My stylist was tripping on my co-worker yesterday!


Well-Known Member
I can't just believe what my co-worker told me, I refered her to go to Center Stage and have Tina the owner to do her hair. So she went to her 3 times, love going there. Yesterday she went after work, saw a sign on the front saying it was closed, but she had an appointment for 4:00pm. She parks walks in and say hello, Tina looks up and keeps doing hair and no one else says anything to her; she sit down for about 15 minutes and decides to get up and ask Tina if she knew she was back there at this time she see that she has started on another head that walked in the back door. Tina the stylist replies I had your appointment for 3:30pm and not 4:00pm. My co-worker replies, why would I set my appoinment for 3:30 and I get off at 4:00 and it takes me 5 minutes to get here?:wallbash:

So my co-woker just walks out and says she doesn't have to take this. I am very upset about this, I have been only going to her since April and I don't know where else to go.:ohwell::blush: This saturday I am going to get a twist updo and I am going to ask about this, but I will be on the lookout for someone new, I do not need this to happen to me. My husband is deploying next month, so I am going to have to have someone whatch my child when I go get my touch-ups.
I can't just believe what my co-worker told me, I refered her to go to Center Stage and have Tina the owner to do her hair. So she went to her 3 times, love going there. Yesterday she went after work, saw a sign on the front saying it was closed, but she had an appointment for 4:00pm. She parks walks in and say hello, Tina looks up and keeps doing hair and no one else says anything to her; she sit down for about 15 minutes and decides to get up and ask Tina if she knew she was back there at this time she see that she has started on another head that walked in the back door. Tina the stylist replies I had your appointment for 3:30pm and not 4:00pm. My co-worker replies, why would I set my appoinment for 3:30 and I get off at 4:00 and it takes me 5 minutes to get here?:wallbash:

So my co-woker just walks out and says she doesn't have to take this. I am very upset about this, I have been only going to her since April and I don't know where else to go.:ohwell::blush: This saturday I am going to get a twist updo and I am going to ask about this, but I will be on the lookout for someone new, I do not need this to happen to me. My husband is deploying next month, so I am going to have to have someone whatch my child when I go get my touch-ups.

that already tells me that the stylist thought your coworker friend lied...that would hurt... what would your coworker have to lie about? Customer should be right in this. The stylist should have said:

Oh my mistake, I am sorry about the miscommunication I can either work you in or shoot for another appointment on another day.

I am sorry your friend had to deal with the fact that the stylist assumed she was just walking in late.. But what gets me is the fact the stylist didn't even acknowledge her presence when she walked in.:nono:
I can't just believe what my co-worker told me, I refered her to go to Center Stage and have Tina the owner to do her hair. So she went to her 3 times, love going there. Yesterday she went after work, saw a sign on the front saying it was closed, but she had an appointment for 4:00pm. She parks walks in and say hello, Tina looks up and keeps doing hair and no one else says anything to her; she sit down for about 15 minutes and decides to get up and ask Tina if she knew she was back there at this time she see that she has started on another head that walked in the back door. Tina the stylist replies I had your appointment for 3:30pm and not 4:00pm. My co-worker replies, why would I set my appoinment for 3:30 and I get off at 4:00 and it takes me 5 minutes to get here?:wallbash:

So my co-woker just walks out and says she doesn't have to take this. I am very upset about this, I have been only going to her since April and I don't know where else to go.:ohwell::blush: This saturday I am going to get a twist updo and I am going to ask about this, but I will be on the lookout for someone new, I do not need this to happen to me. My husband is deploying next month, so I am going to have to have someone whatch my child when I go get my touch-ups.

To be honest, why do you have to look for another stylist? It's bad that this happened to your co-worker, but it didn't happen to you. Your relationship with this stylist is different from anyone else's and I think until she crosses a line with YOU, then you can continue to see her.
I can't just believe what my co-worker told me, I refered her to go to Center Stage and have Tina the owner to do her hair. So she went to her 3 times, love going there. Yesterday she went after work, saw a sign on the front saying it was closed, but she had an appointment for 4:00pm. She parks walks in and say hello, Tina looks up and keeps doing hair and no one else says anything to her; she sit down for about 15 minutes and decides to get up and ask Tina if she knew she was back there at this time she see that she has started on another head that walked in the back door. Tina the stylist replies I had your appointment for 3:30pm and not 4:00pm. My co-worker replies, why would I set my appoinment for 3:30 and I get off at 4:00 and it takes me 5 minutes to get here?:wallbash:

So my co-woker just walks out and says she doesn't have to take this. I am very upset about this, I have been only going to her since April and I don't know where else to go.:ohwell::blush: This saturday I am going to get a twist updo and I am going to ask about this, but I will be on the lookout for someone new, I do not need this to happen to me. My husband is deploying next month, so I am going to have to have someone whatch my child when I go get my touch-ups.

