everytime I combed my hair. It was even coming out when I ran my fingers thorugh it. To make a long story short I had to cut alot of my hair off(ear length from below shoulder length). That was the last time I had a perm put in my hair by a salon. When I did relax the same area's burned and broke off...of course I now know how to base and use lye as opposed to no-lyes. Don't feel bad AmiLion, you should be okay with what you have learned here. Get your hair healthy again and in the mean time talk to ladies here and that you know personaly to find a new hairdresser. Personally I feel I can do a better job myself. I base my own scalp, then get a friend to do do the back( I can monitor her) while I do the front. This cuts back on application time also. I plan on doing it this way from now on.
Sorry to here about your experience this is why I stopped going to salons years ago. I don't need a license to jack my own hair up. My hair is so much healthier sinced I stopped going. I could never retain any length and they always overprocessed.
Amil. im really sorry about your experience. i hope u did rinse already and your scalp has eased somewhat - hydrocortisone is great for scalp that has been burnt i used to use the duane reade store brand one $2 and it works on contact!! trus me girl

anyways on another note. i really wanna admonish us sistahs to speak up more! it hurts me so much when i read that we sit in these terrible hairdressers chairs and let them do crap with our hair and then go home feeling pain etc. if u see some'n u dont like or you know is gonna hurt you - SPEAK UP - please - what can they do to you - well... ask you to git tha hell out! which is what u wanna do anyways. I have been specific and made requests only to be ignored i.e. have been not based good and then had relaxer slapped on my hair and literally jumped out of the chair walked over to the basin, bent over, washed out my own hair and walked out! and i mean infront of a packed salon - i have no shame this way. cauz....

its my head!

(((Amil.))) and dont give up girl, in my quest ima try Marcia real soon - she is the latest rave on this board. also Yolette whom i went to last was excellent too.
I'm sorry to hear about your experience too. You are doing right by taking extreme caution and care of your hair now. Also, may I suggest applying 100% aloe vera gel to your scalp to help the healing process.

NYCchild...ITA with you. These people have to understand the potential damage that can be done to hair with relaxers, either they don't understand or just don't care. Regardless, if we don't say anything to them and call them on it, they will continue to "harm hair"
Amil. im really sorry about your experience. i hope u did rinse already and your scalp has eased somewhat - hydrocortisone is great for scalp that has been burnt i used to use the duane reade store brand one $2 and it works on contact!! trus me girl

anyways on another note. i really wanna admonish us sistahs to speak up more! it hurts me so much when i read that we sit in these terrible hairdressers chairs and let them do crap with our hair and then go home feeling pain etc. if u see some'n u dont like or you know is gonna hurt you - SPEAK UP - please - what can they do to you - well... ask you to git tha hell out! which is what u wanna do anyways. I have been specific and made requests only to be ignored i.e. have been not based good and then had relaxer slapped on my hair and literally jumped out of the chair walked over to the basin, bent over, washed out my own hair and walked out! and i mean infront of a packed salon - i have no shame this way. cauz....

its my head!

(((Amil.))) and dont give up girl, in my quest ima try Marcia real soon - she is the latest rave on this board. also Yolette whom i went to last was excellent too.

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well actually, last night, I did a rinse with Red Cidar Vinegar, then i washed with a neutralizing shampoo. I used a Reconstructor followed with a moisturizing conditioner and roller sat my hair. It feels much stronger today, not many strands came out (about 5).

From this experience, I trust no one but myself. I rather damage my hair rather than pay someone to damage it. I've lost all faith/hope in beauticians. I'm sick and tired of never being thoroughly satisfied.
I'm sorry to hear this happened to you! I can't believe how terrible they were with the rollerset, of all things! But you are right. You should never fully trust no one but yourself.