My sister SWEARS her hair can't grow!!!


New Member

hello ladies of lhcf!
I'm more of a reader than a poster but i just HAVE to post this for my sister who claims that no matter what, her hair will NEVER, EVA, EVA, EVA grow past the bottom of her neck even though she says she takes "good" care of her hair.

now, i must admit that i had strayed away from the path of healthy hair for about 10 months, but despite my many sins against my hair, of which i have dully repented of, i always told her about this forum.

my sister doesn't believe the things i tell her about all the wonderful and inspirational ladies of the lhcf family. so i am asking all my lhcf sisters to post some testimonials and pics about your hair life before and after lhcf. perhaps you can help another poor soul find their hair miracle!

PS please include your hair type, links to your fotiki pages with passwords, and a short list of your regimen. many thanks!
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My hair progress may not be as drastic as some here on the forum, but your sis is free to look at my fotki pics (no pswrd needed). Just click on my siggy picture to gain access. I'm a 3c/4a texlaxed lady who has never had hair past neck length in her life! I'm now shoulder length and growing...

My typical regimine is;
moisturize every day
Use wide tooth comb for detangling
wash 2x a week with a mositurizing shampoo
wash hair with a chelating (clarifying) shampoo to remove buildup when needed
deep condition under a heated dryer at least 1x a week
sleep with a satin/ silk scarf or bonnet every day
texlax every 13 - 14 weeks
you can show her my siggy. my growth/retained length is what has finally gotten my family and friends who doubted me before to finally start listening. :yep: i'm a 4a with a 3c canopy and some 4b sections scattered here and there.

oh, and my Fotki is in my profile... no password.

i don't have a solidified regimen. i co-wash almost every day in the warmer months, every 2 or 3 days in winter. i detangle my hair once or twice a week when it is soaked in conditioner... i do it in sections and braid up the section after i detangle it so it doesn't re-tangle on me. i rinse the conditioner out of my hair with the braids still in, squeezing the condish out as i rinse. then i take the braids down and style afterwards, or leave my hair it airdry in braids if i'm going to straighten (which i only do a few times a year, and only in fall/winter). i deep condition, do protein treatments and ACV rinses whenever i think about it.
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What is your sister's definition of taking good care of her hair? What is her regime/hair habits? Is she relaxed? How often does she retouch? Does she moisturize? How often does she shampoo her hair and deep condition? My fotki is in my siggy she is welcome to take a visit, no password needed. I'm 4a, relaxed.
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Well she can view mine it usually gets referred to as shock and awe!

Hair like mine "is not" suppose to grow evah!!!:yep:

My fotki address is in my siggy.
My most recent picture is in my siggy....before lhcf I thought my regime was the ish but I have learnt a lot...Since joining and what I have learnt hair and incorporated into my hair routine I have retained and grown my hair far quicker than I have ever done before I found the board. So your sister needs to read so of the threads to know that some of the things she thinks she knew about growing black hair may have to be altered a little because for a long time we have all been told so many things about black hair cant wash blk hair as often as the white oil is the best for black hair.....being here is a learning curve all the time you learn something new and before she knows it that biz of "my hair never never..." could be a story that inspires another soul like her some day....sorry about the lenth of my post...(i get carried away sometimes:perplexed)
Hey Adassa! Don't you just love siblings!

One thing you may have to explain to your sister is that our does hair grow and point out to her (if she's relaxed that is) that her new growth is an sign of just that - growth. Otherwise, she would not need to relax every so often, right? Or if she's keeping her hair at neck length why does she need a trim to 'even it up'. Or if she chooses to cut her hair even shorter why it will grow back to neck length. Or if she's keeping her armpits, legs, etc. shaved and nails cut, how often she does so is evident that growth is present. Why should her scalp be any different.

The real problem is that we have a hard time retaining our growth. Neck length hair is more common because it is a length that is closer to the scalp which benefits from the natural sebum oils the scalp produces. That is why you can get a short crop styled hair cut and in no time it will grow out. It is the end of our hair that we really have to pay attention to (aside from any scalp conditions that may require special/medical attention).

Piggybacking off of Growth2Come, we have been told so many WRONG things about our hair (it doesn't grow long; don't wash it but every 2 weeks) and what products and tools we should use (petroleum and mineral oil only; lots and lots of heat) and our miseducation has been passed thru several generations to where it appears that our hair just can't grow.

Simply, put - HER HAIR CAN GROW IF SHE WANTS IT TO. It takes work and dedication to learn how to care for her specific hair type and to become consistent in practicing and applying the knowledge gained. My pic in my siggy is the longest my hair has ever been in my entire life. It's not APL or anything else worth drooling over YET but it has already led several of my non-believing family members and friends to change their minds about my hair not being that "good" type of hair :lachen:

Please show your sis my pics, especially my start pic under year 1 in my fotki. We've come a long way baby!
thanks so much ladies for the support, i'll be emailing these words of wisdom to her! i am also looking for a lot more ladies to post some picture testimonies!