My Sexy Black Henna/Indigo Hair (PICS INSIDE)

prettyface, it's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! It's amazing how most all you need can be found in nature...back to basics! I LOVE IT!!!!!:grin:
Beautiful! I have never tried indigo, but you're making me want to get some for the fall; I want the henna dye release for the summer!

Congrats on finding a great mix that works! :yep:
Thank you! Thank you!

YES! At first....After the first henna you can just do indigo. The indigo needs the henna to bond. Because I do my applications every 3 months I do a henna again and indigo to get the new growth. I know Sacera (Henna/Indigo Queen) said in a thread does only indigo now. I am a little afraid of that. It has the potential to turn your hair blue.

Thanks ladies!:grin:

okay i'll try it your way since you had amazing results I don't need any blue hair!!! plus after 6+ months of not using henna I don't think it's gonna cause any damage!
LOvely hair and color :yep::yep: I hope I 'll have the same color result next time I'll henna/indigo my hair
I'm not sure how much the OP used. I just wanted to add that when I henna'd. I used 300 grams of henna, and 300 grams of indigo. It was barely enough for my hair. At the time, my hair was a little above APL, but really thick. HTH

I dont follow there recommendation. 150 grams of henna and 50 grams of Amla does the trick. Amla keeps the henna from drying your hair out. For Indigo, one pack does it and you can use yogurt to stretch it a little more. With the wet hair it spreads on better so I actually had a bit left over for my mom to use.

1.99 per box. I brought the indigo online from I dont remember the price. I use one pack at a time and buy 3 packs at a time.

Thanks. This sounds like a long process but I'm less scared of it than the regular box dyes/rinses/etc.
Woooooooooooooooooooo! Gorgeous! Love it!

You just made up my mind lol! I was thinking about adding indigo and amla to my mix. I might do this when the semester starts...
I am horrified of regular, chemical dyes and I should be, I am relaxed. That's why I love my HIN (henna/indigo) treatments. I get shine, silkiness, strength, dark exotic color thats all natural with no adverse effects. I am a happy girl. :grin:

It a long process but think of this...Take one day every few months or month or whatever to pamper, nails, facial, the works. Thats what I did and I've been floating ever since.:rolleyes:

Thanks. This sounds like a long process but I'm less scared of it than the regular box dyes/rinses/etc.
Yes! Add Amla even if you dont indigo. Amla counteracts the strengthening and drying effects of the Henna.
Woooooooooooooooooooo! Gorgeous! Love it!

You just made up my mind lol! I was thinking about adding indigo and amla to my mix. I might do this when the semester starts...
Gorgeous Result! How do I subscribe to a thread? Can this process be used on relaxed hair?

I love that it's a natural black.
I so love your Username. Reminds me of God.

At the top of the thread, it should say Thread Tools. Click on that and you'll find Subscribe to this Thread. I am relaxed so you'll do fine.

Gorgeous Result! How do I subscribe to a thread? Can this process be used on relaxed hair?

I love that it's a natural black.
Thank you for posting. I was just about to pick up my ingredients and I was searching for the "right" recipe for indigo henna....and here you are! This is B-e-a-utiful! You did a phenomenal job! This is exactly what I was looking for!

Question, I've heard of doing henna treatments weekly for thickening hair, so - do you think I could HIN my hair one week, and then indigo every week for six weeks? My hair thinned a great bit and I hear that you can henna every week for thickness. I just don't want my new raven hair to turn I wondered would indigo be basically the same thing as henna?

Is that confusing?:spinning:
You can use it as often as you like however indigo does not have the same properties as henna. Henna will thicken, condition, and strength the hair. You can do the henna with the color release. Just mix and apply instead of waiting overnight to let the dye release. Also you wont have to mix an acid like lemon juice or acv to it. Henna, amla and water will do just fine with maybe some essential oils if you like.

Thank you for posting. I was just about to pick up my ingredients and I was searching for the "right" recipe for indigo henna....and here you are! This is B-e-a-utiful! You did a phenomenal job! This is exactly what I was looking for!

Question, I've heard of doing henna treatments weekly for thickening hair, so - do you think I could HIN my hair one week, and then indigo every week for six weeks? My hair thinned a great bit and I hear that you can henna every week for thickness. I just don't want my new raven hair to turn I wondered would indigo be basically the same thing as henna?

Is that confusing?:spinning:
You can use it as often as you like however indigo does not have the same properties as henna. Henna will thicken, condition, and strength the hair. You can do the henna with the color release. Just mix and apply instead of waiting overnight to let the dye release. Also you wont have to mix an acid like lemon juice or acv to it. Henna, amla and water will do just fine with maybe some essential oils if you like.

So let me make sure I understand this...maybe I should go back to the India store. Because I got the kind that says it will cleanse, strengthen and condition the hair, it says to make it paste and put on hair and sit 2-5 mins. Does it also color the hair or is it a Henna specifically stating for "coloring" hair? IDK I might have the right one I just want to make sure.

One more question, I just tried a semi-permanent rinse on this past Saturday 6/28, so would it be safe for me to do this tonight or should I wait? Thank you
Your hair looks just beautiful. I'm thinking of trying Henna and/or Indigo. I'm kind of over the brownish-black look that perms give my hair.

I want that dark rich hair like you have.:yep:

Gotta do some more research though so I don't mess myself up.:lachen:
Your hair looks just beautiful. I'm thinking of trying Henna and/or Indigo. I'm kind of over the brownish-black look that perms give my hair.

I want that dark rich hair like you have.:yep:

Gotta do some more research though so I don't mess myself up.:lachen:

Me too..I want my hair dark/jet black...seems to make it look more healthy and lush. had a lot of good information on it.
Sorry I didnt get back to you guys in time. Seems you got the info you wanted. I hope you enjoy the HIN experience. You wont turn back I promise. :grin:

Your hair looks just beautiful. I'm thinking of trying Henna and/or Indigo. I'm kind of over the brownish-black look that perms give my hair.

I want that dark rich hair like you have.:yep:

Gotta do some more research though so I don't mess myself up.:lachen:

Me too..I want my hair dark/jet black...seems to make it look more healthy and lush. had a lot of good information on it.
Bumping. Very good info. I wanna to start this, but I am scared. Hopefully this will help someone else too.