
New Member
*Posted on my group a while back* Thought I would share it here! True Story!

Well I had a mishap last year, was going away for the weekend and ran errands
everything I needed, well Motions Silk Protein Conditioner IS IN THE SAME kind
container as the Relaxer, just a small difference in the writing

I didnt see the need to check the writing because most bss do not place them on
the same
shelf anyway. So I was sitting in the hotel room talking to 'the Mr.' and
started to do my
hair to go out to eat. Grabbed the container and grabbed a nice handfull and
swiped it
across the bottom layer of my hair......then I SMELLED RELAXER.....OH ****!

looked and sure enough it was relaxer, ran to the bathroom in panic and tears
while the
Mr is thinking I am crazy......we were newly together back then too, he found
out what he
was in for early when it came to THE HAIR LOL

I ran and rinsed it out with a quickness, there was no way for me to do it but
put my head
slightly sideways over the tub to just reach that bottom part, but then it
started rinsing
into my eyes, so I had to turn my head straight and it rinsed all through my
hair, whats
better the hair or eyes? u dont have to answer that haha

so anyway, I DID NOT BRING SHAMPOO AS I DONT USE IT LOL, So I grabbed the lil
of hotel shampoo (for white folks *sorry*) lil neutrogena bottles and ordered
the Mr, to
call the front desk and bring me more.....OH GOD MY HAIR FELT LIKE COTTON, I WAS
CRYING , CALLIN MY HAIR DRESSER.....I told him what I had just done and asked if
NEEDED Nuetralizer shampoo he said I DIDNT as long as I rinsed it right back out
quickly and had shampoo'd a few I had no conditioner either,
because the
conditioner I thought I HAD WAS RELAXER.....SO I had the now 'thinking she is
nuts' Mr.
call the front desk again and order me a whole lot of those lil bottles of
condiioner......a lil
better but still totally stripped like cotton , now it just felt like I had put
some light lotion
on it.......I told the Mr. I BASICALLY have messed up my hair now , get this ,
SUGGESTED that I needed a better shampoo and that the other one was what made my
hair feel like that not the relaxer.....i was like .hmmmm ok go get me some
shampoo from
some 24 hour drug store or grocery store, by now its like midnight we didnt eat
and we
were way out in nowwhere ville .....I'm thinking its hopeless to find any ethnic
products in
this he says he will make the drive a lil further and bring
something to eat back

I WAIT , all I had on me was coconut oil so i slopped that all over the cotton
ball that was
now on my head.....and just waited

and he got back with two different shampoo's both ethnic products , one was
one another, both he made very sure said 'moisturizing shampoo' and i hopped in
shower and litterally the shampoo returned my hair to normal with no was
like AHHHHH......what a relief! I blame him for not having conditioner because
of his low
patience with all that I WAS too afraid to send him lookin for that too.......we
were too
new......but today?????? nah I would have got some conditoner too!

cant believe he was right about the shampoo, how is gonna go and be right in
situation? he is lucky the shampoo worked.........i would have just wanted to go
home with
my cotton ball head

Uh oh...i hear folx coming saying you ain't natchal now :lachen:

All joking aside, I would have been so upset!!!! Was the texture of the hair any different after this happened?
btw I did go back to that BSS that I frequent and they know me well , very upset and them about having them on the same shelf! All the owner could do was say he was sorry! But that should not happen, with such little difference in the containers and for those of us that ASSUME they would be on different shelves and see the conditoner and just grab one next to it or something!
Uh oh...i hear folx coming saying you ain't natchal now :lachen:

All joking aside, I would have been so upset!!!! Was the texture of the hair any different after this happened?

:lachen: ur probably right! only I got vidoes and what not showing my hair is exactly the same! so you know.......

No , No texture Change! I was in tears, I swear my man thought I was nuts cause I COULD not deal well with what was happening. I had to have a sit down with him about what I been through with my hair and why I was so upset a relaxer had even touched my hair at all! I'm just glad he was right that it was that shampoo that had it feeling that way! Both he and my hairdresser getting the call later, whom I hadnt even been to in years did not understand my panic if I got it right back out again! MEN! they both acted frustrated! lmao
you put chemicals in your hair .. you are no longer natural .. the end

just kidding .. that would have had me freaking if i was a natural, thank God you knew what a relaxer smelt like, my sister would probably have just thought the conditioner got a bit old or something
you put chemicals in your hair .. you are no longer natural .. the end

just kidding .. that would have had me freaking if i was a natural, thank God you knew what a relaxer smelt like, my sister would probably have just thought the conditioner got a bit old or something

yeah I smelled it right away as soon as I swiped it onto the bottom layer and Ran to the bathroom! no rubbing it in thank God! I dont know how anyone can miss the smell tho!
A real WARNING to pack a bottle of shampoo and conditioner at all times you never know what is going to happen, Air line trips no bigger than 3.0 oz. bottles sealed in zip lock bag.
I remember this story, I read it some months ago. I guess I am part of your hair group. I am never on it, but I used read some of the emails of the posts.
daggggg, ma...:nono: on another note, you shoulda known your man was a keeper after that night 'cause it was still brand new but he was runnin all over town and trying to help you solve your hair issues and wasn't thinking you was a fool, actually offering up good suggestions and all...:yep:
I would have freaked. Forget the texture change, but the thought of the damage!:whyme:

I'm happy it worked out well for you.

btw... that conditioner smells a lot like relaxer to me. You're good for catching it.
Wow!!! I couldn't even imagine....:nono:. Are you and Mr still together? What a nice guy to skip dinner to go out looking for some products for you.
A real WARNING to pack a bottle of shampoo and conditioner at all times you never know what is going to happen, Air line trips no bigger than 3.0 oz. bottles sealed in zip lock bag.

yeah and check containers especially if the brand of conditioner you use looks similar :yep:
daggggg, ma...:nono: on another note, you shoulda known your man was a keeper after that night 'cause it was still brand new but he was runnin all over town and trying to help you solve your hair issues and wasn't thinking you was a fool, actually offering up good suggestions and all...:yep:

yeah I did make it up to him! :look:
he was real glad he acted right!

but that was after lookin at me like I was a nutcase for a good while first! :lachen:
I would have freaked. Forget the texture change, but the thought of the damage!:whyme:

I'm happy it worked out well for you.

btw... that conditioner smells a lot like relaxer to me. You're good for catching it.

it looks similar too! But I definitley smelled that chemical

I was very afraid, because me and relaxers dont mix, If I look at a relaxer my hair wants to jump off my head :lol:
but once I got it washed right, I knew I was in the clear!
Not YOUR hair! Nooooo!

I'm glad things ended well.

But....You know ain't natural girl.

J/K. I couldn't resist. I love ya' girlie! Your hair is the cheese in my hair's macaroni! :lachen::lachen::lachen: