My protective style


New Member
I figured that I post this since the "My boyfriend hates my protective styles" thread was so popular. I wanted to share with the board my protective style that I am wearing right now. I used this same style to transition out of my relaxer and I wear it now to give my hair a rest from pressing it. I love it. I can always depend on my trusty cornrow curly ponytail. It is a get up and go hairstyle and it keeps my hair warm (almost like a hat sometimes
My boyfriend doesn't seem to mind it either. He says it's cute. Don't mind the camera phone shot, I'm still learning how to take good pictures with it.


I wish I could do this myself. I can only plait too. My stylist does it and she doesn't pull too tight either.
I think the style is beautiful, I have been meaning to PM you since your my hair buddy and all. School has really had me busy. I hope you have been doing well!

This is actually my "lazy" style. When I get this done I just wash it, deep condition braid and insert a gigantic curly ponytail (with tracks). I used two packs for this. I love big hair I just can't help myself with that. The bigger the better! Because My hair is in one state for a period of time, I use very light jojoba oil to keep my scalp from drying and that's it.
My hair is really growing too. For now I have my hair in two big flat twists as a protective style. I love this style and will leave it like that for 3-4 days at a time.