My weave is shedding like a witch (with a B)!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay so I'm doing the Hide your hair til april fool's challenge and I feel like a fool for trying to convince my self that I can keep in this weave for 3 months!:mad: I am shedding EVERYWHERE!! I was eating and i found a hair in my food and I was about to curse somebody out til I realized that is was my weave. When I brush it with a wig brush I swear at least a whole track piece is brushed out. I mean, tons of hair comes out.

So I did a search and found which weaves match people's hair texture the best...but what weaves hardly shed that are affordable???
I have a weave now.. I would say outre premium or milky way.. The next level would be Milky Way Platinum which is about 39.99.. Does not shed at all
Well dang enlightening my uneducated on the weave tip *** because I cannot believe a weave can shed:confused: Do you mean the hair is actually coming off the track when you brush and comb? :eek: I thought those tracks of hair were supposed to be reusable after you take the weave out? Queen what are you over there doing to that hair chica?:lachen:
The only weave I've ever used that didin't shed was hair from Extensions-Plus. I think it's affordable, beceause in the long run you can continue to use it over and over. a friend of mine has been using the same hair from extensions plus for about 2 years now and it still looks great. EP matches relaxed textures very well and they have a large selection of colors and textures.
JLove74 said:
The only weave I've ever used that didin't shed was hair from Extensions-Plus. I think it's affordable, beceause in the long run you can continue to use it over and over. a friend of mine has been using the same hair from extensions plus for about 2 years now and it still looks great. EP matches relaxed textures very well and they have a large selection of colors and textures.

That's what I thought. There had to be a reason my old stylist was saling hair for 600 bucks:eek: . It would seem the lower grade and cost hair would be kinda disposable.
if u get hair from the BSS, next time reinforce the weft with weave glue...that
will stop the hair from shedding so much..but other than that..nothing much else can do i dont think...i had that happen to me was terribel...
firecracker said:
That's what I thought. There had to be a reason my old stylist was saling hair for 600 bucks:eek: . It would seem the lower grade and cost hair would be kinda disposable.

Dang $600 - that's like highway robbery, serious mark-up. EP is great hair and Helena (the owner) & her team know how to match hair with perfection. It's good stuff that pays for itself in the long run.
JLove74 said:
Dang $600 - that's like highway robbery, serious mark-up. EP is great hair and Helena (the owner) & her team know how to match hair with perfection. It's good stuff that pays for itself in the long run.

Hey I thought that was crazy too. Folks were buying that pretty soft hair like it was gone fly off the darn shelves.
The hata coworker spends that kinda money on her fake hair also but she uses it over and over as well. Even though her full head weave looks fake compared to when it was glued mixed in with her own hair.
I never wore a weave but I see some really nice natural looking ones alot now.:)
I guess the hair and technician makes the difference in it looking like your own hair.
firecracker said:
Hey I thought that was crazy too. Folks were buying that pretty soft hair like it was gone fly off the darn shelves.
The hata coworker spends that kinda money on her fake hair also but she uses it over and over as well. Even though her full head weave looks fake compared to when it was glued mixed in with her own hair.
I never wore a weave but I see some really nice natural looking ones alot now.:)
I guess the hair and technician makes the difference in it looking like your own hair.

Too True - it's all about product & technique and whoever's installing the weave. Because you can have some expensive ish and it look cheap as hellz or some inexpensive hair that is off the chain.