My testimony on a scripture God gave to me about sex and the body.

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So, I was really struggling with sexual issues and all and I just asked God, "Is this wrong cause I don't know. You tell me."

Then I fell into a deep sleep some minutes later and I had a dream about going to this church and in the church there was my future husband sitting in the front aisle. I could see the back of him.

so, anyway in the dream God impressed upon me this scripture, Romans 12. So, I just kept repeating it in the dream and then I woke up and as soon as I woke up, i wrote the scripture down so I wouldn't forget it. Then I looked it up and "whollah, there was my answer." Mind you I've heard of the scripture before but never knew where to locate it or where it was so it was nothing of my doing or something subconscious.

Glory be to God cause I've been having a really rocky relationship for some time now.
I am glad you had this experience. He knows our thoughts from afar off and he also knows our intentions. Often times when I say that God told me thus and so, people look at me perplexed. God can get a word to anyone in many different ways.

God still speaks to His people. He changes not.
God is good. Your testimony lead me to one of my own. I went to read the scripture you were refering to . . . and further in the chapter I came across:

V. 17 "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

This is exactly what I needed because I was so angry about something that someone did and wanted to distract myself so I came to see what you were saying.

Thanks for your helop :)
I needed that today. I thank God that he led me to read your post and i thank God for the word that was given to you to help you in your time of need.
This is awesome thanks for sharing ;).

In Psalm 16, God's word says, "He counsels my reigns in the Night Seasons". In another translation, it says, "He instructs me in the night, He tells me what to do."

Now don't we just love our God? How wonderful He all we say and do.
Awwww, thank you. I'm so glad it helped you all. I always here people say that God doesn't talk to people in their dreams but it seems that he talks to me this way alot.
chica_canella said:
Awwww, thank you. I'm so glad it helped you all. I always here people say that God doesn't talk to people in their dreams but it seems that he talks to me this way alot.
These people aren't reading their Bibles. God has ALWAYS spoken to people in their Dreams. Joseph (Jacob's son) who was also given the gift to discern and interpret dreams. Jacob (he dreamed of the angels going up and down a ladder to Heaven...Oh the list is endless. Do a search in your Bible concordiance (sp?) and see what comes up.

He spoke to Joseph (Virgin Mary's husband) in several dreams. Again the list is endless.

Enjoy your Dreams Chica...;) God IS speaking to you. He also speaks to me in Dreams and to many, many others here and not here on this forum. During your dreams, your mind is at rest and you cannot 'argue' with him in your thoughts...

Oh but Peter did. In the book of Acts when Peter dreamed of 'unclean' animals and God say, Peter, take and eat. Peter replied, No...unclean Lord, unclean. Yet God was instructing him to minister the Gospel to those outside of the Jewish faith about Jesus. Those who were once thought ... unclean.

Oh, I could go on for days about Dreams and the wonder of God's loving instruction He gives us through them. ;)
Shimmie said:
These people aren't reading their Bibles. God has ALWAYS spoken to people in their Dreams. Joseph (Jacob's son) who was also given the gift to discern and interpret dreams. Jacob (he dreamed of the angels going up and down a ladder to Heaven...Oh the list is endless. Do a search in your Bible concordiance (sp?) and see what comes up.

He spoke to Joseph (Virgin Mary's husband) in several dreams. Again the list is endless.

Enjoy your Dreams Chica...;) God IS speaking to you. He also speaks to me in Dreams and to many, many others here and not here on this forum. During your dreams, your mind is at rest and you cannot 'argue' with him in your thoughts...

Oh but Peter did. In the book of Acts when Peter dreamed of 'unclean' animals and God say, Peter, take and eat. Peter replied, No...unclean Lord, unclean. Yet God was instructing him to minister the Gospel to those outside of the Jewish faith about Jesus. Those who were once thought ... unclean.

Oh, I could go on for days about Dreams and the wonder of God's loving instruction He gives us through them. ;)

I would like to hear of your testimonies.....:D
chica_canella said:
I would like to hear of your testimonies.....:D
I have many. Maybe I'll start a Dream thread.

I will share this...

The Lord showed me my first grand daughter and He gave me her name. In a dream, I saw my daughter holding a light complexion baby with dark curly hair; the baby was sitting on her lap. A few weeks later, my daughter announced she was pregnant. ;) God placed it into my heart that the baby was a girl and He gave me her nickname..."Arie" ;)

When the baby was born, I was there in the delivery room with my daughter; "Arie" looked exactly the way God showed me in the vision. ;)

I dream a lot and it's all based on God's word. Speaking to me in the night seasons...He counsels my reigns. Psalm 16...;)

Sweet Dreams, Precious Chica...Sweet Dreams. ;)
Shimmie said:
I have many. Maybe I'll start a Dream thread.

I will share this...

The Lord showed me my first grand daughter and He gave me her name. In a dream, I saw my daughter holding a light complexion baby with dark curly hair; the baby was sitting on her lap. A few weeks later, my daughter announced she was pregnant. ;) God placed it into my heart that the baby was a girl and He gave me her nickname..."Arie" ;)

When the baby was born, I was there in the delivery room with my daughter; "Arie" looked exactly the way God showed me in the vision. ;)

I dream a lot and it's all based on God's word. Speaking to me in the night seasons...He counsels my reigns. Psalm 16...;)

Sweet Dreams, Precious Chica...Sweet Dreams. ;)

Wow, that is great. glory be to God in the highest. I will be praying for my future husband becuase I am so ready to be married right now. I will "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all those other things will be added unto me."

I still will pray for my future husband though.:lol:
chica_canella said:
Wow, that is great. glory be to God in the highest. I will be praying for my future husband becuase I am so ready to be married right now. I will "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all those other things will be added unto me."

I still will pray for my future husband though.:lol:

Angel, that's the whole key. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. Seek first....God our Father. Ask HIM for your husband; seek Him for advise and preparation; seek Him ... First and then the rest will follow.

I'm in full agreement with you...and to God be the Glory.

Seek Him. And he (your husband) that will come shall come and will not tarry...any further. Amen.
One night (a while back) I dreamed that I had a tiny waist. My waist was so small that I was wearing a belt that had criss-crossed tied ribbons in the front of it...almost like a Bustier. At the time I had this dream, I was over 260 lbs.

A year later......................

I was wearing a dress with a wide belt with criss-crossed tied ribbons in the front of it. A dress that someone in Church blessed me with who knew nothing about my dream. ;)

God is awesome. He speaks to us in our Dreams. He shows us things to come. Even those things which we desire, he brings them to past...from a Dream to Reality. Just for us. ;)
chica_canella said:
So, I was really struggling with sexual issues and all and I just asked God, "Is this wrong cause I don't know. You tell me."

Then I fell into a deep sleep some minutes later and I had a dream about going to this church and in the church there was my future husband sitting in the front aisle. I could see the back of him.

so, anyway in the dream God impressed upon me this scripture, Romans 12. So, I just kept repeating it in the dream and then I woke up and as soon as I woke up, i wrote the scripture down so I wouldn't forget it. Then I looked it up and "whollah, there was my answer." Mind you I've heard of the scripture before but never knew where to locate it or where it was so it was nothing of my doing or something subconscious.

Glory be to God cause I've been having a really rocky relationship for some time now.

My mom has always told me i have a gift, this has happened to me numerous times, the repeating part, i remember saying ok jesus i will read it before i woke up. thank you so much for sharing your story, this is just another confirmation for me. I love hear about people who have dreams. I am so grateful you shared the scripture with us also, I was struggling with sex and the body too, and when i chose to obey, things have been better for me. Be Blessed!!!!
OT: why cant i pm you?
Amen to all of it. I know all about God talking to us in our dreams. There are many things that have happened in real life that I have dreamed about.
kally said:
Amen to all of it. I know all about God talking to us in our dreams. There are many things that have happened in real life that I have dreamed about.

This used to happen to me all the time when I was a teenager. I remember having a dream about a car accident and a few days later we drove by one that was exactly the same as my dream. As a teenager it scared me to death that I would have dreams like this.

I've always been told by my parents and grandmother that I have special gifts and to this day I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing.

When I was younger, I had an accident (fell and hit my head and had a hairline fracture) and after some family members prayed for me, I saw my guardian angel. I was scared to tell anyone (didn't want them thinking I was crazy), but when I told my grandmother, she told me that I was very blessed because not everyone gets to see their guardian angel. I mean, I could see it like a real human being was standing there. After the accident, I was so scared to go to sleep and when I saw the angel standing there, this peace came over me and I went right to sleep, woke up the next day and had no more problems from the accident.
Precious_1 said:
My mom has always told me i have a gift, this has happened to me numerous times, the repeating part, i remember saying ok jesus i will read it before i woke up. thank you so much for sharing your story, this is just another confirmation for me. I love hear about people who have dreams. I am so grateful you shared the scripture with us also, I was struggling with sex and the body too, and when i chose to obey, things have been better for me. Be Blessed!!!!
OT: why cant i pm you?

I'm sorry. I think the admins were checking my account and I wasn't able to post or pm' anyone for a few days.

You can try now if you'd like.

But yeah, it is so weird because I will have dreams of places I've never been before and then months or years later it will happen. I'll be like, ":eek: ".