My Salon Visit


New Member
OK ladies I went to the salon and got my hair relaxed today and here is how it went first she for got to base my scalp good thing I didn't burn then she put the relaxer all over head but she said she was giving my a corrective relaxer cause she said it was not right or whatever OK so now she is was washing out the relaxer and she said to me that it didn't take all the way because I don't condition my hair enough and I told her that I deep condition every time I wash once a week so she standing there looking for something to say so then she said what conditioner do you use I said Motions and she it your conditioner and I 'm like whatever so she is combing my hair and ask my how long had it been since my last relaxer and I said 5 months and she said that's to long to wait to get my hair relaxed and she said I need to relax my hair once a month yeah right she told my sister that whatever products I was using damaged my scalp I don't know if she meant relaxer or what cause shampoo & conditioner can't damage your scalp can it any way she want my to come back every two weeks for two months so she can get my scalp healthy well that's what she said but the end product my is shiny and soft and has a lot of body but going back once a month for a relaxer I don't think so and I got to ask her if I go back is she going to put the relaxer all over my head again if so oh no no and she used a Straight Request Relaxer never heard of that brand have any of you ladies so tell my what you think ladies about my salon visit
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Do you like the outcome? ok I see that you said it is shiny and soft. Well, from my experience SOME salons can make your hair look good but in actuality it is not healthy. One time around is not enough .. I say shop around and don't get a chemical service the first time. I learned that here on this board.
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I would DEFINATELY not go back. Conditioner damaging your scalp?!?! Wow. It seems like the ladies on this board know more than her! It sounds to me like she's just trying to make a quick buck and could care less about the health of your hair. I would recommend finding another stylist who's on board with your wants and needs. Good luck!