My real first post .....with pics (sorry kinda long)


New Member
Hey ladies I started researching about how to get back to my once long midback hair in Novemeber 08. I was on youtube everyday at work (literally just looking up ways to make my hair longer) I stumbled across fotki first and added a pic but still i was lost. Then i came across Ateya on youtube and loved her personality but not her hair growing techniques. Then finally I found LHCF. I joined immediately. My hair was APL but was damaged thin and the nape was jacked up. I jumped on everybandwagon- co washing, growth aids conditioners everything and spent over $700 in a two months buying every product reviewed. Bought megatek and i jacked up my hair severely and went into protein overload. Months went by and after a four month stretch my hair was worse off then when I joined. In april, I went to the hair salon and chopped it to sl and was depressed for days and refused to take any pictures. I started to keep it simple and went back to techniques my mother used as a child and cut all this new crap out . Well the pics speak for themselves check it out. I have been a member for while, but I hardly post because i am not as knowledgable as you guys.

Here are the things I do:
1) switched to lye relaxer (my hair stopped being dry and stopped breaking)
2) wash my hair ONCE a week
3) prepoo with egg, mayo, mane and tail deep moisturizing conditioner, with olive oil before every wash
4) relax every 3-4 months
5) apply mn to scalp everyday straight
5) rollerset weekly
6) deep conditioner after every wash with moisturizing conditioner Silicon mix
7) apply a reconstructor before neutralizing during relaxer process
8) use protein weekly
9) henna after every relaxer (acts as a protein treatment and thickens up my hair
****sorry for the ugly face in the second pic****

In the first pic my hair was so see through I rinsed it black so it would not look so bad. In the last pic my hair is so thick now from the egg and henna treatments I haven't rinsed it since nov ....its unbelievable. Thanx guys. I'm still not sure if i am considered apl right now (in the last pic im 12 weeks post...going for 16) Im hoping to be bsl by Dec 2010.
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Stephluvshair that does look fabulous and I have just started my jorney and did a BC of sorts to get rid of my damaged ends as well. I would like to know how many times were you washing B4 u cut back to washing ONE a week and why you cut back? What were your findings?
I Am ...when i first started out i cowashed every other day and my hair was so weak and continued to break. Also it was overly soft. When i was younger my mother washed my hair once a week. I honestly felt like i was doing tooooooo much. On top of the fact that my hair was constantly dry until i switched to a lye relaxer. Up until now....i considered my hair thin but since i have been using protein weekly my hair has strengthened up and thickened drastically. I really love you guys for all the info :)
$700!!! :blush:....... Welcome to the forum and wish you all the best with your hair growth journey. Seeing as you have been midback before you just need to go back to basics and find out what worked then. Twick it and get it to work for you now.
Welcome! You've had great progress. You are definitely APL. I think, with all the shrinkage you have from being so many weeks post, that you will be very close to BSL by this December.

Great job!
Wow, your hair looks beautiful! To go from SL to APL in 3 months is amazing. I love the length and thickness.

And thanks for sharing your prepoo recipe...I'm going to try it next week. Do you just use regular mayonnaise from the supermarket, and do you prepoo with heat? TIA
Welcome to the forum.
Your hair is beautiful. You have made some great progress.
When I first joined, I jumped on every bandwagon too and my hair retained any progress.

I still buy products but I do so with a clear mind and I only buy things that I am interested in trying. I have been K.I.S. and it feels so much better.

Good luck.