My Son


New Member
I just wanted to share an experience with you all. My son (18 months) goes to our church's summer bible camp. we recently started sending him there. this is only his second week. The bible camp doesn't consider themselves a day care because they are teaching our (church members) children the Word. Well, this morning I was getting my son dressed and he was singing. He was singing his ABC's. i must say that I was pleased by this. I always pray with my son and husband in the morning, but everyone was running late and we just kind of skipped over it. Well, my hubby calls me and reminds me to pray with my son. So, on the way to the camp I pray in the car as we drive and he is sitting quietly in his seat. I end the prayer "In Jesus' name, amen" then I hear my son mumbling in the back. I don't say anything and just continue to drive. then I hear him say just as clear as day "Jesus Name Amen" I was sooooo happy and greatful, but ya'll know God shows out. Well, he started singing Jesus loves me and doing hand motions. (jesus-point up, loves me- point to himself, bible-holds hands out like a book) I was sooooo blessed. People get sooo excited when their children can sing every secular song on the radio, but I am BLESSED knowing that my child is getting something that will be able to sustain, encourage, strengthen and uplift him for years to come.
If you have children, don't hinder them from knowing Christ. Encourage them and make sure that they are available to receive. They are sponges and will absorb everything. I am just soooo greatful and blessed that he is learning about the love of Christ now.