My Secret? Ground Cinnamon.


Active Member
People always ask if I got highlights, or if I just got my hair done. They have no idea.:look:

I'm transitioning right now, and I'm using growth aids like BT, MTG, and Lenzis Request. They all make my hair very oily. When I put ground cinnamon in my hair, it absorbs all of the excess oils in my hair, and makes it very light, bouncy, and naturally shiny. I use it because I like to wear my hair straight, so instead of washing it every single time my hair gets oily (and then having to straighten my roots and put heat all over my head), I just throw some cinnamon into my hair, comb through to blend it in, wrap my hair, and then leave it there for a while, and then I unwrap my hair, shake my hair a few times, and voila:drunk:. It did turn my hair a shade lighter, but I like it. It doesn't really build up in your hair, as long as you used just a little bit, and if it does, it is very easy to wash out. Sometimes I do a very very light olive oil sheen spray afterwards. Looks and feels great:yep:. I do smell very good, though:lick:! And it makes my scalp tingle.

Oh yes, and since cinnamon matches my skin color very well, when I run out of foundation, I use it on my face too LOL. You can call it going overboard, but it works for me!
Sounds like dry shampoo, but all natural. Thanks for sharing. Hope it continues to work out for you :up:

I wonder why it makes your hair lighter...
I've seen those thread around last yr or so, I said caucasian because I could have swore that was something they alway did, like how some say Indian oils even though the oil does have a specefic name.
Everyone uses powder. There was a thread recently about it but I"m too lazy to do a search.
Everyone uses powder. There was a thread recently about it but I"m too lazy to do a search.

I haven't had to do this lately because I sport W-N-G 99% of the time. But in my pre-LHCF days I used baby powder, talk powder to help get rid of the greasy hair or smelly hair when I didn't have the time to do a proper wash. Usually this was because I was out partying from Wed to Sun.:grin: Oh.....gotta love those single days. :lachen::drunk:
Sounds like dry shampoo, but all natural. Thanks for sharing. Hope it continues to work out for you :up:

I wonder why it makes your hair lighter...

Cinnamon has naturally occuring peroxide. In the honey for lightening thread over at LHC they talk about adding cinnamon to the honey/water mix for more peroxide. Coconut oil also has natural peroxide according to that thread.
I don't use baby powde simply because it's white. Any kind of white powder on my dark brown hair is a nono! Cinnamon matches my hair color much much better.
Interesting. I use cinnamon in my tea rinses and con sometimes, but I never thought of using it this way.
I don't usually have oily hair issues, but I may try this anyway.
Very interesting! Where did you get the idea?
It was just a random test. I know that some people use baby powder on their hair, but the white powder with my black hair was a nono, so I tried cinnamon, it's the best smelling spice that is closest to my hair color, and it looked, felt, and smelled great!
I wonder if ground paprika would give a more vibrant red color. Any takers??
Well I don't think that it is the color of cinnamon that gives the highlights. I think it's the fact that cinnamon has a natural peroxide in it, which naturally highlights or lightens the hair. Unless paprika has peroxide in it, I'm not sure if it will work as well. But hey, it's worth a try!
Heehee I have some sitting on the top layers of my hair with honey and conditioner right now. Cant wait to see how it turns out...:drunk: