My Relaxed Ends Are Getting On My Last Nerve (!!!)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Should I just get my hair cut into a cute short hair style??? More thin relaxed ends are showing up as my hair grows out, and I hate fooling with them and even touching them! :barf:

:scratchch I was thinking about getting a cut like Eva but not as short, or like Rene Syler on The Early Show. I was also thinking about getting a hair cut where it's even all over (about 4-6 inches long) and I could just wear it curly all the time.

Anyway, I've been wearing braidouts. My braidout was doing fine throughout the whole week until today; I might have put too much S-Curl in my hair. :look: Right now it's in a bun and I plan to wash it tonite or tomorrow. Well, plan to do braidouts once a week so maybe it's just that time to redo the braidout. :)

So what should I do... hang on to these relaxed ends or get a nice, cute hair cut??? :confused:
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I've been through a somewhat similar scenario a few times although I never was going natural but my ends would be well down from past overlaps and abuse from the elemets. I'd plan to leave my hair alone so it could get long but my thin dry ends would drive me crazy! So I'd trim them a little, then a little more, then it would turn into a cut where I'd have 4 or more inches chopped off. My hair would look healthier and the ends problem was solved but it wasn't long before it set in...I'm 5 times further away from my goal now!
So I'd plan to leave it alone again. Then the ends problem crept in again. Another haircut was soon to follow :lol: .
My problem was though was I was not good about taking care of my ends. A problem I'm now trying to remedy.

So I would say go with what you feel is best and most comfortable for you.
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Allandra said:

How much new growth do you have?

How much relaxed hair do you have?

New growth... anywhere from 3-4 inches, more in the crown area...

Relaxed hair...I have a range of different lengths all over... longest length about 14 inches, shortest length about 4 inches...
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I've never been able to transition. The difference in texture is too great, and it would break and just give me a hard time, so I always cut it. Now, this isn't for everyone! :lol: Not everyone is comfortable cutting it all off, but if you can do a cute cut, go for it. :)
Didn't you not want to use heat? I think if you get a short cut, you'd be tempted to use heat all the time. If you are going to cut it the length of Eva, then it seems like you might as well chop. I would cut off some of the relaxed ends, but leave enough were you'd feel comfortable not using heat.
I'd cut it if I were you. I say this for several reasons.
1) You seem to be in love with your natural hair
2) You have a really cute face that I think would look nice with shorter hair
3) Your life will be so much less stressful when you don't have to deal with two textures.
That being said, if you cut it and you hate it... :wasntme: who told you to do it... :driver:
sillygurl18 said:
Didn't you not want to use heat? I think if you get a short cut, you'd be tempted to use heat all the time. If you are going to cut it the length of Eva, then it seems like you might as well chop. I would cut off some of the relaxed ends, but leave enough were you'd feel comfortable not using heat.

ITA. If you cut your hair too short while transition, the "styling" part of it may become to difficult. If you decide to go short to the point you cannot pull your hair up or back, unless you are going to use heat, it just may make more sense to completely cut the relaxed hair off, but that's just my opinion :-D
sillygurl18 said:
Didn't you not want to use heat? I think if you get a short cut, you'd be tempted to use heat all the time. If you are going to cut it the length of Eva, then it seems like you might as well chop. I would cut off some of the relaxed ends, but leave enough were you'd feel comfortable not using heat.
If I cut my hair, I definitely will not plan on using heat. I don't even own curling irons. When I said a curly style, I wanted to set my hair with rollers and let it airdry. Then once its dry, I'll take the rollers out and finger style it the way I want it. ;) With shorter and more even length hair, I think it would be easier to do a rollerset. :yep: So with me, I'm tempted to use heat with longer hair. :)
so1913 said:
ITA. If you cut your hair too short while transition, the "styling" part of it may become to difficult. If you decide to go short to the point you cannot pull your hair up or back, unless you are going to use heat, it just may make more sense to completely cut the relaxed hair off, but that's just my opinion :-D
Good point! If I cut my hair, I do not plan on pulling my hair up or back in a bun or ponytail because it will be too short and I wouldn't feel comfortable with that. I just plan on wearing it out curly and stylish. I don't know how to explain it! :lol: I wouldn't feel comfortable cutting all my relaxed hair off (where I'm left with a TWA)... I don't want that. Just enough to have a cute hair style. ;)
dtachi said:
I've been through a somewhat similar scenario a few times although I never was going natural but my ends would be well down from past overlaps and abuse from the elemets. I'd plan to leave my hair alone so it could get long but my thin dry ends would drive me crazy! So I'd trim them a little, then a little more, then it would turn into a cut where I'd have 4 or more inches chopped off. My hair would look healthier and the ends problem was solved but it wasn't long before it set in...I'm 5 times further away from my goal now!
So I'd plan to leave it alone again. Then the ends problem crept in again. Another haircut was soon to follow :lol: .
My problem was though was I was not good about taking care of my ends. A problem I'm now trying to remedy.

