My scalp is soooo dry!!! Why me.......?


I'm your huckleberry.
I posted a while ago that I loved the Motions Relaxer that I just switched to....but I think that I may have to change my mind. First off, while it did relax my hair better than the no-lye that I'd used in the past, it is taking a serious toll on my scalp. I based my scalp, but the stuff still burned like out of this world!! As a result, my scalp has been dry, itchy, flaky...just all around ugly!! When I massage oil into my scalp to alleviate the dryness I end up with the aftermath throughout my hair. Then, of course, I have to wash it again. Practically everyday now. And the cycle is repeating just won't stop!! And to top it off it's winter, and the dry weather is bad enough in itself without this extra aggravation. I have eliminated products from my regime that might have been the cause.....but I'm am sure that it was the relaxer. Is there anything that you ladies know of that will alleviate the dryness and also heal my scalp? I'm really hurting here........
Did you use regular Motions or the Moisturizing Oil relaxer? For my last 3 touch ups i have used the moisturizing oil relaxer and it has all been up hill. Very mild and gentle. Also what strength did you use? This might be a factor also.
i think i heard a lot of times before that shampoos with tea tree oil help. you can use your regular shampoo and add a couple of drops or you can go and buy a tea tree shampoo like paul mitchell or there are cheaper ones too. that should calm your scalp down and also the itching should stop. give it a try. the smell is kinda strong though /images/graemlins/smirk.gif. you can get the pure oil at any drug store /supermarket or you can go to the body shop.
i really hope for you that it will stop soon.
good luck, nay.
Fantasia has a good Tea tree aloe enriched conditioner if you are looking for one /images/graemlins/laugh.gif It reduces breakage and restores healthy scalp.
I would purchase a Jojoba which is the closet to sebum oils. Try mixing it with Rosemary and Lavender. The Rosemary will serve as a scalp stimulant and help alleviate the flakes. Lavender also helps. You may even consider dropping in Tea Tree Oil, or because you can use Tea Tree as neat application, purchase Genuine or Grade A Tea Tree and dap it on your scalp with a cotton ball. Tea Tree's a natural antiseptic.
Thank you all sooo much for the advice. Unfortunately, I think that I am headed for an emergency appointment with a dermatologist. I totally forgot to mention that I used a semi-permanent color on my hair a week after relaxing....and I didn't test for an allergic reaction. After I had my husband look at my head, we discovered a rash that is in my scalp and has migrated to the back of my neck. And it is itching like crazy....enough that I am up at 6am typing this because I am soo miserable that I can't even sleep. I woke up trying to find some Cortaid around here just to rub on the itchy spots for some relief. Something in Clairol Natural Instincts is eating me up.....I had no problem with my relaxer application at all now that I recall correctly. I had itchiness and dryness the very same night that applied this product. I am going to the drugstore right now to get some Benadryl to help me sleep. Arrrgh.......!!!!!!