My Skala review


Well-Known Member
ok... so i'm not here to rain on anyones parade... i just want to share my experience just in this can prevent someone else from going through the same thing

so as some of you know, i used the skala sb last week and experienced a lot of hair loss due to no slip and what not. so after the failed wash i used the cond as a leave in figuring i could at least get use out of it and used skala sb through out the week on my hair

today was wash day. i took my hair out of the bun i kept it in. i had not detangled all week like usual and wore a bun, like usual... i jumped in the shower and wet my hair. as soon as i wet my hair, hair started to gather in the hair catcher in the tub... this was not usual. usually my shed hair doesnt come loose until i start to rinse the shampoo out. another thing i noticed was a lack of what i call "pre-slip". pre-slip is the slip i usually get when i wet my hair and the conditioner i used as leave in is "reactivated" i guess. my hair felt dry and yucky under running water.

i decided not to take the chance of using another skala product and to just get this stuff out my hair. i applied aussie moist poo to my scalp only and started to massage my scalp. as i did this, hair started to gather around my fingers, loose hair. i then rinsed the shampoo and a big glob of hair rinsed out.

i then applied my cond and attempted to detangle. my hair was knotted, matted, and coming out. i detangle by finger combing as usual and it wasnt working. so i started to detangle (again, with fingers) under running water and my hair finally started to detangle with globs of hair coming out. i took my time detangling and was extra cautious. i took 4x as long to detangle because i was being cautious as i would do on a usual wash day. i towel dried and applied my usual products sans skala and let my hair air dry like usual.

once my hair was fully dried i was left with thinner limp hair. i also have a halo of broken hair around my crown causing a see through fro on top of limp curls. the only thing in my reggie that changed was the skala and i've had this reggie for over a year and have not had an issue. even when i've changed shampoos or conditioners THIS has never happened. i dont know if it was a bad batch of skala or if skala just isnt for EVERY ONE.

here is my air dried wash and go last wk

here is my hair today



so... take this review as you want. i know this product works wonders for A LOT of women and i'm not saying what they're experiencing isnt true. i'm just sharing what i experienced.
last week i used the skala aloe vera masque (which seems to be a nice product) and then i conditioned with skala shea butter and used that same conditioner as a leave in through out the week
So sorry this happened to you. I'm also glad you posted this so people will think twice before jumping on every bandwagon. I kinda tiptoed on there and didn't get the experience others were getting. We all have diff hair and everything is truly not for everyone and we should stick to what we know works!
So sorry this happened to you. I'm also glad you posted this so people will think twice before jumping on every bandwagon. I kinda tiptoed on there and didn't get the experience others were getting. We all have diff hair and everything is truly not for everyone and we should stick to what we know works!

that's exactly why i posted it. a lot of times when a fad starts we only hear the great reviews and we never think about what COULD go wrong. i mean, you think to your self "its only conditioner, WHAT CAN GO WRONG???"
Great reminder that if it ain't broke...
Thank you for sharing with us and I am so sorry your pretty hair suffered so much.
Im sorry this happened to you hun. And thank you for sharing your experience, sometimes people seem afraid to knock a product but as consumers we need to hear the good and bad. Keep taking care of your hair and it will recover, it may not help at this time but your hair is still pretty, just nurse it back.:hug3:
Sorry this happened to you. I didn't even know Skala existed. After this hair horror story I'm not jumping on ANY more bandwagons. I jumped on the BKT wagon and it messed me up-minor setback, I think I could have been HL already if I hadn't messed with that stuff. Just going to stick to what's been working for me and keeping it simple. You hair will thicken back up.
exactly lucia... keeping it simple and sticking to what got me to where i'm at. if it worked to get me to wl twice, then it doesnt need changing.

thanks everyone for your support. my hair will eventually thicken back up and i will have forgotten the whole thing in a few months (i have a short attention span so maybe 2 wks lol). i share this so that people think clearly before trying new products... cause if you dont... you hair might break off :(
FIRST, I'm truly saddened you lost so much hair and in such a huge way. Not only the shed hair that came out...but it sounds like you got breakage around the crown as well and that is what is truly a concern.
SECOND, thanks so very much for taking the time to post your great review of the SB & AV SKALA. It truly is amazing how different it works from person to person. Yeah, I said great detailed EXACTLY what people need to know about a product and how it worked FOR YOU...and explained all circumstances and conditions that were in effect at the time and how you came to your me, that is a great review.
Just for my clarification, you used the SB shampoo...then followed it up with the AV masque and used the SB condish as a leave in all day last week?
Did you happen to see the date on your SB condish or leave in or whatever you used, maybe that contributed to the problem as well.
sighhhh, hate to hear about ANY product that harms someones hair. We spend ALOT of time and effort trying to retain and it is discouraging when a product sets us back.
I for one am thankful you took the time to post the review....however much a SKALAhead I am and I AM a huge SKALA head, I still like to know when a product doesn't work.
Hopefully this will not set you back too far.
oh no! I'm so sorry this happened to you. (((HUGS))) I've had similar experiences when people rave about a product but it gives me a setback. It sucks but take heart in knowing that your hair will recover.
Thank you so much for posting this review. I'm so sorry that you've had this experience! (((Big Hugs))) I've started to hop back off of the bandwagons, this latest setback has me going back to basics. Your hair will thicken back up in no time!
Thanks for this. Not everything works for everyone.(those skala products do look a bit shady, imo) That's exactly why I don't jump on these product bandwagons anymore. Most of the products I use now, I can't even find a lot of reviews for on LHCF but they work for me.

