My Turn to Rant About my Stylist


Well-Known Member
today i had a wonderful phone conversation with my stylist.

Anky: hi, i called for an relaxer appointment.
SHS: Yea, u wanna come saturday morning?
Anky: Sure, dont forget that I am bringing my own neutralizing shampoo and conditioners with me so the price won't be the usual $35 dollars. **side note: this included elasta qp neutralizing shampoo, Hi-pro-pac, and LUST as a leave-in**
SHS:Wait, you are bringing your own neutralizing shampoo?
Anky: Yea, the shampoo that you use, It has ingredients that I don't like anymore-- I dont like the mineral oil that your deep conditioner has either.
SHS: <font color="red"> Well I have to use the Variations neutralizing shampoo that goes with the Variations Relaxer. Girl you know that deep conditioner that i use works wonders on your hair.</font>
Anky: Yea, whatever. Anyway, I'm bringing my own deep conditioner and protein treatment.
SHS: <font color="red">You don't need a protein treatment right after a relaxer. why did you buy all this stuff? When you do your OWN hair, you can use all your stuff.</font>
Anky: Saturday will be the last time I see you. *click*
Now wasn't that conversation a lot of bull?

This is the same lady who cut an inch of my hair off in July, setting my growth back a month. I haven't let her cut my hair since. In November, she wanted to trim my hair but I told her "hell naw" in the countriest voice that I could make (i didnt even have split ends @ the time). right now i'm 13 weeks post relaxer but don't feel comfortable relaxing my own hair yet. She probably thinks that she is the reason that my hair is growing so well. This is also the woman who won't use the 2-inch gray rollers on my hair because "your hair isn't long enough, girl." For goodness sake, My hair is 11 inches long (probably 12 1/2 inches now)! I use gray rollers on my hair @ home!

Let's just say after this touch-up she gives me, I am going to do be doing my own relaxers. I'm going to teach myself using the tips on this board. i only go to her for relaxers, so after I learn how to do that, I won't need her... saving myself the $35 dollar per touch-up ($140 a year).

Sorry that the post is so long. I had to vent.
anky said:
In November, she wanted to trim my hair but I told her "hell naw" in the countriest voice that I could make (i didnt even have split ends @ the time).

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I haven't read your entire post yet, but this part has tears coming out my eyes.
If I second guessed the stylist, verbally dismissed her, and then hung up the phone on her, I would NOT show up Saturday for the touchup.
She's probably ticked off with you. Time to start those self-relaxers...

Why bother going to a stylist? I guess I figure if they aren't doing your hair the way you want with the products you want, then why go? Can you find a stylist who already uses the products you like so you won't have to deal with this? Could you do your hair better yourself?
Not to put you into a panic, but do you think she will try to sabotage your efforts? I mean, she seems pretty adamant about doing things the way you are asking...
It would break my heart to have you post a sad story about a bad relaxer....
megonw said:
If I second guessed the stylist, verbally dismissed her, and then hung up the phone on her, I would NOT show up Saturday for the touchup.

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Me neither!!!
She might try to
Yeah Anky,
One tiny "mistake" can really set you back for months. She already set you back one good month by "trimming" your ends.
Please don't give her the opportunity to mess your hair up.
anky said:
SHS: <font color="red">You don't need a protein treatment right after a relaxer. why did you buy all this stuff? When you do your OWN hair, you can use all your stuff.</font>

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She might be planning an evil deed of retribution. Watch out, Anky!

By the way, how have you identified your staples already?
I've been questing since April 2003, and all I've got is a sticky bottle of Sta-Sof-Fro.
I'm not going to go to her on saturday.
Thank you ladies. I really appreciate it. your posts made me change my mind.

I am going to ask my cousin to do my hair. she used to do my hair when i was little and it always looked good. I hope she isnt busy on saturday.
If I second guessed the stylist, verbally dismissed her, and then hung up the phone on her, I would NOT show up Saturday for the touchup.

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Me neither.
Don't go Anky! She might hairjack you because you told her off.

SHS: Well I have to use the Variations neutralizing shampoo that goes with the Variations Relaxer. Girl you know that deep conditioner that i use works wonders on your hair.
Anky: Yea, whatever. Anyway, I'm bringing my own deep conditioner and protein treatment.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, but that had me
. You just dismissed her like she was an annoying gnat!
Good don't go. I wouldn't have that woman touch my hair for anything after that. Stylists need to learn to listen their clients.
OK, then. If your cousin's free to do it, then you're set!

Here's what I would do, assuming you live in a city with black people.

1. Go to a the black church nearest you that has a lot of people from the islands: Haitians, Dominicans, Trinis, etc. There'll be many long-haired black women on Sunday morning who just got their hair rollerset on Saturday. Ask them who their stylist is, and they'll give you names and numbers. Some will be black salons, and some will be run by people from the Caribbean. Best to find a male stylist so there are no jealousy issues.
(I found Todd through online references, but a couple black girls from my church go to him too.)

