My Spiritual Journey


New Member
I have always been a spiritual person, but for some reason I have been on this spiritual journey that is just so consuming that I think about the bible and its teaching almost every waking hour. I don't know what it is, but I have truely become consumed with this yearning that has me wanting the Word of God, and not just reading it but truely understanding its contents.

Throughout this process some questions have been raised for me, and I was hoping that maybe some of you ladies with a deeper understanding could help me become more enlightened. Because honestly I do not want to be led astray, but I also don't want to fall short either.

So, I have learned that during the translation of the bible, the name of God was actually omitted or should I say replaced with God or Lord. But that originally in its Hebrew state the bible called him Yahweh. I have never heard of this, and I am wondering if anyone else did. Also that Jesus name in the Hebrew version was Yahushuah/Yehshua, but it was replaced with Jesus.

Now I am just wondering, if anyone else knows of this or was taught this. It is kind of bothering me, because I know that God teaches that there is power in His name, and what calling on His name can do. Knowing that, I am now beginning to question whether using God, Lord, or Jesus is sufficient. I am hoping that someone could help me with this.
I've heard this before. Being a baby Christian, I don't think I'd be able to shed too much light on this without getting it all wrong.
I don't know if this is the same thing but I have heard this before. My ex who now considers himself hebrew (once christian) says that is Jesus's real name. I don't know if you are in the same spiritual walk as he is. But I don't really understand where he is coming from with what he says. He says he acknowledges there is a Jesus/Yusef (I think that's what he calls him), but not in the sense that Christians believe in him. He basically thinks that Yusef was a regular guy that did things just like any other prophet. He doesn't acknowledge his dying on the cross and rescurection (sp). He believes heaven and hell is in our minds and that black people are the children of Isresal. He also doesn't acknowledge everything in the new testament because he believes that Paul and Peter were trying to get there view (Hellism) and Jewish views together. He also believes men can have up to 7 wives. His beliefs are more fact driven then of faith. I know it's alot and I don't know if that is what you were asking for.

Many of the things he says is right driven on fact and history, but contradicts itself the same.

I would ask him more questions but everytime we talk it's like two souls fighting and it's really exhausting to me spiritual.

All I know is that in the new testament it states that those who do not accept the son do not accept the father and therefore are the antichrist.
(Not that I call him that).

I don't know if this is the same thing but I have heard this before. My ex who now considers himself hebrew (once christian) says that is Jesus's real name. I don't know if you are in the same spiritual walk as he is. But I don't really understand where he is coming from with what he says. He says he acknowledges there is a Jesus/Yusef (I think that's what he calls him), but not in the sense that Christians believe in him. He basically thinks that Yusef was a regular guy that did things just like any other prophet. He doesn't acknowledge his dying on the cross and rescurection (sp). He believes heaven and hell is in our minds and that black people are the children of Isresal. He also doesn't acknowledge everything in the new testament because he believes that Paul and Peter were trying to get there view (Hellism) and Jewish views together. He also believes men can have up to 7 wives. His beliefs are more fact driven then of faith. I know it's alot and I don't know if that is what you were asking for.

Many of the things he says is right driven on fact and history, but contradicts itself the same.

I would ask him more questions but everytime we talk it's like two souls fighting and it's really exhausting to me spiritual.

All I know is that in the new testament it states that those who do not accept the son do not accept the father and therefore are the antichrist.
(Not that I call him that).


No that is not the same spiritual walk I am in. The research that I have done states that originally in the bible (before it was translated), God's name was Yaweh (for instance when God told Moses his name, he told him that it was Yahweh and not what they have written in the English version of the bible), and Jesus's name was Yahuhsuah, and that this wouldn't translate to Jesus as the english name, but Joshua, or something like that. I believe in Jesus and God and I believe in the bible. I might indentify with Christians but I wouldn't call myself one necessarily, as I believe in a spiritual path to The Truth and not in religion, after all the bible speaks on a relationship with God and not so much so religion (if at all).

I have heard about the Hebrew Israelites also, but I have never heard of a group that didn't believe in Yahushuah/Jesus. I understand and agree with some of what they say, but at the same time I disagree with some of what they say. For me I try my best to read the word for myself, and pray to God for understanding. I am no expert but I believe if we would really do that, instead of going by what another person say, or their spin on the bible, we would all have a better understanding and greater relationship with God.
After not getting much of a response, I believe that I have come up with an answer (from talking to pastors and etc), which makes sense to me. Considering that God is a good God, I don't believe that he would hold it against us if we called him God or Jesus (especially if He knew our intentions, and that we were actually talking to Him), after all those are the names we were taught, and for most of us, dead or alive, that is all we know. That being said, He knows we are talking to Him and that is all that matters. I call him Yahweh and Yahushuah at times also, and I just view them as the original, but also as another name to call Him.
Jesus is just an English translation of Christ's Hebrew name Yeshuah. Yahweh is a mispronunciation. God gave his name has the Hebrew letters yod hay vod hay (YHVH), which is the unpronounceable name of God. Whenever you see the word LORD (in all caps, not Lord) in the Bible it's simply the English translation of YHVH. It's just a translation. Just like Jacob's name is really Yakuv and Moses is Moshech. Their names are not sticking points in terms of theological relevance.
Jesus is just an English translation of Christ's Hebrew name Yeshuah. Yahweh is a mispronunciation. God gave his name has the Hebrew letters yod hay vod hay (YHVH), which is the unpronounceable name of God. Whenever you see the word LORD (in all caps, not Lord) in the Bible it's simply the English translation of YHVH. It's just a translation. Just like Jacob's name is really Yakuv and Moses is Moshech. Their names are not sticking points in terms of theological relevance.

Thank you much for your reply.
No that is not the same spiritual walk I am in. The research that I have done states that originally in the bible (before it was translated), God's name was Yaweh (for instance when God told Moses his name, he told him that it was Yahweh and not what they have written in the English version of the bible), and Jesus's name was Yahuhsuah, and that this wouldn't translate to Jesus as the english name, but Joshua, or something like that. I believe in Jesus and God and I believe in the bible. I might indentify with Christians but I wouldn't call myself one necessarily, as I believe in a spiritual path to The Truth and not in religion, after all the bible speaks on a relationship with God and not so much so religion (if at all).

I have heard about the Hebrew Israelites also, but I have never heard of a group that didn't believe in Yahushuah/Jesus. I understand and agree with some of what they say, but at the same time I disagree with some of what they say. For me I try my best to read the word for myself, and pray to God for understanding. I am no expert but I believe if we would really do that, instead of going by what another person say, or their spin on the bible, we would all have a better understanding and greater relationship with God.

Yeah, I didn't know exactly what you were talking about and though it could be related in somehow someway to what my ex was talking about.

I completely agree with your pastor. I do believe that God knows our hearts and how much we call on him and want our intimate relationship with him so I don't want to say calling him something else is completely unimportant but I do feel like it doesn't take away from our relationship with him. Just like the bible, many things may have been changed or translated wrong, but the essence of God's word is still there. :yawn:
Now I am just wondering, if anyone else knows of this or was taught this. It is kind of bothering me, because I know that God teaches that there is power in His name, and what calling on His name can do. Knowing that, I am now beginning to question whether using God, Lord, or Jesus is sufficient. I am hoping that someone could help me with this.

That desire that is pulling on you to know the word is so admirable! If you don't mind, could you share what you are reading or using for your research?

It looks like cheetarah already broke it down, but to answer your question....yes, I was taught this by my Pastor. I am so thankful for him, and so glad that he is a learned researcher and wants us to be knowledgable about our beliefs :yep::yep:
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