That's awful! I know that stylists are very particular about their time but did she have to be so mean? The girl has gone to her a few times so I don't know why she couldn't cut her some slack. :nono: I'm lost on why you feel you need to leave though. If I were you, I would just be very cautious to always confirm my appointment the day before so there ain't no if, ands, or buts about it.
I know you're co-worker is ticked!!!
To be honest, why do you have to look for another stylist? It's bad that this happened to your co-worker, but it didn't happen to you. Your relationship with this stylist is different from anyone else's and I think until she crosses a line with YOU, then you can continue to see her.

I agree..that was HORRIBLE customer service and ridiculous particularly since she was a new client and new business for your stylist, BUT you don't have to stop going to her. I just wouldn't give her any more referrals since she doesn't know how to act.
There's a saying in my family... I think we stole it from TV, but it goes "If he's mean to the waitress but nice to you, he's not a nice guy."

If we ignored other people's bad experiences with businesses there would be a lot more bad experiences and there wouldn't be a need for a BBB or word of mouth.

I'm sorry she disappointed you. I'd find another stylist.
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To be honest, why do you have to look for another stylist? It's bad that this happened to your co-worker, but it didn't happen to you. Your relationship with this stylist is different from anyone else's and I think until she crosses a line with YOU, then you can continue to see her.

I not going to stop going, but I will be cautious with her. We both work for the same people and I don't get off until 30 minutes after her and never went to my stylist until 5:00pm due to the fact I have to drop my daughter off. I know she is a great person, usually very understanding, I was sick this weekend had to go to the emergency room and called her to cancel my appointment to reshedule for tomorrow.:ohwell:
There's a saying in my family... I think we stole it from TV, but it goes "If he's mean to the waitress but nice to you, he's not a nice guy."

If we ignored other people's bad experiences with businesses there would be a lot more bad experiences and there wouldn't be a need for a BBB or word of mouth.

I'm sorry she disappointed you. I'd find another stylist.
Very True, Sareca. I didn't even think of it that way. I know its hard to find a good trustworthy stylist though so its a hard decision. I would at least have to ask the stylist about the situation (respectfully, of course) before I kicked up any dust.
To be honest, why do you have to look for another stylist? It's bad that this happened to your co-worker, but it didn't happen to you. Your relationship with this stylist is different from anyone else's and I think until she crosses a line with YOU, then you can continue to see her.

I agree. Why do you have to change? What happened had nothing to do with you and your relationship between them. I also wouldn't bring it up with Tina. That's between her and your coworker and I would stay out of it.
I agree..that was HORRIBLE customer service and ridiculous particularly since she was a new client and new business for your stylist, BUT you don't have to stop going to her. I just wouldn't give her any more referrals since she doesn't know how to act.

I cannot give out anymore referrals, just becuase I do not want this to happned again. But I would like to have a backup just in case, I am in a very small town, but not too far from other towns, where I can find someone else.
There's a saying in my family... I think we stole it from TV, but it goes "If he's mean to the waitress but nice to you, he's not a nice guy."

If we ignored other people's bad experiences with businesses there would be a lot more bad experiences and there wouldn't be a need for a BBB or word of mouth.

I'm sorry she disappointed you. I'd find another stylist.

This is how I feel, if she treated a new client like this, who to say she won't go off on me.

I have health problems and causes me to have to cancel and reschedule my appointment 3 times since going to her and I have only been going there since April and not on a regular basis, like my co-worker was going to do.
Very True, Sareca. I didn't even think of it that way. I know its hard to find a good trustworthy stylist though so its a hard decision. I would at least have to ask the stylist about the situation (respectfully, of course) before I kicked up any dust.

Cayenne, you know we are not only hair sisters, you are my daddies daughter from another mother.:lachen: I will be asking about the situation, just to see what happend.
I agree. Why do you have to change? What happened had nothing to do with you and your relationship between them. I also wouldn't bring it up with Tina. That's between her and your coworker and I would stay out of it.

I have to ask just because she knows that I referred her and she works with me. So to mix up the time she gets off to come in for the appointment just doesn't sit right with me. I love going to her, she has the same values as we do in this forum when it comes to hair.

But if the time mix up had her act like that with her, what is going to do with me when I have to cancel another appoinment due to illness with me, my daughter or for whatever else. I just canceled on her this weekend, because I woke up sick and ended up in the emergency room, but she didn't know that I ws that bad off.
Very True, Sareca. I didn't even think of it that way. I know its hard to find a good trustworthy stylist though so its a hard decision. I would at least have to ask the stylist about the situation (respectfully, of course) before I kicked up any dust.

Yeah, I guess she should be given the opportunity to explain.

I just go off the phone with her, I called to verify the time for my appointment, because like I said earlier I was sick and had to cancel my last appointment and forgot the actual time of the appointment. So she brings it up, I told her what I was told by my co-worker, she admit it could have been a misunderstanding on the time but she did acknowledge her but at the time my co-worker was on the phone.