2. Call the salons and schedule consultations for a weekday. Tuesdays are slow. Take in a picture of a model with bra clasp length hair. Take in a list of your favorite products. Ask what chemical they use and how long (in minutes) they leave it on and whether they use a timer. Tell them how you prefer to bring in your products and get their feedback. Tell them that you touchup every 14 weeks. Ask all the annoying questions, and observe whether they are longsuffering or know-it-all. Note that they rollerset and blowout instead of hot combing.
(Todd was REALLY HONEST during my consultation, telling me that even fully relaxed I wouldn't have the curl pattern of the hair model in my "pics" link, insisting that I use Affirm MILD, and refusing to straw set or hot comb my hair, and guessing that supplements wouldn't affect my growth rate. He sat down and gave me his full attention during the consultation. Individual attention is a must for people as nit-picky as LHCF ladies. I prefer English speaking stylists, as I speak English.)

3. Then when he's doing the touchup (on a weekday again), take mental notes. Time him to note how long it takes. Where does he start on your head? Is he combing through or smoothing with his fingers? How fast is he progressing through the sections? During the neutralization and shampoo and rollerset, ask what each product he's using is, and ask to see the comb. "Wow, the comb through is so much easier here at the salon than when I try at home! What comb are you using? What detangler is that?" Ya gots to snoop.
(I jacked up my first self relaxer cuz I didn't comb through or leave it in as long as Todd does. Next time I'll apply for 17 minutes while combing through the new growth, just like at the salon.)

But I will warn you, you'll learn more effectively at a high end salon in your city. At least in Boston, the stylists at the ritzy places are more polite and responsive and well spoken and open to snooping than stylists at the cheap places.
Hey Megonw, this is a great 'guide' to finding a stylist! Good tips in case I ever decide to go to a salon, ever...
anky said:
today i had a wonderful phone conversation with my stylist.

Anky: hi, i called for an relaxer appointment.
SHS: Yea, u wanna come saturday morning?
Anky: Sure, dont forget that I am bringing my own neutralizing shampoo and conditioners with me so the price won't be the usual $35 dollars. **side note: this included elasta qp neutralizing shampoo, Hi-pro-pac, and LUST as a leave-in**
SHS:Wait, you are bringing your own neutralizing shampoo?
Anky: Yea, the shampoo that you use, It has ingredients that I don't like anymore-- I dont like the mineral oil that your deep conditioner has either.
SHS: <font color="red"> Well I have to use the Variations neutralizing shampoo that goes with the Variations Relaxer. Girl you know that deep conditioner that i use works wonders on your hair.</font>
Anky: Yea, whatever. Anyway, I'm bringing my own deep conditioner and protein treatment.
SHS: <font color="red">You don't need a protein treatment right after a relaxer. why did you buy all this stuff? When you do your OWN hair, you can use all your stuff.</font>
Anky: Saturday will be the last time I see you. *click*

[/ QUOTE ]
Anky, I know you're angry now, but still...

Megon's tips are very helpful. Good luck finding a new stylist, I'm sure there are plenty of women on this board who live in your area.
megonw said:
If I second guessed the stylist, verbally dismissed her, and then hung up the phone on her, I would NOT show up Saturday for the touchup.
She's probably ticked off with you. Time to start those self-relaxers...

[/ QUOTE ]

ITA! DO NOT show up for that Saturday under any circumstances!
I'm glad you decided not to go to that stylist on Saturday, Anky. I was afraid she was going to mess up your hair!

I hope your cousin is available and that your touchup turns out great.
Go to a the black church nearest you that has a lot of people from the islands: Haitians, Dominicans, Trinis, etc.

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Great tip!
I'm like all of you guys. When I read your post I was thinking "No you can't go to her on Saturday". You know you really can't trust her now after that conversation.
I dont blame you at all. I had to let my stylist go also and I have never looked back. I have been doing my own relaxers and EVERYTHING else to my hair and its been fine. So save your money and your peace of mind!
WTG Anky
Put that stylist in her place and don't ever go back. I dunno why people that we pay for a service wanna be so IRATE!
anky said:
Anky: Yea, whatever. Anyway, I'm bringing my own deep conditioner and protein treatment.

[/ QUOTE ]


Girl, dismissal is always the best way to go in these situations. I'm glad you're not going to her again... that would definitely be a hairjacking waiting to happen. Good luck with the 'cuz.
I agree, I wouldn't let that chick do my hair after all that!
Stylist sometimes feel they always know what's best for you. That's all well and good for someone who doesn't know any better but I don't play that. If I tell you not to put something in my hair ya better follow direction!
Anky, PLEASE DON'T GO BACK TO HER!!! DO NOT give someone who is already pissed off at you for dissing her and hanging up on her the opportunity to have access to your hair! You're from Louisiana, so you know what I'm talking about!!! I've heard some pretty wild stories of what people can do if they can get some of your hair even out of a brush! There's some crazy fools in the world! Also, she might put some Super relaxer on you when you only need mild and burn all your hair out, etc!!! PROMISE ME YOU WON'T GO BACK!!! Louisiana is small state, if you're in Baton Rouge or New Orleans there's a ton of great hair salons to go to! Or even Lafayette for that matter. If you're up north, Shreveport has a lot of salons! You DON'T have to go to this woman. Even if you're in a small town, you're probably close to one of those cities I just names. Heck, check around with people you know or stop a stranger whose hair you admire and ask her where she gets hers done!!! Anything, but please don't go back to this woman!!!!!!! Please, please, please, I can just see a horror story about to happen if you go back to someone you just told off and hung up on!!