My Stylist suggested I get a Texturizer, But.....


Well-Known Member
if I do that don't I have to cut the relaxer out of my hair first. From what I know about texturizers it is like a relaxer that does not sit in the hair long enough to break down the bonds of the hair. I am considering this because my hair is just too thin with a relaxer and I want nice full thick healthy hair. Do you guys think this is a good Idea or is there a way I can thicken the hair without starting over with a texturizer? /images/graemlins/confused.gif
I don't think you would have to cut your hair off and start all over.

My stylists relaxed my hair bone straight and was always too thin IMO. When I started to relax my own hair, I would relax it 85-90%. I still have about an inch of bone straight relaxed hair to cut off.

By relaxing my hair only 85% my hair is thicker when straight and people are always commenting on how thick it is.

I honestly don't think you have to start over, just relax the newgrowth the way you want and cut the bone straight hair off gradually.

It's not going to matter if you use rollersets or irons to straighten because it will appear the same texture. As time goes on and you keep texturizing the newgrowth your hair will look considerably thicker. IMO.
I agree with Don'tspeakdefeat. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I relax my hair about 50-60%, not on purpose at first, but since I liked the results I continue to do so. And I'm only doing it 4 times each year so less chemicals and less time on the hair.
Besides doing this, airdrying and eliminating all heat has helped keep my thickness. /images/graemlins/smile.gif