My sisters I need help - MY VENT!

After you deprive yourself of specific needs too long then the need becomes desperate to have this is normal. It sounds like you at cross road to actually deal with your situation and he still is not ready. Unfortuntely with men the longer the do something the harder it is for them to change but hope is not lost. It sounds that he did not get alot affection when young most of the time for men they get this from the females in there lives, mother, sister, wife etc. Men have to be taught to be affectionate because most are generally not.

I am hoping a married woman on the board will give you some godly and I stress godly advice who has been in this situation. I know that you if you do the basics by seeking about this and trusting Him he will take care of you and God will send you someone who can help you. I would suggest to fast and pray just on this subject. Even if you are not advocate faster you may just give up one meal and during that time ask GOD to help ASAP tell Him what you told us. You basically need wisdom right now on to handle a problem that has been going on for a while so you will definetly need Patience with your husband because men or just slower than us plus he had this problem before you met him.

Whatever advice you get take it to God in pray and then act. Also, I love using bless oil to bless my body and I defineatly use on my lips and tongue so that everything I say will be powerful and effective.

God bless and do not be discourage the fact you reach out and have a open heart and desire to make your marriage better is a blessing. Having a baby is the most intimate thing a woman could experience with God it seems that you life has really change and your relationship with God is even stronger this one reason why you are more in tune to getting your needs met because you deserve it and do not forget to ask God to give you wisdom on how [/B]husband even better so down the road you both can look back on this is see how far God has brought the both of you.:)
I have been married for 3 years but I can only imagine how stressful and almost desperate something like this can make you feel:kiss: . What makes it even harder is that your spouse isnt willing to talk about it. Have things been going well in other areas of his life? his job? extended family?
I will include you and your family in my prayers.

Nice&Wavy (I think thats her name), has great advice when it comes to such issues. And if my memory serves me right she has experience with Christian couples too.