MY worst nightmare- VENT (LONG)

Ms_Delikate said:
i am really sorry to hear about your experience ... I am in the process of a 4 month stretch ( I hope) and I am seriously considering self relaxing. I went to a salon a couple days ago and as soon as I sat in the chair and told the ***** I wanted a deep condition she is trying to convince me that I needed a touch up...I just got up and walked away (saying to myself...they dont know me anyway:lol: ) I know how hard it is to walk out of a salon with errbody staring at you but I just tell myself I dont have to see these people again.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Your post had me screaming with laughter. I tried to imagine them staring at you as you walked out.

Henrietta, your hair is growing, even as you read this post. You will get over this set back.
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Omigosh, I am SO sorry to hear about this Henrietta! But, as the other ladies mentioned, take this as a learning experience. You now know what to do and not to do with your hair:).

And don't be afraid to self-relax! I started self-relaxing recently after years of going to a stylist who overprocessed me:mad:. I've done my last 2 relaxers - and they weren't perfect, but I'm getting there (but hey, at least I didn't overprocess!:lol:). You can take control of your hair, with great success. All you need is some practice and patience!
yeah I learned my lesson with stretching relaxers... always comb new growth:( but I am still stretching my relaxers b/c it is healthier for my hair. I also can comb my newgrowth better when it's wet and when I rollerset to get under the dome dryer.. the heat straightens my new growth so that it can be combed. On most days I do finger comb to style but when my hair is wet the new growth untangles better for me than that of dry hair...atleast this is what works for me:)

also I no longer go to a stylist! I get my mom to apply my relaxers.
Henrietta, I'm so sorry for your set back too.

Just as some of the ladies already said, consider this a lesson learned and move forward toward your goal with a new attitude. Baby your hair now that you have a fresh start. Detangle it whenever it needs it using a wide-tooth comb, preferably a bone comb or shower comb. And deep condition often. If you are learning to stretch. Try adding on one week to your stretch at a time to see how your hair responds.

I agree that you should consider learning how to self relax. I have been doing my own for years. And my daughter and I take turns doing each others hair sometimes, just to make sure we are not overlapping.

Practicing with a heavy, creamy conditioning is an excellent idea.

I wish you great success. Hang in there. You will be back on track before you know it.
You ladies are the best.
Thanks for all the advise. I shouldnt discount all salons but i ONLY go to salons for touch ups. I do the rest by myself (with one finger on the LHCF search button for advise and tips;))
I have since realised that no one is going to take as much care with my hair as i'm going to.
I will be stalking all open fotkis for tips on self relaxing...and practising with conditioner from this week.
preciousjewel76 said:
Omigosh, I am SO sorry to hear about this Henrietta! But, as the other ladies mentioned, take this as a learning experience. You now know what to do and not to do with your hair:).

And don't be afraid to self-relax! I started self-relaxing recently after years of going to a stylist who overprocessed me:mad:. I've done my last 2 relaxers - and they weren't perfect, but I'm getting there (but hey, at least I didn't overprocess!:lol:). You can take control of your hair, with great success. All you need is some practice and patience!

Thanks for this... I will be taking control of my hair fully from now on
SophiaRose said:
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience.
I just completed a 1st, 12 week stretch as well. I self relaxed.
What helped me best, in those last 6 weeks, was to slather suave tropical coconut CON on dry hair.
I would not wash it out.
I would do this everyday, no rinsing, just slather, smooth and bun.
On day 3, I would rinse/detangler under the shower-stream.
I started using a shower comb, but at times would my fingers, then the comb, to detangle.
I would do a quick protein tx (ION), while in the shower, wash my body (10min), then rinse my hair.
I would allow hair to air dry 100%.
Than start the cheapy CON, slathered on dry hair 3 day routine again.
I had to graduate to adding oil to the CON, and even cones, when it got rough, like around week 9-12.
I did break down around week 11 and blow dried my hair, too much breakage, wont do that again.
Week 12, I was ready to see some progress and relaxed.
I used ORS.
I first based with LIV (it's thinner than vaseline, thus easier to part thru your hair), from scalp & root- to ends. Then I appled cheapy CON to my whole head roots to tips.
Then i applied oil, all over.
Then I applied the relaxer to only the NG, I did a texlax, using half the recommended time.
But, I learned, that with all that protection, I could have relaxed for 30 minutes vs. 20, and would have still have had a 75% relaxed texture over 30 minutes.
The only thing I will do different next time, is to do a protein tx, before I relax.
I neutralized for like 2 hours, about 5 washes, letting it sit. When i rinsed the last time, my hair was baby soft, like i didn't even need the conditioner.
I CON'd for abt 15 minutes, no heat.
For my first wash, on day 3, I will do another nuetralizing poo (ORS poo is a nuetrlizer as well), a AVC rinse, a deep CON w/ heat, and a aphogee protein tx. Airdry.
For a detangling leave in, I just discovered, ELASTA-QP, H-TWO (bottle reads: leave-in moisture sealing conditioner, softens, detangles, moisturizes, it's light weight, and contains silk proteins @ Sally's).
Since i haven't found the perfect moisturizing cream, I am using up some pj-ism stuff, and seal w/ oil, and bun.
But my true love is cones and oil, i fugure with a good conditioner, i'm good to go, but i would still like to find a perfect, lightweight moisturizer
I don't plan to stop wearing my bun's until fully am BSL = crown reaches BSL.
This will be another 12 week stretch as well.
Cheapy CON, made it possible and shower detangling.
I hope I have helped you, again i am sorry, the hair dresser was heartless.

I also bought a very nice sally's 1" ceramic flatiron, for 29.99, cant afford a chi, fhi, maxiglide or babyliss right is the best kept secret to blow-in-the-wind-hair. I will be treating myself to 3 blow-out/flat-iron styles, once a month.

Don't give up, when i needed length, i would just throw on my half wig, for a few days.

Thanks for taking time out to type this detailed response.
I'm printing it out;)