My Salon Experience After 10+ yrs......


Well-Known Member
in doing it myself, well it was fun and different. The owner is one of my customers whom I sew for and have been wanted to give her a play for the longiest but had to get up the nerve to finally go.

I enjoyed the atmosphere, and being able to lean back in that shampoo bowl, :lol: . I pree-pooed my hair b4 going w/Alopecil Apratendora (I love this stuff), so that when I arrived she (Samolia) could rinse it out and shampoo it w/Elucence Moisture Balance (this is one of her staple products that she uses. All was good and fine until it was time to comb me out and rollerset, well I got the hair disease itch and started ducking and dodgeing her and that comb (BTW I bought my own seamless combs, and leave-ins :p ). I was like I can do it, it's okay, they were looking at me like I lost my mind, but they understood because everybody knows I don't let nobody touch my hair and it took me a good 6 months to finally go.

Well anyway she let me comb it out myself and I gave her my leave-ins which she checked to make sure it was the right amout to apply :cool: . Now when it was time to rollerset it she attempted to take the rattail comb (which I supplied her w/it's seamless) and comb from the roots down, I ducked again and was like you can just roll it w/the part in the middle, :lol: she gave me that look and we all just laughed. After I came out of that banging dryer of hers my curls was SUPER DUPER soft and Ooooooh sooooo soft and shiney. I ran my fingers through it from root to tip and enjoyed the body, I loved it.
I will be going back every now and again just to give myself a break, how often every now and again is I really don't know. She told me I can just come already shampooed and DC, so all she can do is roll if that will make me happy, :lol: . Overall I was happy and glad I finally went.

The salon is called "Harmony By Natasha", on Castor ave in the Northeast. She uses Carol's Daughter products,Elucence, Affirm, and some Keracare products. She is also in the process of having the Phyto line available also (which I asked her who will be her first to try it on, and she said herself and that I'm going to have the honor of applying it). I can't wait to see first hand on what all the hype is about :look: .
Boy i wish i coulda been a fly on the wall at that salon so i can hear what they had to say about you whenever you left... :grin: :grin: No just kidding, cute story. thanks for sharing!
LOL, I told them don't talk about me when I leave :lol: , but on the real we are good friends, I've been doing business with them for awhile now that they didn't wait for me to leave, they let me have it right there, :lachen: .
Mizani_Mrs said:
Boy i wish i coulda been a fly on the wall at that salon so i can hear what they had to say about you whenever you left... :grin: :grin: No just kidding, cute story. thanks for sharing!