So I would say go with what you feel is best and most comfortable for you.
See, that's what I want right now... healthier looking hair. I'm not really worried about length right now since I'm transitioning but I still want my hair to look decent and lady-like. My hair looks nice in a braidout but dealing with these ends are driving me crazy! As the week goes on, my ends start looking stringy. I just got a trim earlier this month and my ends are still giving me problems...tangly, breaking, looking thinner and drier than the rest of my hair. If I lift a section of my hair, you would see a major difference in the ends and the roots. :yep:
pebbles said:
I've never been able to transition. The difference in texture is too great, and it would break and just give me a hard time, so I always cut it. Now, this isn't for everyone! :lol: Not everyone is comfortable cutting it all off, but if you can do a cute cut, go for it. :)
I will probably get my hair cut at this NaturallyCurly salon in my city. :yep: I will not attempt to cut this ish myself! :D
Believe me, I know exactly how you are feeling. I've thought about chopping the relaxed ends off more than a few times, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I love wearing my hair back in a ponytail and my natural hair isn't long enough for one at this point. I'm going to try my best to stick it out until November, but if I get my desired length before then, then I'm chopping! My hair grows the fastest during the warmer months, so I just might be chopping before November.
hopeful said:
I'd cut it if I were you. I say this for several reasons.
1) You seem to be in love with your natural hair
2) You have a really cute face that I think would look nice with shorter hair
3) Your life will be so much less stressful when you don't have to deal with two textures.
That being said, if you cut it and you hate it... :wasntme: who told you to do it... :driver:
WOW! :scratchch You're really convincing me to cut it because I feel all those reasons you just gave! :grin: If I hate my cut, I wouldn't blame you! :p I will probably love it if it makes my hair look healthier and in better shape (I hate growing out layers!) :yep:
Poohbear said:
See, that's what I want right now... healthier looking hair. I'm not really worried about length right now since I'm transitioning but I still want my hair to look decent and lady-like. My hair looks nice in a braidout but dealing with these ends are driving me crazy! As the week goes on, my ends start looking stringy. I just got a trim earlier this month and my ends are still giving me problems...tangly, breaking, looking thinner and drier than the rest of my hair. If I lift a section of my hair, you would see a major difference in the ends and the roots. :yep:

If a length isn't an issue for you than I would say go for it. Especially if you have some short styles in mind that you'll like.
Your hair will definitely look fresh and healthy!
hopeful said:
I'd cut it if I were you. I say this for several reasons.
1) You seem to be in love with your natural hair
2) You have a really cute face that I think would look nice with shorter hair
3) Your life will be so much less stressful when you don't have to deal with two textures.
That being said, if you cut it and you hate it... :wasntme: who told you to do it... :driver:

ITA I think that it would look really cute on you but only if you're comfortable with cutting it.
dtachi said:
If a length isn't an issue for you than I would say go for it. Especially if you have some short styles in mind that you'll like.
Your hair will definitely look fresh and healthy!
I agree!:yep:
:scratchch Hmmm... time to look at some hair magazines during my lunch for some cute short hair styles!!! :grin: I'll probably get my hair done this weekend! :yay:
I say cut it. When I take my hair down, I'm going to go ahead and cut the rest of this texturized hair off. The lady that braided my hair said it was just "there" doing nothing. I should have let her cut it all, but I held on to some of it. Everytime I wash or style my hair it always gets tangled and I run the risk of damaging my natural hair. So, don't prolong the inevitable (like me), go ahead and cut it.
Poohbear said:
If I cut my hair, I definitely will not plan on using heat. I don't even own curling irons. When I said a curly style, I wanted to set my hair with rollers and let it airdry. Then once its dry, I'll take the rollers out and finger style it the way I want it. ;) With shorter and more even length hair, I think it would be easier to do a rollerset. :yep: So with me, I'm tempted to use heat with longer hair. :)

I see...well, when I transitioned, my hair was about chin length bob and in the summer I would set it tight (spiral direction) on solar rollers overnight and wear it in a faux curly puff. So I see where you are going with it...
Hey ladies! I might just hang on to my relaxed ends for a while and just lay off the braidouts for a while. I rollersetted my hair last night (took 40 minutes) and I think it was a little too much manipulation but I only suffered a little bit of breakage. Right now, I'm little bit afraid to go to a stylist to cut my hair. I wanna wait until I grow out more of my natural hair until I can cut my hair myself in 2006. I'll just go back to wearing the INFAMOUS BUN! :grin:
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Poohbear said:
Hey ladies! I might just hang on to my relaxed ends for a while and just lay off the braidouts for a while. I rollersetted my hair last night (took 40 minutes) and I think it was a little too much manipulation but I only suffered a little bit of breakage. Right now, I'm little bit afraid to go to a stylist to cut my hair. I wanna wait until I grow out more of my natural hair until I can cut my hair myself in 2006. I'll just go back to wearing the INFAMOUS BUN! :grin:
I have changed my mind again! I'm getting my hair cut... Maybe this Saturday.

I did a rollerset yesterday and my hair looked great! :grin:

But today, the rollerset couldn't hide the damaged ends any longer! :( The ends of the longer layers of my hair have lost curl, are see-thru, and feel fried, split and dry. I know they're damaged because it's overprocessed (my mom used to relaxed my whole hair shaft for years) and has double permanent color! :eek:

So thanks ladies for your advice!!! :kiss:
Oh good! Because I just about to say CUT IT!

And when you get tired of it, just wear that wig that you said you wear in between your buns and braidouts. :)
Stormy said:
Oh good! Because I just about to say CUT IT!

And when you get tired of it, just wear that wig that you said you wear in between your buns and braidouts. :)
No more braidouts for me either. I think they put too much stress on my ends. I'll just wear the wig, buns, or a rollerset! :yep:
It will definitely not get any easier. A few weeks ago, I flat-ironed my hair and then asked my husband to cut it - about 4 inches. He said no. Wait until after the baby is born. When I washed it this weekend, I couldn't take the anemic ends anymore. I started pulling and cutting (with hair scissors). The only problem is that my pulling HUGE chunks and cutting wasn't the way to go because I still have a couple of inches of perm in spots. And those LITTLE couple of inches STILL look terrible.

After I did it, I asked my husband how it looked and he said it looked like an afro. Good, that's the look I was going for. Then I pulled it back into my customary low ponytail and he said it looked exactly the same as it always does. LOL!! I did flat-twists for a twist-out and these anemic permed ends look HORRIBLE. I didn't know how much I had left on until I did that. So, I pulled that back and I have a textured low ponytail.

I am happy that I didn't cut sooner because I know a short style requires more styling than I'm willing to do. But since you're willing to do styles, I say cut it off. It will NOT get any easier. You will become MORE and MORE disgusted with your ends. Trust me on this.

I had planned on cutting them off at my 2-year anniversary but I fell short by 3 1/2 months. I'm going to get the rest of them cut at a natural hair salon sometime in the next 6 weeks assuming they will do it while I'm pregnant. My friend who gave me the number said that when she was pregnant and wanted to do the BC, the salon wouldn't do it when they found out she was pregnant. Maybe they thought she was hormonal and was making a hasty decision since she had only transitioned 6 months.

Good luck with whatever you decide.