My weave is irritating my scalp


Well-Known Member
I got a weave about 3 days ago, and my head itches like crazy.
I want to take it out so badly, but I don't want to waste the money.
I used "human" hair from the beauty supply store. Its so hard for me to sleep at night. I am constantly scratching my scalp.
was it done very tight?
can u wash it or maybe try using something to sooth your scalp..some witchhazel maybe...
Hi Tamala

i had the same problem when i had a weave, but i found the cause as the hair wasnt human.when i had human hair i had the same result.i now have a weave made from human hair and it doesnt itch at all.Thats only because i used a tip i picked up from the crown and glory technique.thats tp soak the hair in warm water and vinegar before you use it for about 15 min then let it air dry.i think its ment to aid the hair in retaining moisture.also i spray braid spay on my cornrows and apply oil 1/2 times a week with an applicator bottle. hope this helps
Thank you ladies,
I bought outre, paid about $30 for it. As far as my scalp
I soaked a cotton ball in tea tree oil and applied it to my scalp.
The weave isn't very tight, its secure.
I was planning on 8 weeks, but it seems that I might only be able to handle one month, if at that.
Wow, that C&G tip probably would have helped my itching! Next time is will soak it!

But I was itching SO bad from a sew in a received I had to go an buy some Benadryl! (*crazy I know--but I worked*) Plus I used some kind of tea tree grease and put it on my scalp.