My relaxed hair is dry and hard after.....


New Member
The four week mark. My hair's texture made a miraculous turn-around since I started moisturizing and sealing in moisture twice a day (sometimes three) and it is VERY soft. But no matter what, when I hit that four week mark, it gets dry and hard without fail. It could be because I stop wrapping my hair when the new growth gets too hard to handle that way without breakage. Wrapping seems to help my hair stay soft (don't ask me how), but I don't want to wrap it when I have a 1/2 inch of new growth and risk a lot of breakage. What should I do? TIA!
How often do you wash or cowash? Maybe you need to wash more often...that seems to help soften my hair when all else fails.....also a good moisturizing condish like humecto.hth
I know that co-washing it makes it worse, but I just finished washing it. Hopefully that'll help. I won't be able to tell until it's dry. Thanks! Any more suggestions?
Do you moisturize and seal in moisture with oils while your hair is wet?....if not this can also be the problem.hth
Maybe the DC your using is not moisturizing enough for your hair and/or the shampoo too. What's you poo and cond. and what are you using for leav-ins and daily moisturizing?
My new growth is hard and dry too if I don't DC enough. At first, I was using Suave and VO5 to DC, but now I use Elucence, and my hair has never been more moisturized! I just use the VO5 as a leave-in now.

When Dcing add EXTRA conditioner.

Add EXTRA moisturizer when moisturizing.

Also have you tried the cross wrap? It's in KhandiB's fotki. Is is a wonderful way to do a wrap without the manipulation.
I do moisturize and seal while wet. I clarified hours ago, and my scalp is now very dry and flaky but my hair is soft. What's up with that?

Actually, I DC with herbal essences. I suppose that could be the problem. I think I'm going to order Keracare humecto tomorrow. I can't afford the tub, so do you think the bottle is okay? I think that you all are right about the DCing. I said I'd do it every week, but I actually haven't done it in two weeks. I'll try that tomorrow. Thanks ladies!:D
it sounds to me like what you're describing is product build-up. you need a clarifying treatment. a clarifying shampoo should do the trick.
Yeah, I don't think that Paul Mitchell, Shampoo three is not a clarifying shampoo like my friend thought (shouldn't have listened to her, but I've heard you all say that Paul Mitchell is good). It's a great shampoo, but it didn't remove my build-up very well. Suave Clarifying made my hair even more dry and hard, so I have to find a different one I guess.
I use the Nexxus Aloe rid clarifying shampoo and love it! i just switched to the suave one cause it's a lot cheaper but i still like the Nexxus one better.