So anyway I just keep going and we will see.:look:
The hairdresser's behavior was unprofessional and messy on a couple of levels.

Overall, it's just common courtesy to greet a person as they walk into the establishment. And if there was a misunderstanding about the appointment time, then handle it with courtesy and professionalism.

Just as it was said in another thread about the POOR professionalism of hairdressers: why do they do it? BECAUSE CUSTOMERS TOLERATE IT!!!! And I salute the co-worker for saying HECK NO, I'MA GO!!!!!

On another point, the co-worker was a referral from YOU, OP, so even on general principle to keep the peace with you as a steady client, BE NICE IN CASE IT GOT BACK TO YOU, which it did.... And if I had been you, as soon as I had heard about it, I would have called my hairdresser to get the story. And if my hairdresser had not given the "right" answer, trust that my days with that hairdresser would be numbered because if she did it to her, she will do it to me.... Who knows what would have happened on a BAD DAY?

OP, if I were you, I'd start scouting a BACK-UP that can move into first position....
The hairdresser's behavior was unprofessional and messy on a couple of levels.

Overall, it's just common courtesy to greet a person as they walk into the establishment. And if there was a misunderstanding about the appointment time, then handle it with courtesy and professionalism.

Just as it was said in another thread about the POOR professionalism of hairdressers: why do they do it? BECAUSE CUSTOMERS TOLERATE IT!!!! And I salute the co-worker for saying HECK NO, I'MA GO!!!!!

On another point, the co-worker was a referral from YOU, OP, so even on general principle to keep the peace with you as a steady client, BE NICE IN CASE IT GOT BACK TO YOU, which it did.... And if I had been you, as soon as I had heard about it, I would have called my hairdresser to get the story. And if my hairdresser had not given the "right" answer, trust that my days with that hairdresser would be numbered because if she did it to her, she will do it to me.... Who knows what would have happened on a BAD DAY?

OP, if I were you, I'd start scouting a BACK-UP that can move into first position....

I gotta have a backup just in case, but it is going to be hard.
Personally, I wouldnt bring it up unless your hairdresser does. You cant police the behavior of either party, and regardless of who is right or wrong, once she started going to the hairstylist it became a business arrangement between those two. I understand your sense of obligation, since you introduced them, but if their arrangement goes sour, it shouldnt have any bearing on the services you receive. They each own their own behavior. Your hairdresser should be able to seperate the two of you, as they get referrals all the time, however if she cant, and you feel she would sabotage your hair goals, go to another stylist. Also, if her behavior is out of character for her, maybe your friend isnt being totally upfront about what took place. Just a thought. Good luck!
Happens sometimes. I referred a co-worker to my salon. The experience was not satisfactory for my co-w; stylist was late, she did not like the way she did her hair. I was hurt that she did not like the service at my favorite salon. I continued to go and apologized to my co-w stating she must have had an off day to have given negative service. I encouraged her to return and state her dis-satisfaction. She never returned...preferring her long distance, long relationship stylist. My co-worker's hair now has many broken ends sticking out { due to flat ironing and refusal to 'wet' her hair with moisturizers!}but I'm reluctant to even suggest she try my salon again.:ohwell:
My first problem would be that she didn't acknowledge your co-worker when she came in. If she was late, when your co-worker came in she should have addressed her then and let her know her options. Stylists sometimes forget that clients are where their money is coming from.

I am with the few other ladies that stated you should find someone else. After she was done with my head, notice I said AFTER, I would ask her about the situation and let her know that you recommended her to your co-worker. In the mean time I would look for someone else, because just as easily as it happened to her it could happen to you. But that is just me. I don't go to hairdressers....
I can't just believe what my co-worker told me, I refered her to go to Center Stage and have Tina the owner to do her hair. So she went to her 3 times, love going there. Yesterday she went after work, saw a sign on the front saying it was closed, but she had an appointment for 4:00pm. She parks walks in and say hello, Tina looks up and keeps doing hair and no one else says anything to her; she sit down for about 15 minutes and decides to get up and ask Tina if she knew she was back there at this time she see that she has started on another head that walked in the back door. Tina the stylist replies I had your appointment for 3:30pm and not 4:00pm. My co-worker replies, why would I set my appoinment for 3:30 and I get off at 4:00 and it takes me 5 minutes to get here?:wallbash:

So my co-woker just walks out and says she doesn't have to take this. I am very upset about this, I have been only going to her since April and I don't know where else to go.:ohwell::blush: This saturday I am going to get a twist updo and I am going to ask about this, but I will be on the lookout for someone new, I do not need this to happen to me. My husband is deploying next month, so I am going to have to have someone whatch my child when I go get my touch-ups.

Ask after you get your hair done
It very well could have been a misunderstanding...but something in your gut is telling you to look for another stylist. I say go with your gut.