My Texturized Hair is BIG, I'm in Distress!!



Wow, this is my first thread I've started since being a member, I never thought I'd see the need but I'm growing frustrated...

I texturized my hair back in Feb. '05 and for the most part, I am pleased, I don't want stick straight hair, for me that's a recipe for breakage and short hair. The problem is that my hair is still really 'FAT' when it dries and the curls/waves lack any definition whatsoever. Actually, now when it dries unrestrained, it's just a long fro...not quite what I was looking for. :nono: I am completely unable to wear my hair in a wash-n-go which is what I was looking for.

I've seen some beautiful texturized heads here so I KNOW it can be done, I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong. :cry3:

My hair type is 4a/4b, fine strands, about 5 inches long. I texturized using Dark N Lovely Regular (no lye, yes, I know better now). I left it in for a max of 10 minutes. On the first application, I didn't not comb the relaxer through but merely applied and let it sit...then I did a corrective (with the same relaxer combing through) and it definitely helped some but still the fro...

Am I destined to go all the way straight or have the fro? Maybe certain hair types can't do the wash-n-go? I keep looking at the Curve web site...I know it can be done but.... :cry3: some more!!

There are pictures in my gallery of the untamed mane, the password is in my profile.



Thanks In Advance Ladies!

:kiss: Don't worry Lanecia! I haven't looked at your pics yet, but the problem may be that you didn't have a lot of coils to begin with. A lot of people think that a texturizer will give them wash and go hair, but all a texturizer does is slightly relax what you've already got. Meaning, if you don't have coils, unfortunately it's not going to give them to you. :nono: I'm sure your hair is beautiful though. :yep: Why don't you try a twistout or setting it on flexirods for a more textured style?
LaNecia, in the natural it dry? Did you pick it out or anything?

The reason I ask is because when my hair was natural and about the length of yours when I did my first texturizer, each coil shrunk down to my head. Each coil basically had the appearance of a slinky before it's stretched out. So, a texturizer just stretched the coils out into looser coils or an "S" shape.

I'd have to see a picture of an entire strand of your hair to make any suggestions.
Thanks!!! I totally understand that the texturizing will only loosen what I have. I did major research before even attempting the texturizer. I bought a video which shows it being done, I applied it in sections, wrote down my timing, products, everything...and....

That's the dilema!! From just behind the ears, all the hair is VERY tightly coiled, the top and sides are not, it's more of a wavy/zig-zaggy thing. I can deal with that but the back has some how lost the curl pattern except for on the very ends.

I've not been able to master the twist outs and haven't tried the flexi-rods I bought yet. When I do a twist out, it's fine on the top but the back and sides are too frizzy. With my hair being so sensitive to moisture in the air, I'd blow a gasket if I spent a lot of time setting it on rods only to have it frizz up on me at the first hint of humidity or perspiration! :whip:

I'm sorry to whine so...I'm much happier with it like this than natural (that was unbearable) but I'd realllllllllllllllly like to like my hair, all the time, not only when it has conditioner in it! :lol:
Try doing a rollerset with rollers that are small in diameter for a curly look! You would even look nice with your hair like Eva the Diva! ;)
CurlyCrly said:
LaNecia, in the natural it dry? Did you pick it out or anything?

I almost laughed out loud! No, I didn't pick it, I couldn't pick it! I made the mistake of letting it dry with out any product in it...that was the end result! :eek: :lol: My hair is naturally very dry.

There picture of my hair coil next to the dime, that's how tightly curled the back is naturally. Very much like you described, a slinky (only that's not true for the top and sides, I probably won't do much to those by way relaxing because the texture is already wavy and any more loosening makes it just that much straighter.

Thanks! Now I'm off to find out more about Eva the Diva!
Your hair may be like mine. When i initially did my texturizer, I was dissapointed because i didn't have a curl pattern, at all! I was so mad! I did a corrective and still no curl. With us, since our hair is 4b, we only have a z pattern. When my hair dries, it looks just like yours, a big puff! I just started rollersetting my hair. I do my texturizers just like you also, I just let it sit, I'm not up for damaging it again. I don't think there is anything we can do about our hair, just let it grow and see how it looks then. I remember have a better looking curl after my hair grew past 10 inches.
I'm thinking that you may have to leave it in longer. If you have resistant hair like me, 10 minutes won't give the desired affect.

btw, I have REALLY resistant hair (leaving a regular strength relaxer in my hair for half an hour would give me a very loosened curl, but not something you could call relaxed), so if you don't have hair like that, then don't leave it in for too long.

I leave mine in for exactly 23 minutes.

and yes... I've experimented with 22 and 25 minutes, but decided that 23 is better :lol:

Maybe a change of relaxer/products is needed.

Curl activator gel helps to define my curls while keeping them hydrated all day. I use worlds of curls.

What conditioners and shampoos do you use? How do you style it? Even for a wash and go, you don't really wash and go. At least I don't! It's more like a wash, deep condition, moisturize and go for me :) Takes time.

It could just be that your hair is frizzed and need better conditioning.

It could just be me being slow, but I don't see the password.
That's a good point corbins. If you have a lot of 4b, your hair may not be curly afterwards. I could've sworn that I saw a curly 4a/b texturized person here though.
Porsche19 said:
Maybe a change of relaxer/products is needed.

Curl activator gel helps to define my curls while keeping them hydrated all day. I use worlds of curls.

What conditioners and shampoos do you use? How do you style it? Even for a wash and go, you don't really wash and go. At least I don't! It's more like a wash, deep condition, moisturize and go for me :) Takes time.

It could just be that your hair is frizzed and need better conditioning.

It could just be me being slow, but I don't see the password.

Shampoos: Elucence Moisture Benefits
ORS Aloe

Daily Poo: Daily Defense Tender Apple
NTM Daily Deep
V05 Peaches & Cream

Deep Conditioners:
ORS Olive Oil Pak
Nexxus Emergencee
Eqyss Mega-Tek

Leave Ins:
NTM (have used both formulas for fine and regular hair)
Elucence Moisture something (don't use this one too often)
TIGI Ego Boost for my ends

I steam treat my hair w/the ORS Olive Oil Pak once every other week, in between, I do daily CO washes. Every third week I use the Emergencee treatment.

My styling options are a phony tail, 3/4 fall or just a pony wearing my little curly/frizzy puff. I've started using S-Curl Textured Styling Gel and Spray and it's helped a lot w/the styling of my hair, lies down better w/out using a hardening gel. I helps define the curls a little bit but not enough. :lool:

I'll take a picture tonight and post in the gallery.
I am curious as to why you chose regular strength and to leave it in for 10 minutes? Did you use the same timing on each section or did you vary the timing according to the type of hair in each section?
Have you tried drying your hair by banding it ?? I'm natural and my hair is super, super coily and this is the only way for me to airdry without UBER-tangles and shrinkage. I'm natural but maybe it will stretch your texturized hair to look how you want it to.

Let me warn you that banding my hair makes it dry straight (not relaxed straight, but the strands have little coil left) --- which i dont like but it stops the tangles. The plus side is that after a few days go on my coils come back and settle nicely AND they arent tangled. Check out Jessy55's album for detailed instructions on banding if youre interested. HTH :) - jainygirl
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Maybe you can try using L'oreal unfrizz strengthening treatment after you wash and condition your hair it will help your hair air dry really smooth. I partially texturized and relaxed. It really helped me with eliminating the puffy air dried look
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ok, I looked at your pics.

I really think that you should considier leaving it on a few minutes longer if you're looking for looser curls. Not too much longer though. How long did you leave it on for the corrective one?

It looks like it's possible to have a less compacted, more wavy/curly fro. You can be lightly texturized or more texturized. It sounds/looks like you are looking for the more texturized look, but you left it on for too short of a time.

I would not recommend doing another corrective one, your ends look a bit straight. I'd wait for new growth and start from there. Maybe do banding like jainy suggested until you can figure it out.

I'm not familiar with any of the products that you use besides the ntm leave in which I hate!

Another thing, I still think that you should try the curl activator gel. It makes even natural hair very soft and moisturized. It may make it look a little more like you expect it to. You can use it with your leave-ins.

P.S. Is that really you in the fitness photos? Holy hell! Do your thing girl. :)
ayanapooh said:
:kiss: Don't worry Lanecia! I haven't looked at your pics yet, but the problem may be that you didn't have a lot of coils to begin with. A lot of people think that a texturizer will give them wash and go hair, but all a texturizer does is slightly relax what you've already got. Meaning, if you don't have coils, unfortunately it's not going to give them to you. :nono: I'm sure your hair is beautiful though. :yep: Why don't you try a twistout or setting it on flexirods for a more textured style?


I haven't read all the posts but I have to agree with the statement up top. I also saw your pics and the hair DOES have waves.:yep:

I would suggest using some kind of activator type product to encourage the hair to wave up some more. Try Care free curl gold hair and scalp spray and the Care free curl gold activator. They should help. I also have S-curl in the cupboard somewhere or Duke (mainly the men's texturizer sprays, any will do, smell them first). These are some of the the main ones I've tried and use.

The whole reason I texturized my hair was to get away from "bone straight hair". If you want it bone straight you could always just blow dry it or use the ponytail method like I did in my siggy.

BTW, I use S-curl texturizer, but I will be changing to Vitale Lye next touch-up (I'm talking everyone into using Vitale:lol: ). Sometimes if you use a texturizer you get better results than using a relaxer. I've tried both. :yep:
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I wouldn't suggest that you do a corrective over your entire head. Your ends are straight and the rest of your hair looks wavy. Any more chemicals on that hair will only make it straighter. I had the same problem with my texturizer and I ended up just transitioning all over again. I just came to the conclusion that the only thing the texturizer did for me was make detangling easier. If you are okay with your hair the way it is now, I would just do braidouts and twistouts. Just put a rod on the end of each braid so that you want have any straight ends. Also, over time your hair will start to revert a little bit. Give it some time. Off topic: Your body looks very good!
Thanks ladies for the input! It really means a lot that you're willing to take time to help!

To answer the questions about why 10 minutes? That's an approximate, my notes are at home but I did relaxe the hair by section and some sections required a little longer than others. I have the Jazma Wash and Wear video that shows how to do this. I also agree, if I do one last run through with a corrective in June, (which is very unlikely cause I don't want to be overprocessed), I'll stear clear of the ends. Actually, I think those ends are a little of the relaxed hair that wasn't complete chopped off. I did it myself....yeah...I know, I KNOW! :lol:

I will definitely switch to a lye relaxer and probably learn to live with the poof. I will try a different activator also to see if it helps w/the texture.

You ladies are the best! Thanks for the compliments, yes, that is really me in my fitness photos. I WISH I were doing this as a profession, it's merely a hobby right now but I hope to be certified as a personal trainer and get my Pro-Card as a natural Bodybuilder by year's end....Question is, have you ladies seen Carrie's website?!!! She's a Vixen!! :yep:
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Well, if you become a personal trainer, you will be a walking talking adverstisement! I haven't seen Carrie's website. What's the address?
I had a similar experience when I first texturized my hair with Soft and Beautiful botanicals texturizing kit. My hair was looking nice at first and then after a few days it was dryer than ever:mad:. So I did a corrective relaxer using Designer Touch mild texturizing relaxer and that did the job for me. My hair became soft and curly (3c/4a texture) after using this relaxer to texturize my hair.

The instructions states that you should smooth or comb (I combed and then smooth) relaxer only where necessary and the relaxer should be left on for 15-25 minutes. An additional 5 minutes maybe needed for resistant hair but you should not exceed 30 minutes.

I definately think your hair is capable for having looser curls and more defination but I suggest that you use a better relaxer (lye) to texturize your hair and leave it on for a longer time to get the results that you want to achieve. But for now give your hair a break, keep it moisturized and protected (cornrows, braids, bun) until you have lots of new growth to work with to prevent overprocessing.

After washing my hair every week, I apply a leave-in conditioner(sometimes I use VO5 conditioners-makes my hair curl up immediately), moisturizer/activator followed by a serum and then I let my hair airdry. By doing this my hair is soft, curly, moisturized and shiny.

Laneicia, are u still using mtg? For me, mtg not only thickened my hair, but made relaxing/texturizing a very temporary thing for me. My hair got wavier and thicker than ever and I don't think that i can keep a relaxer/texturizer in my hair and have it look that way! :lol: My hair looks like a wave nouveau wet only! after it dries, it shrinks up and looks wavy in the front only. :ohwell: My b/c wil solve my texture problem and let the mtg cont. helping my growth. Mtg has changed my texture. I don't know if this is what happened to u, but maybe just maybe that can be the culprit! Happy growing! :bouncy:
I agree with Baileys and Ayanapooh. From looking at your hair, it looks like you have more 4b than 4a. 4b hair doesn't have a curl pattern which is why your hair isn't really curling up the way you want it to. No matter what you do to 4b hair, it will not turn curly. That is why I think you got the result that you have, IMO.That's why it's tricky texturizing 4a/4b hair. You'll have some parts with curls, some not so curly and some semi-straight. Depending on what you have more of, you might end up with a lot of frizz and some curls, half and half, etc. If you have type 3-4a hair, a texturizer is perfect, IMO.
I understand what you're saying but trust me...looking at my new's a pretty fair mix of both, in the back being more 4a than b. It's just not 'texturized' properly. It's more what someone referred to as "Tex-relaxed" (made too straight by my inexperienced hand) than Texturized. When I get more new growth, I plan on showing photos if strands extended from the 4a and b sections, the back is very curly, down right nappy if left alone. The top, can't nap to save it's life.

I may not get the curls I would like, I'm resolved to that at this point. I'm learning to like what I have. I can live with the wave pattern. I CAN'T live with the NAPS. :nono: