My testamony. God is all knowing, all seeing.


Well-Known Member

I just found out that my husband owed me money. Quite a bit of money. He gets money that he is suppose to give me each month. I found out because i was taking to someone about preparing the meal for the sabbath and I wasn't sure if I was bringing anything to church or not or if I was even staying. then I wanted to go shopping early Friday to get some skirts but I wasn't getting child support so that meant I could not spend any of my money from my paycheck for a little extra for me and the girls.

I wasn' getting child support because my husband gave it to me twice by mistake and I wasn't aware of it until I notice I still had a few dollars and panic thinking one of my bils hadn't gotten paid to come to find out he overpaid me. I could have given him the money back but it would have left me with nothing and I didnt' have the full amount. So I told him that he overpaid me and to just deduct 50.00 dollars each month until we get caught up and he said no he wanted his money back and I said well I dont' have it all just dont' give me child support except for 50.00 dollars atleast I can do a little something for my daughter with it and have something if she needs it.

He said no he will deduct 100.00. Well he changed his mind and decided not to give me anything at all. So I was telling my friend that I was struggling for the next two weeks with no extra to fall back on. she said girl you suppose to get money he being in the service and all. Put me in touch with the right people and what they told me upset me so bad I couldn't sleep for a few days and I brought it to his attention he said he didn't know but I knew he knew and they put it all in my hands. Ruin his career and his rep or let us work it out and so I spoke to my pastor. I have no evil designs on no one so I knew in my heart I would not turn him in. I just didn't feel I needed the money so bad I would not have done that to anyone. But the pastor reassured me that I didn't have those kind of designs anyway and that was a relief to me. I was concerned about my safety but you know I had to give it God. I didnt' leave it there. I argued back and forth with my husband via email about the amount and so on and so. Finally after a few days I gave up. I didn't want to fight about it anymore. I didn't want to ruin the small tiny relationship that we still had and I did not want us to be enemies nor did I want to hold that againts him. I wanted us to have something different.

So I sent him the email and told him all that I felt and I knew he would give me the money and left it at that. Well this is how Good God is. How he always works things out. God had been working on me about forgiving others and letting go and not leaning on anyone but God and to Trust he knew what was best for me and so. I sat down and thought about my husbands past mistakes and he's good parts as well. He has always been a man to stand my his word. If he say he would do it he would do it. so I said to him I trust that you will give me the money. I knew it wasn't going to be all of it but half is better then nothing. that was tuesday on thursday I found out that he gave me the money on Sunday. he just never said anything.

On friday I was stranded with my daughter with no transportation and it was freezing. My son had my car and was out of town he was suppose to be back in time but was stuck in terrible traffic so we resigned to take the bus but it was so cold my daughter called my Husband and you know I was upset. I hadn't seen him in about three months. But he came right away and took us home but I didn't have my key nor did either of my daughter so my husband said why don't you come to my house I was so shocked I couldn't even breath. We went. This is what I mean to say how God is all knowing all seeing. He knew that I would have to rely on this man again for help. He could have just got my daughter and left me outside or said well I dont' know what you guys are going to do but he invited us over his apartment and went out of his way to see to my comfort. Then took us to Church as we had evening service all the month of October. God knew that it was best for me to humble myself and let it go. I didn't think I would ever need this man for anything but I did and he was all open arms about it. How can I not share my testamony about how Good God is and how he works out everything for us. Even if its not what we want its the best thing for us. he is working on my tongue to help me be silent not offer opinions as quickly to observe and search my mind for scriptures before I respond. My husband is not feeling us but he is curious about why we feel so strongly about going to service - We crave the word of God. I crave it I have to have it. its funny. if you had asked me this a year ago I would look at you funny. I like reading the bible but I didn't crave it like I do now.
You got to give your testamony now while you still can. Are you won't be able to give it

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Whew Lawd chile....can you please break it up into paragraphs? I'm
re-reading lines and going cross-eyed tryna read your post.

But I definitely would love to share in the good news.:yep:

So paragraphs please!:grin:
To add my husband came to service and stayed from 10:45 am until 3pm. He normally would never ever stay that long and he loved it. Loved it. That was truly amazing God is so good and so on time. Now its my prayer that he comes again and again. I really hope he does. He said he loved it but it doesn't mean keep inviting him I just ignored that. It was just wonderful to get him in there. He really enjoyed himself. There were 21 people getting baptised one couple immediately got married right after. they were in the pool together and thereafter were married. They had been living together and wanted to make it right. It started with the revelations seminar that so many people were affected by it. It really was a great service. its always a great service but its even better when people give their life to the lord.
I love to hear peoples testimonies because it is a true testiment to how God is still doing mind blowing things like in the bible today..I would share my testimony but this is your thread..but we as God's people should be open to share because it can help people..even if its just one...continue to be a blessing..
Beautiful testimony! The Lord be praised! See Blazing...your and your daughters are shining lights to those around you! Look at how your husband has done a complete 180! God is so amazing! It is He who makes this real difference in this life!
We serve an awesome God! That's why we do not need to stress about anything. He already has it figured out. Isn't that exciting? I've learnt to pray for parking spaces, not to miss the bus, good hair days. Waste of time getting upset. God has every situation under control. Thanks for this testimony!