Hope your hair recovers soon. Use whatever you've been using to get it so beautiful in the first place.
I am sorry that happened to you but thank you for the review. I looked at the ingredients but just couldn't buy it but thanks to the Skala heads I found another DC while looking for it.
Thanks for the review and I'm really sorry that this happened. :( I sighed and did alot of this :nono: while I was reading and when I got to the pic with the handful of hair I had to clutch the pearls.... I'm glad that I passed on this bandwagon. Your hair is still beautiful and I know that you'll recover just fine.... I just hate when this happens.
Awww sorry Ms.MoMo that sucks. Just stick to what you know works. After awhile on here I've learned to just stick with what works for me.
Thank you Momo for your honest review:yep:....I was thinking about trying Skala...but wasn't sure about it as i know some of the products contain cheap fillers. I can only imagine how you felt when all that hair started running down the drain:crying3:

But as fast as your hair that you know that that stuff doesn't work for you...your hair should be back to no time!!:bighug:
This reminds me of that time I use Pantene natural and relaxed mask because everyone her loved it. I've used the poo and con once and that left my hair an oily and dry mess. This mask did the same. I had no slip it was just garbage. And I actually really like the regular pantene( volumizing, classic, and the comb thru smoothing cream).
ok... so i'm not here to rain on anyones parade... i just want to share my experience just in this can prevent someone else from going through the same thing

so as some of you know, i used the skala sb last week and experienced a lot of hair loss due to no slip and what not. so after the failed wash i used the cond as a leave in figuring i could at least get use out of it and used skala sb through out the week on my hair

today was wash day. i took my hair out of the bun i kept it in. i had not detangled all week like usual and wore a bun, like usual... i jumped in the shower and wet my hair. as soon as i wet my hair, hair started to gather in the hair catcher in the tub... this was not usual. usually my shed hair doesnt come loose until i start to rinse the shampoo out. another thing i noticed was a lack of what i call "pre-slip". pre-slip is the slip i usually get when i wet my hair and the conditioner i used as leave in is "reactivated" i guess. my hair felt dry and yucky under running water.

i decided not to take the chance of using another skala product and to just get this stuff out my hair. i applied aussie moist poo to my scalp only and started to massage my scalp. as i did this, hair started to gather around my fingers, loose hair. i then rinsed the shampoo and a big glob of hair rinsed out.

i then applied my cond and attempted to detangle. my hair was knotted, matted, and coming out. i detangle by finger combing as usual and it wasnt working. so i started to detangle (again, with fingers) under running water and my hair finally started to detangle with globs of hair coming out. i took my time detangling and was extra cautious. i took 4x as long to detangle because i was being cautious as i would do on a usual wash day. i towel dried and applied my usual products sans skala and let my hair air dry like usual.

once my hair was fully dried i was left with thinner limp hair. i also have a halo of broken hair around my crown causing a see through fro on top of limp curls. the only thing in my reggie that changed was the skala and i've had this reggie for over a year and have not had an issue. even when i've changed shampoos or conditioners THIS has never happened. i dont know if it was a bad batch of skala or if skala just isnt for EVERY ONE.

here is my air dried wash and go last wk

here is my hair today



so... take this review as you want. i know this product works wonders for A LOT of women and i'm not saying what they're experiencing isnt true. i'm just sharing what i experienced.

You could be allergic to something in the procuct or a chemical reaction could have happend from products that still reside in your hair. I know I hated the Skala Aloe, it made my hair extremely dry, but I really love the fruit cocktail.. But I know one thing from this site, allot of the bandwagons are not for me lol. They usually just ruin my hair. Though when ever
I try a new product I try it out for a day, to see how my hair will react, just in case of an allergic reaction or chemical reaction from products that are already in my hair.
Wow...girl this horrible!! so sorry this happened....Maybe it wont work as well for me when my hair is longer...but my hair does not tangle at all now no matter what I use so that may be a plus while it is short...Everything is not for everyone ...all hair is different..unfortunately it is trial and error to find out what products work when it comes to hair
Wow, I am so sorry to hear about this!! Like others said though, your hair is beautiful and you will recover. I too had a not-so-great experience with Skala. I didn't do a review on it though because I live in the desert (AZ) and I know a lot of products affect my hair differently due to our lack of humidity.

For the sake of sharing though: I co-washed with the Ceremides G3 condish. This was nice at first. It went on smoothly and my hair detangled like a charm. However, I could feel a coating on my hair. I then DC'd with the Shea Butter Mask under my steamer for 20 minutes. When I rinsed my hair, there was NO softness! It matted up and I lost a ton of hair trying to detangle it all over again. After applying my usual leave-in's, my hair dried hard and more shrunken than usual. This was the first product I've used that contained petrolatum since I've been natural. I was apprehensive about using it in the first place but others had such great results. My curiosity got the best of me.

The worst part of my experience was this: after rinsing out the DC, I parted my hair and ran my fingernail down the part. There was a ton of build-up under my nail. I wanted to shampoo again immediately but I didn't have time. In that moment, I decided Skala was not for me.
Thanks for sharing this information! I've never tried these products, and I know that I never will (unless they change the ingredients drastically). I have had similar experiences with a few products that a lot of members rave about. I'm finally learning to stick with products that I know work for me and not jump on the bandwagons.
Thank you for the review and I'm very sorry about your hair.

Skala gives me a slight hold, which is good for my fly aways when bunning, but it's a horrible conditioner. It gives me 0 slip as well.
Sorry you had to experience this. My hair didn't like the Skala Shea Butter conditioner either, so I gave it away when it made my hair feel hard and funny. However, Skala Jaborandi and Ceramides G3 works wonders on my hair.
Wow, I am so sorry to hear about this!! Like others said though, your hair is beautiful and you will recover. I too had a not-so-great experience with Skala. I didn't do a review on it though because I live in the desert (AZ) and I know a lot of products affect my hair differently due to our lack of humidity.

For the sake of sharing though: I co-washed with the Ceremides G3 condish. This was nice at first. It went on smoothly and my hair detangled like a charm. However, I could feel a coating on my hair. I then DC'd with the Shea Butter Mask under my steamer for 20 minutes. When I rinsed my hair, there was NO softness! It matted up and I lost a ton of hair trying to detangle it all over again. After applying my usual leave-in's, my hair dried hard and more shrunken than usual. This was the first product I've used that contained petrolatum since I've been natural. I was apprehensive about using it in the first place but others had such great results. My curiosity got the best of me.

The worst part of my experience was this: after rinsing out the DC, I parted my hair and ran my fingernail down the part. There was a ton of build-up under my nail. I wanted to shampoo again immediately but I didn't have time. In that moment, I decided Skala was not for me.

i live in az too!!!
Sorry you had to experience this. My hair didn't like the Skala Shea Butter conditioner either, so I gave it away when it made my hair feel hard and funny. However, Skala Jaborandi and Ceramides G3 works wonders on my hair.

i still havent tried the g3 i purchased but i dont think i will. you're right though, my hair felt hard and funny as well. i will be donating my whole skala lot i got (thank got it was only $1).

in addition to what i previously said... i'm also thinking i may have had an allergic reaction to the skala causing issues on my scalp.

so again, i'm not saying this will happen to everyone, i just felt that others might benefit from what happened to me.

thanks for all the well wishes guys. i'm back on my normal products and i'll be babying my hair back to health
Sorry this happened to you. I didn't even know Skala existed. After this hair horror story I'm not jumping on ANY more bandwagons. I jumped on the BKT wagon and it messed me up-minor setback, I think I could have been HL already if I hadn't messed with that stuff. Just going to stick to what's been working for me and keeping it simple. You hair will thicken back up.

Same here Lucia.

Momo, I'm very sorry this happened to you! That is way too much hair. I usually tell people to try Skala but you need to stay FAR away (I don't think I need to tell you twice :yep:).

Momo posted her bum results in the Skala thread first but what I'm wondering is why haven't many of you who are complaining about it now done the same. We sure could've used these reviews in the thread. That's what helps people make a more informed decisions and we want to hear the BAD as well as the good. I'm a Skalahead but I still thank you MoMo for starting this thread.
Thank you for sharing your results. Sorry about the negative results you got w/Skala. :blush:I hope that it recovers soon!

I tend to not jump on bandwagons, but I already had some Skala in my PJ stash that I just hadn't gotten to yet. Fortunately, I had a very different result w/the jaborandi condish & G3 mask. I even tried it on my daughter. For OUR hair, so far, the results are soft, strong hair. :yep:
Same here Lucia.

Momo, I'm very sorry this happened to you! That is way too much hair. I usually tell people to try Skala but you need to stay FAR away (I don't think I need to tell you twice :yep:).

Momo posted her bum results in the Skala thread first but what I'm wondering is why haven't many of you who are complaining about it now done the same. We sure could've used these reviews in the thread. That's what helps people make a more informed decisions and we want to hear the BAD as well as the good. I'm a Skalahead but I still thank you MoMo for starting this thread.

thank you and i fully agree. when i posted this i thought i was the odd man out and the ONLY person who had a bad experience.